
hey Jow Forums i have been looking myself in the mirror and wish to know what are some causes of baldness, simptoms, and cure. i don't want to lose my hair.

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>i don't want to lose my hair

If its happening its happening. You can spend thousands on Rogaine to staunch the loss for a little while, you can spend thousands on having hairs from elsewhere on your body nailed into your scalp, but at the end of the day you're losing your hair and you need to accept it.

It sucks. I guess you could take those new 'Hims' pills, or get hair surgery. Those are the only cures I know of.

My solution for baldness is shaving my head.


biggest symptom of baldness is hair falling out of your fucking head faster than you can regrow it.

Other than that it's usually genetic, though it can be linked to thyroid issues.

your going to lose it all mate. just deal with it. hopefully you have symmetrical head shape and asethic jawline/face. worked out fine for me as I was a Chad with hair and still chading without it. hope you can grow a beard btw. chicks love it. alpha as fuarrrrk

Don't listen to this shit

Get Minoxidil, two times daily do it properly and look up how other people do it
Get finesteride, it doesn't give you dick problems (thinking you'll get dick problems will give you dick problems)

Got money? Get 6 PRP sessions over the course of a year

Got more money? Get an FUE hair transplant after the PRP

beard is the way to go honestly if your balding .shave it all off don't be a cucky about it. I'm 26 and rock the same look. athelic bod and still have teens hitting on me. bitches calling me vikingar and shit.

know it's seems bad at first. but you will cope with it and being a less vain bitch about your appearances. more confident

if it in general ugly. well fucking rip then

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>the minoxdil coper

kys cuck. I only use that shit for beard gains

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>beard gains
>not coping

pick one baby face

Razors electric or otherwise.

End of list. If one got you already sorry pal. Nothing you can do.

If not, stop worrying. You can't do shit to stop it. Hope lady genes smiled on you.

Genes are the culprit. Research suggests that the fuller and thicker of a beard you can grow, the more likely you are to eventually go bald. How you wear your beard doesn't matter, but if your beard is sparse you're more likely to keep your hair.

First symptoms is a receding hairline, followed by hair thinning at the top.

There's no cure. The only thing you can do is try to prevent it. There's medication for that but you have to remain on it for the rest of your life.

Unless you're losing your hair in clumps it's male pattern baldness. There's no cure for it. Propecia and Minoxidil are your only options if you are desperate. Minoxidil regrows hair and Propecia/Finasteride will block dht which causes hair loss. Sounds great but it's something you have to do every day for as long as you want hair. Propecia fucks with your hormones as well. Erectile dysfunction has a slight chance of occurring. Long term effects of it aren't really known either. The best thing you can do is accept it. Im almost thirty and have a receding hairline and thinning. Shit sucks but styling it the right way can make it unnoticeable.

baldbros, do you buzz your head or shave it clean?
how often do you have to shave your head? I buzz mine with a number 1 every week and even that's a pain in the ass

shave it clean, daily pretty much...its tedious..not as expensive as normal shaving as I just grow my beard area instead. buzzed just looks stupid imo if you have balding spots

Mostly about your grandpas side of the family. Does he have hair?

Also stress, keep stress low and eat spicy food.

cope harder Beardlet. minoxdil is min maxing for beard gains brah. shit turns regular beard into Zeus tier

How the rest of us see you.

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anyone who is attractive/asethic with hair will still be without hair. cope harder hairlets.

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Lol nice lie. You look like a man who lost his power. A man with hair will always be perceived as more respected and attractive than the bald.

You look like a bdsm homosexual.

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cope harder hairlets.

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I guess that would make you a power bottom now wouldn’t it?

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>Im almost thirty and have a receding hairline and thinning. Shit sucks but styling it the right way can make it unnoticeable.
This was actually the reason why I didn't notice I was balding for awhile. I always had my hair a little short but it was done in a way that I rarely ever saw my hairline. It wasn't until I wanted to adopt a more fashionable hairstyle that I saw how much hair I was losing, it was a big fucking surprise to me seeing how thin my hair had gotten and how much it had receded.

>minoxidil for beard gains
Does that work? I just started using it a couple of weeks ago for my head because I can only grow one of those beards that doesn't connect with the moustache and has a lot of patching in the cheeks. I've also started finasteride to help but I'm worried about the side effects and the fact that I have to keep up with this shit daily for however long I want to keep the hair I have.

>mom always told me my grandpa had a full head of hair and wasn't balding
>thought i was okay until it happened to me
>one day find a bunch of a old pictures of him
>his hair is clearly receding

I wish I could say fuck it and shave my head and grow a beard but I have shit beard genes and a weak jaw/chubby cheeks despite being only 128 lbs

Well shit, if Dilbert says so, I guess it's true.

>coping this hard when your only redeeming asset is a piece of fluff on your head

spotted the cucks

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yes minoxdil works for the beard, in general it will help make it fuller. I have a pretty full beard when grown out and I had a small bald spot on the chin. it grow out within 6 months. takes a long time to be effective and daily use though

eventually if you keep growing your beard, the bald spot will cover itself naturally also. just keep at it. it's a journey

You sexy like mr. peanut. Bitches be all like let me rub your head for good luck, gramps. Happy delusions, mate.

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>Being this far removed from reality.

>being this insecure

imagine having hair and you still can't get laid. lmao

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2019 un ironically beliving he look better bald!

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