Why do girls do this?

>i need some time to think
>im busy right now
>i need some space
>im not sure how i feel
>im open to get to know you
Why do girls do this?A simple no would save both sides a lot of time and there would be no confusion.Are those the "it's over,move on" lines or the "there's a slight chance something could actually happen" lines?

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>You're boring. I need chad's cock.
>Chad's coming over.
>Refer to my first answer.
>My pussy is a desert whenever we talk/hang out, but I'm too afraid to tell you.
>We have nothing in common and you're not Chad but I like having you around for validation, so here's some false hope.

Pretty simple.

Girls do this because there is a population of guys that will throw insults and such at girls who flat out reject them.

>but I'm too afraid to tell you
That's what I don't get.What's the fucking point of not being straight about it?At that point I would just be an annoyance so why not tell me?Why are they afraid?I thought women's emotional intelligence and social abilities are supposed to exceed ours.

Well fuck those people.I would rather be told "no" straight to my face and maybe be sad about it for a few days but also be able to move on afterwards,instead of nonstop pandering.I don't want fake niceness and low-key rejections because I can't take hints for shit,but also I won't hold grudges against the people who reject me.Were things always this dishonest?

'Women' aren't exactly known for being direct when it comes to dating. You give her attention, supply her with validation and she knows it, while also loving it. If you had bitches doing that to you, would you say fuck off? No.

I wouldn't really trust what the rest of these people are saying, mainly because they're clearly all men. Like I said, it's just what most of us have dealt with. Yes we're typically not as assertive, but I definitely have tried the more direct route and it's gotten some hostile responses. It's just conflict avoidance honestly. My advice- if she makes more than one excuse, she's not interested. I know if I was interested, I'd make myself available.

Because the last time I straight up told a dude no, he tried to get my bf to break up with me by starting a load of malicious rumours. The time before that, he cornered me and screamed in my face.
It sucks that you get mixed messages instead of a straight answer but I will always choose the route of least abuse from entitled assholes and you would too.

If they would SPECIFICALLY ask if there's any point in them pursuing me(which I did) I would try to sugarcoat it a little to make sure I'm not hurting her feelings but the word "no" will definitely be in that sentence,so that I make it clear.No requesting time to think or saying that im uncertain about my feelings (unless I really am,and if there's a chance that I might actually could hook up with her).

> My advice- if she makes more than one excuse, she's not interested. I know if I was interested, I'd make myself available.
There's times when there are excuses,and there's times when we actually get to talk normally.I know she's been through a shitty thing with a boy before me,and I keep telling myself thats why she needs her space but I'm not sure anymore.

For me personally I would say this if I was attracted to you, thought there was potential but just didn't feel charmed or especially like we would get along as people. Women don't say BS like me, when she says she needs more time or wants to figure it out that means with you dingus.

>or wants to figure it out that means with you dingus
Doubt it,they get full blown cold after that type of texts.

She's too much of a brainlet

Either we are bitches or we are liars.
Actually we just want to live our lives and entitled men who've been coddled their entire life don't seem to get it nor have any sympathy.

And above all else we're sluts regardless, especially if we say no to them. How does that make sense?

>a couple of salty incels called me a slut for being direct to them so im just gonna make any poor sucker who thinks he has a chance with me until he EVENTUALLY gets the hints
Those types of people will call you a slut for anything you do,so why does it even matter anymore?

>any poor sucker who thinks he has a chance with me chase me until*

>a couple of salty incels
You mean the vast majority of men I've rejected on my life? I mean if you think it's 10% of the population, I can understand your issue, but it's 90% bud. I'm not really that bothered that they call me a slut, it's an annoying inconsistency, again my issue is with the straight up abuse received.

>I mean if you think it's 10% of the population, I can understand your issue, but it's 90% bud.
That sucks,are you being a bitch about it or something?I wouldnt have excpected it to be so common.Sugarcoat the "no" a little more?I don't know.

Not once has anyone called me a slut lol.
Believe it or not but many men can take a hint politely, but you never know when a crazy dude will appear, so why take the chance? The fact you think this means we want them to chase us even more is exactly the reason we are careful. Some kinds of men cannot take a hint and are entitled.

Unless you are one of them don't be defensive over the poor character of others.

You're literally complaining about women sugar coating the no and then wondering if women are being bitches and need to sugar coat it. You're literal evidence that women can't win.
The last guy I said no to was told "not interested sorry, I have a boyfriend" so he then went away, found my facebook that I don't use and messaged my boyfriend telling him we'd fucked. The guy before that got told that I just wasn't into him, to which he decided to hunt me down twenty minutes later and scream in my face for fifteen minutes, literally standing in my way so I couldn't leave the corner he'd pinned me in, into someone rescued me. These are both twenty something dudes. Please tell me how I could have avoided these reactions aside from never being nice to any dude ever again in case he develops feelings.

>Some kinds of men cannot take a hint and are entitled.
Im not good with reading hints and also the only thing im entitled too is a clear,straight up rejection with no beating around the bush.
>The fact you think this means we want them to chase us even more is exactly the reason we are careful. Some kinds of men cannot take a hint and are entitled.
I actually doubt that you wanna keep getting texts from a person that you have 0 interest in so i dont think that you specifically want it.You just kinda let it slide.

>You're literally complaining about women sugar coating the no and then wondering if women are being bitches and need to sugar coat it.
I don't really see it that way,I mean how should I be able to read that you're not interested from a "im not sure how i feel"?
If I was to gently reject someone it would be something among the lines of "I'm really sorry but I'm not really looking to date right now,thank you and though."Kinda what you said you already did.The thing is that a straight rejection won't really allow the other person to m ake weird scenarios and stuff in their head so that they t ake the stalker route.That's how I see things.Were you and the first guy talking for a while?Or was it just like with the second guy?He just asked you out and you rejected him?

The "I'm not sure how I feel" is vague, yeah but
>im busy right now
>i need some space
Clearly signal disinterest to me, so that's why I feel like you're complaining about sugar coating since those two are usual preceded with some form of soft no.
Straight rejection allows people to make you the bad guy straight up, which is why people avoid it. He was a friend of a friend, second time I'd met him and the first night I'd ever held a conversation with him, but apparently because I was single and kind the first time that meant I'd led him on. Note I never once spoke specifically to him beyond "hey, I'm user" that first night.