ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post, check the FAQ.
Keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.
If you can't handle upsetting replies (or the FAQ) don't ask. You will be bullied out of this thread if you act salty.

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. There is no "magic moment" (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
>How do I my penis?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
>Why are terrible? . .
Fuck off

> is only for hookups, don't go there for real people!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Make one yourself! Try these macros:

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texted my ex and asked if she'd be up to get some ice cream this weekend

i'm the user with the
>see ex again
>fuck around for 2 months
>she fucks with someone else
>i end it

so i'm just "friends" with this girl but we constantly flirt / exchange pics / talk about sex and so on
are we really just friends?
why am i even asking. i already know the answer. we're more than friends.

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Ask grill if she's free x day for 2nd date.
Asks what I'm planning... Or scheming
Why that word choice? Is that code she knows I'd like to smash?

Got a date lined up with a good looking girl from a dating app.
She seems quirky and fun, which I like and we have a nice flow in our conversation.
She likes to text a lot though, we have texted every day since we matched (a few days ago), easily 10-20 messages a day.
It's fun and I enjoy it, but I am worried this might make the first date needlessly awkward, since it might be jarring to meet someone whose "text personality" you know somewhat well and obviously they are not exactly the same in person. We already have inside jokes and shit like that, which I feel is too much familiarity too soon.
Also, I fear we might run out of things to talk about, but then again, we are basically just goofing around.
I am also going really light on the flirting and sexual undercurrents right now, since she doesn't really flirt sexually from her side a lot, she does respond positively though, albeit a bit cautiously it seems.
Is that alright or should I try and up it?
Date is gonna be on sunday, since that's the earliest both of us have time.
Any advice would be appreciated.

If someone you met online has a profile pic with another person of the opposite sex in it, is that a red flag?
Like, if they only separated a short time ago, or they are STILL TOGETHER even, that's obviously not good.
I don't want to be a rebound guy and I don't want to be an affair.

Okay, so I have been dating this guy for like 6 weeks, taking it kinda slow. With sex and stuff, I mean. Yesterday we went to the gym and had a good time, he said he wanted to meet me again this week. Then we tried sex for the first time. It didn't work. The condoms were too small, he hadn't had sex for 2 years, and he didn't say anything until way into it. I tried to keep it light and not serious, show him I understand. We had a good talk. He told him he's stressed out a lot, he was thinking about how early he has to wake up in the morning, about work and stuff. I'm an emotional person and I've noticed before he cannot really relax. That makes me feel anxious and kinda terrible, so I cried and talked about my similar experiences. But I also cried in the morning, feeling shitty after working out so hard after a long break. I texted him today. I asked if he still wants to see me, and he said he hasn't thought that far yet. Before, he told me he really likes me and would like to get to know me better. I don't know what changed. Probably a lot of things, but I'm feeling very shitty right now. I know his stress and his outlook on life made me feel bad, but I liked him. And he liked me, up until now. I feel shitty since now, after so many failed dates and short "relationships", I feel like no one accepts me to date or have a relationship with.

And yeah, I did post in the last thread but it was already saging. I just wanna get some more perspective so I can chill

Have you banged her? No? Just friends

getting there bud

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Yep, she's suspecting
Yep, suspicious that they'd include a photo with them as subliminal programing they's like to continue with them


Sure what?

Go with the flow, dude. You can flirt a bit heavier if you want. I think you should at least try to talk about your intentions even.

My boyfriend spent around 2k dollars on my birthday gift.
I can't afford to get something of equal value for him or even close.

Can I do something to make up for it? Should I stop feelin shitty about it?

Girls, before you start having sex with a new guy that you are dating, do you feel up his boner? Or do you do this only when you are ready to have sex?
When do you let him suckle on your tits?

If it's the first time that we're going back to my or her place, is sex expected and required or not?

she says she is going to take a bath now, got anything hot i could say to that?

>Can I do something to make up for it? Should I stop feelin shitty about it?
Let him fuck you in the ass.👌

I always let him fuck me in the ass, that's part of the reason why he likes being my boyfriend enough to spend several thousand dollars on me.

Sounds to me like he's the one who's making up with his big gift. No need to reciprocate any more.💯

Blow him to kingdom come.
Depends on the situation
Are you going for foward now or not?
"Steamy ;)" or "Hot" could suffice.

Lol. I enjoy getting fucked in the ass, it's not a big deal.

I do everything he wants sexually, we have fun.

I said "I wish I could be there too", can be interpreted as either "I wish I could take a bath right now" or "I wish I was there with you" in my language.
Do you think that's good?

Does anyone ever feel such deep emotional pain that they hurt themselves to focus on the physical pain?

I guess this is why people cut but I have never done that. I can't. Scarring upsets me. I just slap myself and pull my hair. It helps to stop the panic attacks..

So after we go for apps/drinks and I drop her off do I invite self up? Hope she throws it out there?? Mention a show on Hulu we wanted to see?

I met a girl at work 6 months ago and we've become insanely close. We talk all the time, meet up outside of work, and I've stayed at her's a few times. She also needs a flatmate and I need a flat, so we started planning me moving in with her.

Then last night we got drunk and started kissing out of nowhere and we ended up having sex after having a talk about whether we wanted to step back and stay friends or keep going and take the risk and see what happens.

Is it a bad idea to continue planning moving in with her? Instinctively it seems stupid but it doesn't seem that different to me moving in when we were just friends and then things starting after that point, and that doesn't seem too stupid a situation.

What do girls really think when they reject a guy? Do girls get a feeling of superiority from rejecting guys? Do girls pity or look down upon guys they reject?

If a guy approaches you and you aren't interested, how do you feel? Do you feel offended or disgusted by their approach?

>Lol. I enjoy getting fucked in the ass, it's not a big deal.
So basically you deserved the gift already. Don't overthink it.

Then you're cool.
>went for typical cringe response instead
uhhhhggg noooo, welp too late now.
You have to make yourself available before you reach her destination. "I'm still free for a bit if you want to talk later." And try to seal it with some physical affection in the car.

I feel genuinely sorry. I hate rejecting guys and hurting them. I feel like my stomach torches.
This is especially true if they've been really nice to me or I like their personality.

I never felt disgusted or offended by the approach. I do feel annoyed if they're annoying about it, but that's it.

Yes, it's a bad idea. Don't move in with her.
It's also a bad idea to date a roommate.

But surely you must feel some sense of superiority? Like, in a way, rejecting someone puts you above them. It means you're of higher worth than them, and they're not good enough for you in some way.

I find it impossible to get past this. If a girl rejected me, I would be fine with it, I wouldn't annoy them or pester them. But I couldn't take the humiliation and the social shame. I would feel like my social status had been taken down a peg by getting rejected. As a result I can't bring myself to ask out girls.

I don't dwell on it that much. I can gague intrest on physicality in a minute.

>I can gague intrest on physicality in a minute.

What does this mean? I don't think you're helping

I just feel like girls are superior to me. Like I'll never be good enough for a girl. You all feel like superhumans with elevated status levels, beyond my comprehension

>Like I'll never be good enough for a girl.
then improve yourself until you don't feel that way

I did improve myself. Problem is my mind is still stuck in the same place. Being a kissless dateless virgin does horrible shit to your self-worth in relation to girls

>But surely you must feel some sense of superiority?
No, I don't. I'm flattered by the attention, but that's the extent of it.

I think you misinterpret what dating is like. I want someone who is compatible with me. Your objective qualities don't matter as much as how well they work with me.
For example, a guy who is very left leaning could be a perfect match for my friend Sarah but a terrible one for me. It doesn't make him better than Sarah and worse than me.
Same for looks. My best friend thinks my boyfriend is not that good looking, I get wet just looking at him.
I'm not superior or inferior to anyone I reject, I just don't think they work for me. I rejected guys who were much better than me on an objective scale because I didn't feel comfortable around them or didn't have a spark with them.

I hate it. Most people hate saying no and rejecting someone is that tenfold. Because you know they will likely be disappointed, wonder what they could've done differently etc.

This is a really simplistic outlook. I don't reject someone because I think I'm an 8 person and they're a 5. I reject them because I think we're not compatible. Or because I don't believe they are as serious about monogamy as I am. Or because I don't like the way they talk to me. And yeah sure sometimes because I don't find their looks attractive but that's honestly the exception, I'm not that picky in that regard.

The only times I truly feel that "no, what were you thinking" is when fat men in their fifties talk about what a good time they could give me. And honestly even then I don't particularly feel offended I mean, fuck it, you only live once as long as you're not being pushy or creepily descriptive, you miss all the shots you don't take I guess.

Honestly the idea of being the kind of petty person who goes "huehuehue this loser is into me, how pathetic" is shameful because it would not reflect well on me. Besides character I don't personally believe that anyone who gets a kick out of that kind of sadism can be truly, truly comfortable with themselves and where they are in life. If you are happy you don't feel the need to kick others down when they did nothing to you.

Also for what it's worth I have also been rejected. With asking guys out, being "friendzoned", being turned down for sex by my lover when I was horny, developing a crush on someone who quite obviously just about registered that I existed. Sure I rejected many more men than the other way around but it's not like I don't know what it feels like to be emotionally invested without reciprocation.

oh my god bro i'm a 30yo khv who was a neet shut in for 9 years and i'm currently in a relationship
just put yourself out there. it will happen. don't worry about the virgin thing. most girls like it. just don't be autistic about it and tell them you're a virgin too quickly. relationships are a process. take your time. when sex eventually comes then tell her you're a virgin and then laugh about it. have fun.

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>I want someone who is compatible with me. Your objective qualities don't matter as much as how well they work with me.

Yeah, this only makes things more difficult.

When I was younger I embarked on the usual self-improvement techniques (exercise, fashion, better style, new hobbies, social skills improvement) because I thought that if I kept at it, eventually I would inevitably become good enough for at least some girls. Didn't come to fruition unfortunately

It seems like it's impossible to know what a girl is looking for in a guy. Every girl has very different, very particular standards. I can't just rely on things like looking attractive, wearing a nice jacket, or being charismatic. Because I can do all those things and still not be good enough for a girl

Why does it all seem so impossible?

No, I just have specific tastes in physical traits and if you don't fit into that, I'm not attracted to you.
Same like most men like to put down fat and black women.
You just need to try with women that have lower standards and hope they can find your blubbering endearing enough to fix you up.

>why do people only answer questions about sex or flirting....

Yeah I've been there. Never go for cutting, the scarring isn't the worst, it's just super addictive because it works like a charm.

Any kind of physical pain is just like holding down the power button of a pc though. Sure it might get the job done but it's brute force and you don't actually learn how to calm yourself down which you will need in life. I know it's easier said than done but it can be easy to be so happy that something works out for you that you forget there's other possibilities that could also work even if it's more of a long term thing.

>oh my god bro i'm a 30yo khv who was a neet shut in for 9 years and i'm currently in a relationship

How? How did you even work up the self-esteem to ask out a girl?

i got in shape and gota proper haircut and a tan. i've had girls after me ever since

Definitely don't do it. Even in the best case scenario where everything works out great, you are robbing yourself of a good part of the relationship where you both have more space and are still that ray of sunshine in each other's life. Not to say the happiness has to go but moving in together tends to quite effectively end the honeymoon phase, you instantly go from first kiss to knowing all their annoying or gross everyday quirks.

This is still disregarding the huge risk. Even moving in together as friends is a true test of your bond, and for friendship the standards are typically set lower than for a relationship. Most people find it easier to butt heads with friends, blow off steam, and get back on track than with a lover where they keep feeling hurt from what was (or wasn't) said or are wondering what exactly their partner is doing after angrily storming out etc etc etc.

Just don't.

No, it doesn't.
It just means you have to get to know girls, ask girls out, and then find someone who likes you and appreciates what you bring to the table.
Looking attractive, being well dressed and being charismatic is good and works for many girls!

>still not be good enough for a girl
If you don't ask girls out, you don't know.

I don't get it... I did all that years ago, yet I remain a dateless virgin. Yeah I get girls flirting with me, but I can't approach them out of fear of rejection and all the horrible shit that comes with it

>If you don't ask girls out, you don't know.

Well I do know some things. I know that no girl in the past 2 or 3 years-ish has shown any clear interest in me. And I know that every girl in that time that I've had a crush on, has ended up dating some other guy. And then I compare myself to that guy, and start thinking about what he has that I don't

>fear of rejection
every guy gets rejected countless times
just do it

What’s the most attractive way to film a cum shot vid that a girl is wanting from me?

It's not something I consciously make rules for. But thinking about it I don't think I would do that (going relatively far without wanting to have sex) too easily now in my mid twenties, but I would back when I was younger. When I was 16-18 it seemed kind of expected you wanted to take things slow and at least the guy I was with at that time was happy with whatever I was still willing to do.
Now I guess I would only do it if the guy initiated to go a little further despite obviously knowing and being okay with no sex acts happening. Otherwise I'd feel like I was taunting him in a bad way, at least in theory, but in reality I would obviously pay most attention to his attitude and whether he seemed to enjoy a tease/preview or just feel frustrated.

What's a "clear sign of interest"? Because I'm fairly sure you had girls interested in you and didn't pick up on that.

Really, user, just ask girls out. It's not the end of the world.
Worst that can happen is being rejected, and it's really not a big deal. I got rejected too, and it sucks for a bit and then you're alright.

But how do they cope with it? The lingering shame, loss of status, loss of pride. Seems pretty nasty to me.

>What's a "clear sign of interest"?
Someone making it clear that they both
1. Find me attractive
2. Want to date me

Some girls have made it clear they find me attractive. But they never did or said anything to suggest that they also wanted to date me

I'm scared that girls maybe don't want me to ask them out. Like maybe the girls I know might be terrified of the idea that I might find them attractive. Maybe I'm just not allowed to be attracted to women

Having real pride in yourself includes not letting your value as a man, let alone as a human being, depend on the interest of a random girl.

sounds like you have a huge ego
you should let that go

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I mean, they literally told you they found you attractive. That's as straightforward as you can wish someone is other than them literally telling you "ask me out".
They flirted with you, very explicitely. What did you do?

Yeah that's true. I'm not at that level yet though.

I definitely do have a pretty huge ego. It's quite fragile too. That's what happens when you're a kissless dateless virgin forever

>What did you do?
Nothing. Just kind of said "thank you" for the compliment.

It's entirely possible for a girl to find a guy attractive and still not want to date him.

>It's entirely possible for a girl to find a guy attractive and still not want to date him.
Yes, but if a single girl is telling you that you're hot she most likely wants to be asked out.
You literally rejected them by not complimenting them back too.

>You literally rejected them by not complimenting them back too.

That's not even the worst. Some girls have gone even further than complimenting and I didn't do anything back even then.

It's very hard for me. Even if I really like a girl, if there's even a 1% chance of rejection, I pretty much can't make a move. And since girls refuse to make the first move themselves, that leaves me shit out of luck.

Also I'm really really scared of being a bad kisser, and also of being really bad in bed. A girl might be super into me, but when she realizes how bad I am at physical stuff, she could lose all interest.

They literally did the first move by complimenting you. They were flirting with you.
By not responding to the flirting you told them that you weren't interested, so you made sure they didn't try to get any further with you.
You're a lunatic if you don't see it. It's not that you're not good enough, you had girls throwing themselves at you. Stop being a pussy.

They didn't really do the first move. The first move is asking me out, or going in for a kiss. They won't do those things. But I kind of need them to

>you had girls throwing themselves at you
Oh, yeah. Had a girl literally sleep with me. Had girls tell me I'm hot right to my face. Have had several girls, when a bit tipsy, literally grab my hand and start forcing me to follow them places. Had one girl straight up offer me to fuck. Had one girl actually buy me drinks in the club.

Problem is I never take it seriously. I presume they're joking. Or I presume that they don't really mean it. I'm a kissless dateless virgin. Surely it's impossible for girls to actually like me?

Do guys like when a girl continues to suck the dick after a nut!?? Does it feel good or nah!?? I'm so confused.

You're retarded.

Nothing I can do can help you, so enjoy staying a KHV because if a girl literally telling you she wants you to fuck her is not a first move then you don't deserve to fuck.

My preference
Keep going but lower the intensity more and more after the last shot or it gets overwhelming

The girl who told me she wanted to fuck me was a friend. I presumed she meant it as a joke.

I don't get it really. It feels like god is punishing me. Maybe I committed horrible sins in a bad life?

I know I sound insane. But for me, the logic is simple. I'm a kissless virgin. That surely is proof alone that girls don't like me. Therefore, I view any attempt made by a girl to show interest as highly suspect. It can't be real, I think to myself. If it was real, then I wouldn't be a kissless virgin at this age in the first place.

I feel really shitty about it. Like I'm a terrible person. But I still have to do it because if I don't, I'm just leading him on and that's not okay.

Bang her now or move on. Stop wasting energy

How do I get better at anal sex? No matter how many times I do it, it still really hurts (even with lube and taking it slow) and I still sometimes bleed. I don't understand. I thought it should start adjusting after a while?

i'll do what the fuck i want, bitch!

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Prove it ;)

God isn't punishing you. Girls are throwing themselves at you and you're doing nothing.
You're retarded. You're a KHV because you don't do anything to stop being one.
It's not that girls don't like you, is because you're stupid.

We started with fingers and very tiny plugs. Spent over a month working my butt up with plugs every time we had sex, till I could easily take his dick.
Every time before we start we get prepped, even if it takes a couple hours.
I also sometimes take CBD, because it makes me feel relaxed and it makes it easier to get fucked in the ass.

Most of the time they aren't throwing themselves at me. It's just some of the time, quite rarely. The chances are few and far between. And once the window of opportunity is gone, it's gone for good.

Also, the girls I like the most are the girls that don't show clear signs of interest.

This might not apply but just throwing it out there. Porn makes way too many inexperienced guys think they can just pound an ass like it's a pussy. There are girls who can naturally take that (just like some women naturally have no gag reflex or whatever) but this is not the norm, especially not if you're inexperienced. Porn stars are professionals who use copious lube and have gotten stretched before a scene.

Next time you try to do anal;
>make sure you are SUPERhorny before he even goes near your ass
>when you're dying let him lick/softly finger your ass
>let him gently insert a smallish toy with a lot of lube
>work your way up to a dildo just slightly smaller than he is
>now he keeps his erect dick in place and you slowly back yourself up on it, he does not move
>for the first couple of thrusts it's just you moving, if it's still hard don't try to take everything at once
>if it feels good/normal he can go but slowly picking up the face

It can be necessary for you to do the thrusting yourself in order to not feel pain. Being a little bit drunk/high can also help with relaxation and being able to surrender. Good luck.

My boyfriend didn't show any sign of interest, I asked him out because I liked him.
He's my boyfriend.
Just have the balls to do things. Stop being so stupid.

Thanks user. I might have to try the CBD. Cuz I remember one time I was still a little drunk and my guy woke me up with buttsex and it went in no problem. It must be psychological then.

Hm. Well that's kind of worrying then. I've never been asked out by a girl.

See, I could ask out a girl I like. But I don't know where to start. And there's a chance she could say no, and then I'm humiliated.

I don't think most girls ask guys out. My boyfriend is literally autistic and really hot, I really wanted to date him.

"Do you want to go out for a coffee?" usually works.

how do i get over her
if she lives 10 minutes away
if i brought her back into our mutual friend circle
if i know the g uy she fucked and is fucking with

If you think it is going to hurt, it hurts. Yous tiffen the muscles and it makes the whole thing very uncomfortable.
With CBD I'm the most relaxed butt-sexer ever.

>With CBD I'm the most relaxed butt-sexer ever.
Good commercial slogan

I know, medical school is a waste of my time. I should make commercials.

>"Do you want to go out for a coffee?" usually works.

What if she doesn't like the idea of going out for coffee? What if she thinks its too cliche?

it is

A girl who wants to date you won't be like "Oh I'd totally go out with you if we went went skydiving, but a coffee, ew". They're coming to the date for you, not the coffee.

But maybe the very act of me suggesting something as cliche'd as "coffee" could make me seem less desirable. How do I know in advance what kind of thing she'd like to do? It's so difficult. There are so many things that could go wrong.

What does it mean, when a girl kinda dodges your your flirting attempts (in online interactions), but otherwise writes a lot and enthusiastically?
As in, when you say something flirty, she just kinda "haha"s and then moves on in the convo?

>tfw she is online on the dating site and not talking to me

Move on lol

It hasn't even been 24 hours yet.

user, just ask her out and stop overthinking every single fucking thing.

She is ignoring you. Take the hint. If she comes around great, if not, you shouldn't lose sleep over it, it's no biggie.
Don't be invested in people who are not invested in you.

She enjoys talking but is not romantically/sexually interested.

There's just a lot that could go wrong, you know? My whole life has been building up to the day I finally try and ask a girl out for real. So it has to be good. If I fuck it up, I could really put in motion some bad shit in my life.

It really can't.
If you think like this, you lost already.
It's NO BIG DEAL. There are thousands upon thousands of girls out there.
You don't NEED this one AT ALL.
What you do need, is find out that rejection is NOT A BIG DEAL.
The absolute worst case scenario, realistically speaking, is that she will say no.
Is your life over because of that?
Seriously user, that comment is so fucking stupid, it enrages me.
Even in my worst incel days, I was not this insecure and needy.

God that’s hot.

I'm not talking about a specific girl. I don't let myself have crushes on girls anymore because it puts me in a position of weakness, and opens me up to potential embarrassment.

I mean I've basically spent about 4 or 5 years since I was last rejected going deliberately out of my way to show as little interest in girls as possible, particularly girls that I am attracted to.

>My whole life has been building up to the day I finally try and ask a girl out for real.
This is retarded. Really, really retarded.

You need to love yourself before you love someone else...
Just be yourself...
Just be confident...
Not all girls are like that...
You shouldn't judge a woman based on how many partners she had...