How long do you reckon I need to water fast to get rid of this belly fat...

How long do you reckon I need to water fast to get rid of this belly fat? My belly doesn't look as fat in the morning but in the afternoon I look like a pregnant lady. 5'7 and 136 lbs btw. Haven't consumed any calories for the past 48 hrs and feel surprisingly ok. I feel like I could fast for weeks easily.

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Sure that's not an alcohol gut?

Don't drink alcohol. I did just drink some water so maybe that caused it to expand a little, idk

Check for pelvic tilt but depending on just just weak you are you can probably stand to lose 5-10lb.

Go 12-14 days with only water and cardio and that will fix it, u might feel physically weak but it's just because you're body is burning so much fat. Then after this fast just eat lettuce and slowly introduce ur normal foods back.

>Haven't consumed any calories for the past 48 hrs and feel surprisingly ok.
Oh wait, I found it. It's fasting shock. Knock that off. Get your fiber and maintain regularity. Just cut calories to 1200 like a normal person.

That honestly doesn't look much like fat, but bloating. You should clean up your diet, eat more vegetables, less meat, sugar, and starchy grains, then add in some fermented foods like yogurt (unsweetened) or sauerkraut to your diet as the bacteria cultures are good for you digestion.

I'm vegan. Haven't eaten any meat or dairy in years. Almost no sugar in my diet either. I've always been pretty skinny except for my gut for some reason. I think it's genetic and won't go away unless I go to really low bodyfat % because my dad has the same thing

That's definitely a possibility. My brother is an extremely health conscious person especially when it comes to digestion, and he has pretty bad abdominal bloating, indigestion, and even pain no matter what he does or eats or doesn't eat.

Feel bad for the guy bc I'm an unhealthy piece of shit with a flat stomach.

You need to consume some carbs to burn body fat.
Try developing a healthier lifestyle rather than crash dieting, fucking your body and hormones up.
You look like you're skinnyfat, try getting a gym membership instead.

Source: I'm a personal trainer

I've been lifting for like 4 months and my strength has about doubled, that's how my belly got bigger in the first place. Been eating 500 excess calories a day

that belly's gonna look a lot less distended if you have pronounced pectorals. do pushups, chest presses, and use the fly machine to exhaustion, and it'll even out your stomach. I know you just said you've been lifting but if you're concerned about your belly then chest should be more of a target

Not that guy but there is no way you've been lifting 4 months with a body like that. You have no gains at all.

It's become clear to me that this is a bait thread.

that's gonna happen at the beginning, just remember once you have that muscle weight it's gonna be easier to keep off fat in the future

Ya you're probably right. I think I'm gonna burn it off first before I start bulking again though. It's just too ugly and I don't want to wait months for pecs

Can you tell me more about fasting shock, I feel like I'm going through that right now, haven't eaten anything in 48 hours.

What am I supposed to look like then? 4 months isn't that long to be working out man.

I do have pecs a little bit, they looked flat in the op pic cuz I was raising my shirt

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>my strength has about doubled
You're a vegan, you were already skinny and weak, doubling that strength isn't difficult, chances are you just got the brain body connection started.
For 4 months though? you should start to see some basic beginner gains, my clients have done push ups for 2 months and seen some shape around their pecs, yours look almost perfectly flat
You still don't have pecs in that picture, you look like a skeleton with a little fat on it, your shoulders look awful too.
>Been eating 500 excess calories a day
Excess to what you used to eat? are you counting calories consumed through drink too?
Excess to what you think you are currently burning? you are massively overestimating what your TDEE is or how many calories you are burning, 500 extra calories will gain you a few pounds until that's your body's TDEE, not enough to give you that gut.

Out of curiosity, what made you go vegan? what are you eating being a vegan?

Obviously any muscle I have isn't going to be defined since I've been on a bulk for the past 4 months. Any muscle I have is gonna be under layers of fat.

M8, the only American weightlifter who competed at the rio olympics was vegan, Kendrick Farris.

The research has pretty much consistently shown plant based diets are undeniably healthier. Opinion discarded m8.

Gluten bloating.

>Obviously any muscle I have isn't going to be defined since I've been on a bulk for the past 4 months
Who are you trying to bullshit? 500 calories isn't a bulk and you still haven't told me how you're measuring your intake because you sperged out over your lifestyle choice being criticised.

Thanks for telling me about a vegan that I didn't ask about who OH WAIT wasn't always a vegan was he? did he become a vegan before he lifted? before he competed? no.
Research also shows that plant based diets have a lower biological value and you can't absorb so many nutrients from them, the go to defence when you mention onions that gets forgotten about when you force feed yourselves peanut butter and quinoa to maintain a half respectable weight.

Well done on cherry picking, choke down a bag of onions soaked dicks.

Also how are you gonna say my chest is nearly flat. It's clearly not.

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The true fear is in Refeeding Syndrome of trying to not over indulge after a starvation period.
But general starvation can mess with your organs in general.
>eat damnit

>cherry picking
I picked the 2 most famous research universities in the world to get my research from. That's hardly cherrypicking. Cherrypicking is when you pick some research from some redneck university no one has heard of, something anti-vegans love doing.

>500 calories isn't a bulk
I said 500 calories EXCESS you illiterate fuck. Excess, meaning on top of what I normally eat. I have a heartrate monitor that keeps track of my calorie burn.

you call those droopy fucking mantitties "pecks?" are u fucking kidding me bro?

Lift big mate. We all have weird bodies. I do a lot of exercise and always have a small gut as well. Just hide it with muscles. Big lifts, heavy weights. Once you grow your definition in other places it will matter way less trust me.

Nice gyno

research consistently shows that processed red meat eaten in high quantities increases risk of adverse health effects

research does not consistently show small amounts of lean red meat increase risk of adverse health effects, and there is almost no or nil evidence for healthily prepared poultry or fish causing health issues

enjoy cucking yourself out of easy gains

Honestly I shouldn't have mentioned veganism. People spaz out when you mention you're vegan on the internet. Eat whatever you want dude idgaf, and I do it for more than just health reasons anyways. Killing animals for no reason is fucked up.

And ya, I know I don't have very much gains. I've been doing it for 4 months with nothing but a bench and some dumbbells. No gym membership so I don't have access to fancy equipment. I'm inconsistent some weeks too when my class schedule gets too intense. Idgaf as long as I'm getting stronger. My bench has doubled since I started.

But anyways this thread was supposed to be about fasting, not sure why all these gymfags are coming in here trying to derail

health reasons are perfectly fine if slightly dumb since you're gonna need supplements in the long run, it's moralfag vegans which deserve the rope but I digress

did you even read the Jow Forums sticky, spot reduction of fat is a myth, have you tried a keto diet, have you tried a caloric deficit with regular but smaller meals?

what program do you do

do you even lift consistently?

ohp, bench, squat, deadlift stats?

your weight and height?

are you lying to yourself about what you eat?

how much sleep do you get

have you got any underlying health issues

I count all my calories as accurately as possible and use a fitbit tracker to see calorie burn. I usually burn like 2500 calories and eat 3000 because I've been trying to gain muscle. As a teenager I was 5'7 and 115 lbs which is underweight, and I wasn't vegan at the time, and still had a gut, but it's more pronounced now that I'm 5'7 136 lbs because I've been bulking the past 4 months.

I could do a 500 calorie deficit but I'm impatient and feel ugly right now. I want to get back to gaining muscle and eating at a slight deficit will take forever. I'd rather just get the fat loss over with in a couple weeks of water fasting then go back to bulking
This is the program I use except for a few modifications and I go for 5 reps instead of 12. I lift consistently but don't always eat consistently because when I'm depressed I have no appetite.

I didn't think my progression was that bad considering I gain strength every workout and started out scrawny as fuck but apparently no? Or maybe these faggots are just mad because I mentioned I'm vegan

Eat meat, pasta, and lift some actual weight you weak faggot

I lift till my muscle won't physically move the weight and adjust the weight so I'll have around 5 reps max. I don't understand why people seem to think I should look like arnold after 4 months when I started with nothing

I'm not expecting you to look like arnold at all but if you're 137 lbs and have a gut you gotta improve the diet and lift moar

How are you supposed to not have a gut if you're bulking? If you're bulking your body isn't burning fat, it's adding it along with muscle.

work out the core and your gut is gonna appear smaller, also increase the muscle mass around the body so that your gut looks smaller by comparison

Also my gut looks relatively flat in the morning and when I flex. It only starts to look fat in the afternoon after I've drank but it still seems bigger than normal idk why. Years ago when I had a completely different diet and was eating meat and shit it still was big, people are just shitting on my diet because "muh different opinion"

veganism is retarded

I care about the opinion of scientists more than random dudes on the internet.

if you dont eat red meat, at least eat seafood bro

Seafood is healthy but still, it's fucking nasty. I don't understand how people can eat a lobster or crab, they look like giant insects. And seafood smells like shit too. There's no reason for me to eat meat, I can get all the same nutrients from plants. Vegan protein bars and shakes exist.

I've been doing some googling and I think it might be bloat due to dehydration. I always have chapped lips and my piss is dark asf, and according to some site your body retains water when it's dehydrated. I might just do a 2 week fast anyways just to prove conclusively if it's fat or bloat

What the hell? I am 5'7 and 147 pounds yet I far skinnier than you. I have a super low body fat percentage yet I weigh more than you.

Every part of my body is skinny except my belly. It's weird. At this point I think it's bloat but still not sure.

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And like a pregnant lady, I wanna squeeze that nipple until milk comes out.
Look at that perky red little bulb!


Oh fuck, I think I just figured out the actual reason

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a decade

>You need to consume carbs to burn fat.
Please explain how.

I think it was just shit posture. I took this photo and my belly looks reasonably thin here so I guess I'm just a retard who doesn't know how to stand properly

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