I like females sexually and in the abstract but whenever I ever actually talk to them I find their personalities gross...

I like females sexually and in the abstract but whenever I ever actually talk to them I find their personalities gross and boring. How will I ever find someone to fall in love with?

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Do you feel the same way about men?

Patience. She will come.
Intelligent women are hard to find, but they are out there.

Not attracted to them at all unfortunately (because that would save a lot of trouble for myself), but I have about 3 friends that are males that I'd trust my life with, sure there are still plenty of males that I find gross and boring as well, but a decent portion are guys I could get along with at least.

What is it you like about those male friends?

lol don't act like thats not a difficult one to answer

the easy answer for would be to say that we're just on the same wavelength.

If you want me to get more in depth I guess I'll name off our similarities
>we've been best friends since middle school
>we all are trump supporters (though I'm probably the only one that'd really be called alt right)
>we all browsed Jow Forums in highschool, though one of them is kind of a normie now with a gf so he doesn't really, and the other browses reddit more then here
>we all watch anime (though one of them sort of stopped)
>we all love fire emblem
>we have a similar sort of humor which I guess I'd describe as ironically infantile
>we all like smoking weed and watching movies with eachother
>we're all comftorable around each other

Though a very big thing that I just can't descibe is that wavelength thing though. We just all flow together really well, better with eachother then we are with anyone else on the planet. Even without weed or alcohol we could make a crack or say something kind of dumb and despite being separated for months, burst out laughing like we never even separated after highschool.

not him but I like that my friends share my hobbies and have some degree of distaste for common media and socialization. Essentially any girl who went to prom and liked it is instantly incompatible with me.

I think I have your answer. You feel so close to your male friends because you've spent so much time together. Common experiences are the foundation of camaraderie, friendship and emotional intimacy, and if your only close friends are male that is why you don't have these feelings towards women. Before you can find a woman to be a partner I think it will be important for you to find some female friends. Even if you don't share much in common with them right off the bat, just spend time with them. Eventually you'll have things in common through virtue of shared experience! These friends might not wind up being love interests but you might end up having an appreciation for more personalities and viewpoints than just those of your close childhood friends, you know? That will help you a lot in finding love.

Also, I don't really want to get into a political discussion because that's not the point of the thread, but you are asking about difficulties with women, and I think that your politics will certainly play into your relationship with them. Alt right politics generally takes a pretty dim view of women which it seems like you have absorbed- I'm willing to bet a lot of your feelings towards them are informed by the culture you've surrounded yourself with. Take some time to think hard about this. Even if your political opinions as a whole don't change, you might be more successful with women (especially successful, interesting, self-driven ones) if you don't go in with notions about how they are or should act.

My boyfriend had the same "problem". He still despises most girls, but really does love me. We've been together for 3 years and I'm much closer to him than any of his male friends. He routinely says I'm his best friend, and treats me as such. I know things about him none of his friends know, we have a lot of fun together, we live together.
Takes time and luck to find someone you click with, but there are definitely women out there who will make you re-evaluate girls. Meet new people, possibly through hobbies and interests, and it will be fine.

>inb4 he dates you because you're attractive
I'm not that hot, and he has girls much hotter than him who want to sleep with him or date him.
He's handsome and rich. He's not struggling to find girls who want to suck his dick.

What an absurd answer, I go to a uni faggot I'm surrounded by these cunts all goddamn day none of them are in the least bit personally or intellectually engaging at least in public I'm assuming there might be a few that are alright but are too fearful of speaking against the mainstream thought which is just female nature. Yeah no instead I'm just going to go to bars and get comfortable enough chatting up random broads while I'm drunk that I'm eventually able to find one that seems alright.

Stop eating so much goddamn onions you spineless faggot.

Damn, I didn't mean to touch a nerve there.

To rephrase in maybe a way that offends you less, what I was getting at is that maybe the issue is not that there is something intrinsically wrong with all women, but maybe there is a culture gap between you and the women at your university. If you're interested in dating, it might help to try and bridge that gap from your end a bit to try and find meaningful relationships.

But like whatever, calling people faggots on the internet, assuming all women are retards and drunkenly hitting on people you despise at bars sounds good too. You do you pikachu

>calls you out on bullshit
>oops sorry I touched a nerve
You know what I was wrong you're not a faggot, you're a little twerpy cunt thats so ingratiated in their bullshit culture that calling them out on their bullshit on fucking Jow Forums by calling them a faggot means they've somehow triggered some mental complex of mine?

This is what I'm talking about females can't look at things objectively it has to be about what we're feeling. Well fuck you cunt I hate you and everything you bring to this site ruins the little bit of fun left on the internet.

Haha fuck man you got some fucking issues. You don't find women interesting is just a cope bro you're ugly and none of them give you a second look. So you've come up with subconscious lie you tell yourself that no woman is good enough for you but really you're not good enough for any woman. Keep smoking that weed you fucking man child

I feel the same way, but I feel like my problem is my entire interaction with females is what they have on their Tinder bios, which is always basic and bland as fuck. I ASSUME most women aren't dog-fucking, weed-smoking, broads that "love the Office/Parks and Rec ^^" and all look nearly the same, but I guess that really comes down to who you meet and who you really get to know. Until then, my social interaction with women has been a waste.

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The thing is I'm not ugly. Man child maybe, but the bullshit picture you fags try to create shatters the second I look in the mirror lol.

I meant that in the idiomatic way- I know full well that you can be an abrasive dick on the internet without having a mental problem.

Regardless, you do seem super pissed about something. I'm not trying to rain on your boys-rule-girls-drool parade, I'm trying to give you honest advice about forming valuable relationships and finding love, which is what you asked about in your original post.

At first, I thought your problem was that you're unable to relate to women because you don't share any experiences with them. Then after seeing your first response I thought well OK, the real problem is that you somehow refuse to understand and acknowledge that maybe your idea that all women suck is the cause, and not the result of your relationship difficulties. But now I can see your problem is that you act like a big stupid baby and nobody will ever love you until you stop.

>instantly thinks they know everything about an anonymous poster
every time. You people are legit retarded

>I meant that in the idiomatic way- I know full well that you can be an abrasive dick on the internet without having a mental problem.

literally the next line

>Regardless, you do seem super pissed about something.

Lol and women wonder why guys' fun is ruined when they're around.

>nobody will ever love you until you stop
Also thats false I have a fag that orbits me.

^this had it and you reallllllly don’t want to hear it OP

is it that hard to believe that shared experiences make it easier to understand people? does it seriously seem more likely that all women are just idiots?

forget the politics if you want. just make some female friends. bc i am being as honest as i can be when i tell you the “they’re all imbeciles” reality-tunnel does not carry good odds, ever

>instead of getting a gf that you like form a completely platonic friendship with a group of females
yeah no

You can also be pissed without having a mental problem. Are you saying you're not actually upset?

If you're not, you're doing a bad job of communicating. Why don't you just talk through these things instead of blowing up?

I have a hard time buying that you calling me a faggot and saying I am ruining your favorite website in the whole world is really all just a goof, and I'm ruining it with my wet blanket anti-fun aura that takes it seriously. This is an advice thread about a real issue in your life and you only started writing angrily only once I suggested how your views might play into your relationship problems. Your replies aren't funny or anything, so to what end are you acting like this?

Also, because apparently it heavily informs what you presume about people and how they act, I'm not a woman, so by your own standards you should respect me a little more.

No I'm not upset at all, this is what a fucking Jow Forums post should look like.

I can fucking tell you're a girl not even a faggot, thats how fucking gay you type. You are ruining the character of the website please leave.

Make more friends. People you share hobbies and interests with.
I met a lot of really good friends (both male and female) by joining a political chat/meet up group.
Including girls that browse on here, right wing girls, girls who watch anime, etc.
Obviously a stranger won't be as close to you as your lifelong best friend, but meeting girls through an interest is a good way to find someone compatible to you.

why would you want to date someone you wouldn’t even want to be friends with?

why would someone want to date you if they wouldn’t even want to be friends with you?

having female friends make it waaaaayyyyy easier to get laid dude

My man, I could not care less what you think I am. Moving past that retarded baby camp bullshit, do you actually want to talk through anything or get advice? Or are you done now that you've gotten to say some dumb shit to a fake girl and cry about how this imaginary woman is making the two hours of internet time your mom lets you have less fun?

I'm a girl, and female friends most of the time are awful. No one in their right mind would want to be friends with a group of girls, not even girls.
I have 3 female friends I actually like.The rest are really fucking annoying and stupid. I love them a bunch, but if I met them today I wouldn't be friends with them at all.

hard disagree. I have a lot of female friends i admire deeply and am very close to.

different strokes, i guess.

You are clearly a pathetic excuse of a man if you even are one so I don't think your opinion matters.

lol ok

ay suck a big ol nigger dick dude

gobble gobble slurp yum

>lol ok
just proved everything I just said correct congratulations faggot

quit being such a big gay baby

Post physique

Yeah post pics please

holy shit lmao literally unironically have sex

yeah something tell me OP is going to accidentally get laid at some point and then he’s going to discover that all this shit is waaaaay more complicated than he thinks it is

Rejecting people is easier and less scary than waiting for them to reject you. Convincing yourself that you're better than everybody else is a fool proof way to avoid ever being vulnerable or getting hurt. See a therapist. You're not fooling anybody.


Judging by your responses you might want to work on not being a splenetic little shit before worrying about relationships.

>I love my male friends we watch anime together uwu girls are stupid and have cooties
>make female friends? Insinuate i’m responsible for my own problems? LOL FAG

OP is either a troll, a 12 year old cunt or a cunty autistic adult

You sound gay.

The fact that men don't like to listen to women talk has been sitcom fodder since at least the 1960s. Congrats. You're normal.

There is a difference between casual sex and meaningful relationships. All women are fine for the former while none are good for the latter.
Don't take yourself out of the sex market, but don't make plans for a wife. Simple enough, really

So women treat ugly guys like subhumans?

Not fucking with someone is not treating someone like a subhuman.

But do they fuck with subhuman? It would seem, if they don't, that not fucking someone is similar to treating them like subhumans

Yes it is

First off, notice how you got nothing but shame and insults for your thoughts. Interesting right? It's almost like no one wants to understand what your feeling and struggles, just offer cheap solutions that never work. I tried them myself once.

I was once in a similar position until I got some advice. You seem to be questioning these collage girls and their motives a bit or maybe it's an assumption. Correct me if I'm wrong on any background knowledge later. Anyways, the advice I got was "that you can either understand or love woman, not both". I've personally found it to be mostly true. Your love for woman will change as they understand them, less romantic overall. You have probably noticed this yourself as well. As that seemed to be your question at the beginning.

Honestly you might have to give up one to find the other. But the second piece of advice I could give would be to start to understand yourself and then learn to understand others. What causes this anger? How did it come? What should I do about it? How do these people make their choices? Why do I seek love? You'll have to do some soul surching for your personal solution. You might feel denial, anger, and depression to what you find out about the yourself and the world. But allow yourself to be angry and grieve for a while, it will only hurt you more if you avoid these problems and feelings. Then, look for a solution.

I hope to understand your situation a bit more and hopefully offer better advide, but this is all I can do for now. There are many who feel like you do, remember that.

lmao op this is a joke right?

My question for you is who snipped your balls off?

I wish I was.

>First off, notice how you got nothing but shame and insults for your thoughts
>this referring to a couple butthurt trannies

Don’t look for women in clubs or bars

Trh gay is strong witht this one.

Not OP, but I'm starting to think this thread might be bait. The question is too vauge and made for reactions.

We can play ad hominem games all day. My goal here was to fix problems not create them, even if I suck at it.

I'm in the same OP boat.

That's good because you can already spot women who are not worth it right away.

Your true love will be among those you can not detect the kind of boring woman.

You’re homosexual, just accept that you don’t like women and want a dick in your butt.

I'm with this user, you have a built in filter. Most guys don't and go penis crazy whenever a girl gets them hard.

The whole "everyone is an idiot but me" idea is really seductive but ultimately worthless

>collage girls

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