Tfw never did learn the guitar

>tfw never did learn the guitar
>tfw never did talk to that girl
>tfw never did make many friends
>tfw never did graduate college
>tfw never did make money
>tfw never did move out
>tfw never did travel the world
>tfw never did make short movies
>tfw never did

I just want to die right now

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How old are you user? Plenty of people change and turn around their life at all stages. Half the stuff on this list is achievable at basically any age.


Please help me become not OP Jow Forums, I’m still young

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You first

What problems are you having? Do you have any reason to think you're going to fail at your goals?

The only thing stopping you is your whiny attitude. Stop being pathetic and start doing the things you listed.

>want to do thing
>don't really want to do thing
>don't do thing
>complain about not doing thing

Next step is blaming others for you not doing thing.

You could learn wonderwall in a couple of days. Guitar is one of those things losers got good at before there were video games.

how do you want to do thing then

I don’t know how I’m going to make friends in college, what type of guitar to get, or how to travel. I also don’t know how to talk to girls in a flirty way

Get a guitar with 6 strings.

motivation or desperation

Holy fuck I love you and all your posts. OMG

>be in good piece of life
>want to learn guitar
>borrow guitar to learn basics
>some time at bad piece of life
>return it a week later, feeling defeated\

blamed it on my massive hands
i'll try again later when i'm in a good piece of life again

life is much simpler when you stop and determine whether you live in a good or a bad part of your life
then you can adjust accordingly and not agonize an inaccurate locus of control

better terms would be good or bad deal/hand, like in poker

O.. ok..

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playing rocksmith with a cheapo $100 guitar for half a year is all you need

Your hands are not preventing you from playing guitar as long as most of your fingers work. Most beginners blame their hands for some reason, including myself at some point. Here’s a pic of Jimi Hendrix playing with his massive hands.
You are so cute. I always smile whenever I see your posts.

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>want to learn violin
>don't want to spend $800 for a semi decent one
>don't want one that sounds like crap

>he thinks he's 'too old' to do all those things
WTF man? Come back in 10 or 15 years.

>tfw 21 and I have the worst dilemma possible
>I know what I want to do after college but I don't know what to do for college

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Put the effort in things you actually want and you wont encounter much problems.

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You have so much time. You have to stop thinking negative. Set and make small goals at first to build up your confidence.

You’re not motivated to change, death hasn’t paid you a close visit enough apparently. You only live one life basicly, to be a failure at everything you care about isn’t a good outcome, you can’t give up on making art. You want to be a film maker right? So did I until I found out animation was easier to make look cool. Fuck everything else and make stuff, use your brain to make interesting things instead of list things you don’t have.