Attend dance classes

>attend dance classes
>never know what to say to girls
>See Chad talking to them and making them laugh

>at work
>no friends
>see oneitis talking to the Chads and laughing at what they say
What are they saying that's so funny? How do I make friends at work and at dance class?

inb4 just say Hi. I say hi all the time. I have no followup, not like I have interesting stories to tell, can't banter or tease, etc

t. 33 year old khv, with no friends and no social skills

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Why do autists always post random photos of women?

I think you answered your own question? What was the point of this thread?

I need advice on getting better social skills

The same reason beer companies, car companies, makeup companies, and all sorts of advertisers do.


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I'm too bored to help you myself. I could name a few self help books or tell you to visit /lit/

Be yourself

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>I need advice on getting better social skills
Practice, it's a skll

Don't just chat with the hot chicks. Chat a bit with everybody. My best friend is great socially. He'll joke with the fat chick working at the Circle K. Some of the jokes and comments fall flat, but who cares? Pretty soon you figure out the best way to do it and then you have the skills to actually chat with the girls you are interested in.

Most humour like that is just remarking on stuff and presenting it to other people that makes them see what's funny or interesting about that thing. It's just that women are more likely to laugh if you're attractive to them. Them's just the breaks

>What are they saying that's so funny?
Being funny to women isn't about being funny. It's more about being good looking and having a confident and social vibe.

If a girl likes you she'll think you're the funniest guy in the room even if what you're saying is actually lame as shit. Women have evolved to laugh when interacting with guys they find attractive because it makes them appear more approachable and open to escalation. This in turn makes it more likely that the attractive guy in question will continue pursuing her and eventually make babies with her.

not op but ive read this , finish it last week but it helps for making business friendships and general ones like be interested in their life and shit but for chatting up girls this does not help AT ALL. like this book good for if i want a couple friends at workplace or someth but not for girls .


>tfw oneitis doesn't care about me
>doesn't haven't my number to text
>see her leaving work with a Chad coworker
What do I do?

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How do I get social skills in general?

And I do see unattractive guys making girls laugh tbqh

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Are you the same guy who works at IT and the coworker only talk to you for advice? If so, kys, we gave you so much advice but you're too braindead to apply it.

Just fucking talk to people dude. Figure it out. And unattractive guys can totally make girls laugh. It's just that they're more likely to laugh or at least smile if they find you attractive

Don't bother, this guys makes million threads whining about Chad and him being too stupid to apply anything we tell him.

The moment when you stop pretending women are different species (compared to male friends or coleagues at work) you will get laid.

Literally only difference is that you ask them out on dates and smile at them like idiot anytime your eyes meet.

They're not saying anything funny. They're just cool, and the girl wants to signal that she's pleased with his presence.

Remember when you used to make a joke in class, and no one paid attention, and then some other kid said the exact same thing and everyone laughed? It's exactly like that

It's not really what they are saying it's more like how they are saying it and the confidence level behind it.

Humor is only like 10% about the actual material

> (OP)
Agreed! Or share funny cat videos on YouTube but they might think u gay with the last option.