Bump I told my parents and they think I'm schizophrenic A girl I ran into from the strip club confirmed the memory
Brandon White
Wtf does that even or explain your situation
Explain to us, how and why did a strip club owner paid someone to rape you and what kind of fucking degenerate you are.
And then police
Ryder Diaz
This sounds like something you need to discuss with a trusted, confidential professional. If your trauma is real then this is something I doubt we'll be able to provide help for.
I was scared of mental health professionals but they truly do provide a good service, they aren't there to fees you happy pills, they're there to provide you guidance and help in understanding and coming to terms with what happened
Leo Peterson
Brass Rail in Minneapolis?
Evan Watson
Well you can still report it, though without a witness and the evidence of it happening it will be useless. Any chance theres a video?
Jose Sanders
I know it's not related to OP's question and it might seem selfish but OP's scenario is my particular fetish, how to I get rid of this disgusting fetish I have?