Why is tinder so hard to get women most of the bitches never respond to a single text message I get people are busy but it can’t be 24/7
Why is tinder so hard to get women most of the bitches never respond to a single text message I get people are busy but...
if you want a guaranteed response then go pick up chicks on the street. tinder is for the socially inept, the bored, the insensitive, the vain, the isolated, mostly.
I would but problem with that is women would just scream sexual assault just for trying to flirt with them or been seen as a desperate creep
>match cutie 24 yo near home on saturday (11am)
>shes travelling here from another state with 2 female friends
>"are you free tonight user?"
>exchange few other messages cause shes busy in a bday party
> i ask if she wants my whatsapp number and if shes any idea what time she would be free
>doesn't tell
>i tell her a bar kinda far from me she would like to go (8pm)
>i decide to not go anymore (9pm)
>shits far and it would take me about 1 hour and half to get there
>when im about to go to bed
>"are you in the bar user?" (midnight)
>i reply next morning "no, I stayed home"
>still matched but she doesn't say anything
>i unmatch her today
that's the kind of shit you get, also whatever
shit she replied i would say "the minimum you could have done is telling me if you would still hang out or not, basic decency" whatever she said next i wouldn't hang out with her
fucking retard dating app girls
>live 1 hour far from people
>almost no matches
why dont bitches just fuck their neighbors ffs why swipe right to someone from a far
When i tell that im on graduation (28 here)
>no replies
that doesnt actually happen
try leaving your house
and also girls see you as a desperate creep because you are one.
have you tried not being so damn desperate
I see so many of these, why do girls even swipe yes on these guys if they arent gonna respond? I dont get that part
Yeah I can't see why she wouldn't want that winner.
Maybe she's not a lesbian.
not OP but what kind of bullshit is this? Anything a man does to get a woman is seen as desperate and creepy nowadays, especially in college campuses. thats why I keep my distance with women because one thing goes wrong and boom, allegations
I smell incel
sorry but no buzzwords isn't going to make your argument any better
What argument? You are clearly an incel. Do you know what incel means?
it means you cam from Reddit, since that term came from Reddit
You don't have to be embarrased its perfectly normal, some guys just have a harder time meeting that special someone. Nothing is wrong with you and everything will be OK. :)
A lot of the girls aren't on Tinder for anything special, and want their "experience" hand fed to them.
I've been on it off and on for probably a year now. None of the girls I met with spare one I actually ended up in a relationship with (and even that one was suicidal/many mental problems). One I'm currently fwb with, but (to me) she's as boring as drying paint. Another one was nuts (allegedly her child is a product of baby trapping) so I fucked her and left.
There are a few girls on the app that are actually seeking a relationship. I'm a pretty average guy, but I net girls that I personally feel are attractive, so I deem that in my eyes as relative success. A lot of the girls I match with don't message first (don't expect them to, but it is nice), or if they do, it's "hey". Most of them don't care to actually hold a conversation, so it ends up being a game of 20 questions. By that point I just leave it, because there's no point. Don't dwell on it. Odds are they aren't shy. They simply don't want to have a conversation.
I've learned to use Tinder/Bumble as a supplement for my dating life, not my sole way of meeting women. Because most of them are airheads/normies that are only good for a warm hole a couple times a month (my fwb)
If she's not replying, it's because she's not interested for one way or another. Either she's talking to someone "better" or what have you. If you wonder why she stays matched if she's not interested, then odds are she's using the app to "collect" men as a way of validation that she's pretty. A surprising amount of girls do this.
Its only hard to get women on tinder if that's the only place you go to incel.
Yea I have dipshit but most of the time the women I’ve tried to talk with are shallow bitches and just stare at their phones I’ve though of any conversation stater I could use and she we just give one answer responses to most of them.
So it’s better to not talk with women then overall because no matter what a man does he’ll always been seen as desperate? Nice logic dumbass.
That word has lost its value just like being called a racist you lol y’all niggas just assume everyone is butthurt.
>mfw I see people on tinder less than a mile away.
I seriously hope the location thing is bugged otherwise all the girls mowing their lawns near me are DTF
Why are you lying? It's not hard.
Stop using these gross apps that place the male at an extreme disadvantage. Dating apps let women pick from a large catalog of dicks to be called upon to entertain them and if they aren't just right then they just don't reply.
Put dumb socially awkward cunts in their place and talk to them irl instead you dumb faggot. It's not hard. Most girls are "lol I'm shy at first but once you get to know me." completely afraid of being offensive and will laugh at anything as long as you signal its a joke. Like entertaining children. So don't be surprised of the outcome when you use your pathetic little dating apps
you guys are so naive
the thing you idiots are all getting wrong is that women are actually people too they dont exist for you to date. sometimes women are doing something else or are busy its not automatically a case of they are shallow and horrible evil creatures born from hell
my biggest fucking problem with this board is seriously none of you fucking guys ever just talk to girls like they are just regular people
>my biggest fucking problem with this board is seriously none of you fucking guys ever just talk to girls like they are just regular people
but they aren't?
yes it does happen
first is because you are boring, stop being boring if you want women to like you. (people dont want to tell some random stranger what there favourite movie is or how they like their sandwhiches made (conversation starters just seem fake. try having a normal conversation))
second, no you dumb cunt its better to just realise you dont need a girlfreind to be happy and just be happy with you and what you are doing. then when you do meet a girl you like you arent thinking "oh my god please date me im so alone if you dont date me ill die alone and unhappy"
the reason so many of you struggle with being happy and comfortable with yourselves is because you arent happy with who you are and what you are doing and instead of improving or changing you just ram your head up your ass playing video games and watching anime and sitting in your echo chamber on the internet spewing "everyone else is the problem not me they need to all change then i can be happy"
which is honest to god the stupidiest most narrcisistic thing ever
seriously guys just man the fuck up, figure out where your problems are. AND FIX THEM.
okay you bested me congrations 1 out of 100,000 times it happens because some people are cunts alright, deal with it not everyone you meet will be a good person or and honest person
Incel alert
>some people are cunts alright
>not everyone you meet will be a good person or and honest person
perfect example
women quite literally live in a different reality. It is truly subjectively different.
This is supposed to be a good thing, as we can use our different perceptions to share different ways of experiencing the world. At least I believe that's how nature set up the male/female social-sexual dynamics.
The problem is that our culture encourages the absolute worst and most disgusting behavior that women are capable of. This is immediately obvious if you look around. What's wrong with just not getting along with people who are on their worst behavior all the time?
>inb4 le incel maymay
But you are an incel from Jow Forums.
>hurr modern society degenerate durr old society all good and proper
I never said that. I'm not a tradcon.
Try again.
>At least I believe that's how nature set up the male/female social-sexual dynamics
>not a tradcon
You're lying to someone bud, it's either us or yourself.
You are too stupid to understand what I said. I'm sorry.
I'll repeat: You're lying to someone bud, it's either us or yourself.
ive got nothing to say anymore
you cry that women live in their own world and are encouraged to be evil and disgusting
theres no point in even trying to reason with you
you live in your own tiny little world of generalizations and sterotypes and fucking movie cliches like all the other retards on this site
like theres no point at all its 100% clear you dont go out socially or actually experience the world. its blatantly obvious youve need had any sort of real connection with a girl wether it be romantic or platonic
honestly if theres even one thing that i have been saying you remember
your blinded by your own bias, your bitterness and social failure has made you closed minded and this closed mindedness has only made you fail even harder. i cannot emphasize this enough the only common denominator in your unhappyness is you and coincidentally the only thing you can control is you