Sister just got her first period

>sister just got her first period
>our parents aren't in town and I can't find any pads so I just gave her a roll of toilet paper
>she's been crying in her room for the past hour saying "I'M DYING I'M GONNA DIE"
What the fuck am I supposed to do, this is getting disturbing.

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Go to the store and buy her pads.
Toilet paper is too thin to last even 30mins and isn't protective at all.

Get her some pads/tampons and tell her she’s not going to die. How old is she?


Pick up some Pamprin or give her a painkiller also

I don’t got a car.

She’s 11.

>I don’t got a car.

Walk to the fucking store man.

Don't you have ANY pharmacies near? If not, can't you call any pharmacy or use an app to get the stuff sent to your house?

The closest retailer is Walmart and it’s 6 miles away.

Give her a hug, explain what a period is, and lay some towels down on her bed. Maybe have her take a shower.

>get pads or something delivered
>hang out with her in her room and do your best to talk about it with her
>try and find your mom's supply
>call up a lady friend if you have one

Your mom probaly has pads or tampons sonewhere.

I found tampons but no pads, is it okay for a girl her age to use tampons?

Periods can be very painful. Try giving her a hot towel or better yet a heating pad to help with the cramps.

It's fine but not ideal the first time because there is a learning curve for putting them in. Most girls don't do it right the first few times. Also they need to be changed every 3-4 hours to reduce risk of toxic shock syndrome therefore they cannot be used overnight, and your mom will definitely have overnight pads somewhere unless she's a dirty hippy and uses washable pads or a menstrual cup.

In the meantime, just take a taxi to the store and buy her some fucking pads you dingus.

Oy vey goyim pay $40 for a taxi to show up in 3 hours.

My thot sister can just shove a rag up there, thats why they call it being on the rag

>3 hours
What the fuck kind of backwards place would even have taxis like this? I've lived in both rural and urban areas and can't drive so I've taken taxis as well as lyft/Uber when available and have never experienced anything like this even when dc had their shitty monopoly cab company before Uber existed. I don't think you understand the realities of taxi services.

ibproofen preferrably
Also yes tampons
Heating pad if you have one, on her stomach.

poor people will always behave this way. there's no fixing poor.

Explain to your sister what a period is, you fucking idiot. This is basic shit.

Ask your neighbour or a friend to drive you to a store because you have an emergency.

You are a shit brother. Just fucking walk, 6 miles is like 45 minutes if you are walking fast. Let me guess, you are a fat americunt?

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Bike there, it's going to take maybe 45 minutes if you're slow.

Help here write her will.

Boys are such bullshit.
Also why didn't your parents bother to explain this so she wouldn't be upset about it? Shit I got mine at that age and my friend had just gotten it a week before and her parents and mine were all excited and got us whatever we needed.

Why are you treating her like Carrie?
Be surprised if she treats you terribly when she's older you sad excuse for family.

He’s a kid who wasn’t sure what to do either, try to give advice when you’re not on your period

I don't take advice from anime posters.

Go get your sister some pads you little shit

Funny enough, the animeposter was being more reasonable than you.
Why didn't you ask your neighbors for some pads/tampons? I'm sure at least one of your neighbors is a girl, and that means they would have pads/tampons.
Literally could have just said "my little sister is having her first period. Could I borrow some pads? I'll pay you back later." I bet they would have come over themselves and help her out

You're creepy as fuck.

do people really talk to their neighbors? wtf

I'm a girl.
She's probably super scared. Tampons are a no. I understand that situations are not always ideal - Could she use something like a towel or sock for now as a pad? It can be washed or thrown out after. Also if you don't know much either get a woman to come talk to her or find a video on youtube, there's tones of female youtubers who explain things for girls who don't have moms.

Also if someone came to my door and said this I would probably blush because I'm awkward, but I'd give them as many pads as they needed without needing anything back. Girl, guy, old, idc, just ask, man.

Oh classic

>Women intimidate me so I'll make fun of them for natural bodily functions to feel better about it
>Forgetting that men have the same hormonal cycles

Lol @ America