It feels to me like most people, especially people who differ from me politically...

It feels to me like most people, especially people who differ from me politically, think emotions matter more than actual arguments, and don't care to think too hard about their positions. I can't for the life of me imagine why someone would hold any political position, why someone would vote or put a campaign sticker on their car, without trying as best as they can to understand all sides of an issue and the arguments people made by them. But people don't. And I can't tell if people are really as ridiculous as I perceive them to be, or if it really is just my perception.

Is there anywhere I can go to have real debate with thoughtful leftists? Is there anything I can do to STOP myself from hating people who hold political beliefs without actively challenging themselves?

I made a thread here some time ago, but I didn't leave feeling any different. I don't know where else to go for advice. Also, I'm going to sleep now and probably won't see replies for 4-5 hours.

Attached: _103897772_npc_meme_1.jpg (976x549, 52K)

Leftist: 97% of climate scientists believe climate change is real
Leftist: It's a free country, so individuals should be allowed to practice their sexuality between consenting adults freely
Leftist: There are more than enough resources available for everyone to live comfortably. Nobody should have to work more than 8 hours a day to survive just so 1% of the population can be extremely rich

>Leftist: 97% of climate scientists believe climate change is real
Okay. What percentage agree that it's catastrophic? What can we do about it, and what percentage agree that we can do something about it?
>It's a free country, so individuals should be allowed to practice their sexu
I agree.
>There are more than enough resources available for everyone to live comfortably. Nobody should have to work more than 8 hours a day to survive just so 1% of the population can be extremely rich
I agree, the issue is logistics. We'd have to close the borders completely, or at least severely limit immigration. We may have to impose community service requirements for people to get their UBI. Things like that.

We could have done something about it a long time ago. Unfortunately the things that cause global warming also happen to be the things that make the most profitable industries in the world.

What's wrong with people? They don't agree with your opinions! How dare they.

This is exactly as conversations with leftists always go. The leftist makes a bunch of strawmen and declares himself the winner. But whatever, here are responses of an actual rightist. Feel free to substitute your strawmen with them. Or keep patting yourself on the back by all means.

>Leftist: 97% of climate scientists believe climate change is real
Rightist: For as long as our countries are getting filled with foreigners, I don't care about climate change. Why should I care about earth, if my people no longer get to inhabit it? You won't care about a house, if your family no longer lives there.
>Leftist: It's a free country, so individuals should be allowed to practice their sexuality between consenting adults freely
Rightist: A society is a sum of its people. Degenerate individuals create a degenerate society. Nothing is separate from everything else.
>Leftist: There are more than enough resources available for everyone to live comfortably. Nobody should have to work more than 8 hours a day to survive just so 1% of the population can be extremely rich
Rightist: If you working more does not allow you to get more resources, you will not be motivated to work hard. Although, I do agree about that 1 % part, but it is nearly impossible to rectify without hard reset, i.e., death, every now and then, since the rich are free to move and take their money elsewhere.

I think his problem is that people are like you, i.e., they disagree with him just because they were brought up to disagree with him.

That's a mighty big projection based on absolutely nothing.

It's 100 % based on your first message. You responded to OP with an implied insult, i.e., you didn't really respond to anything. Just like the other leftist above, who was capable only of blasting up three ridiculous strawmen.

What makes you think I am leftist? You're just proving what everyone already knows from your opening post: that you are not as smart as you think you are.

>What makes you think I am leftist?
You've made three posts but said nothing. That's a strong indicator.
>that you are not as smart as you think you are.
I'm probably smarter than I think.

Nayrt but Christ you're retarded. Life must be easy when you can just decide things for people based on your feelings - are you sure you're not a lefty?

Four now. The probability is fast reaching 100 %.

Agreed. Most lefties are not interested in having political arguments for getting a new point of view on one subject. Most of the times they are here to label everyone racist or homophobic or fascist, because its their compass. They think everyone who is racist and nationaliatic is wrong, and everyone who isnt is right. They act so suprised when the right acts with comedy and sarcasm to their arguments yet dont realize they created such conditions when not being for the leftist ideals will deplatform you and cause you to lose a job if they dox you

How old are you? Based on your posts I would guess you are 15 or 16.

There are lots of easy and cheap ways to prevent global warming, like through spraying Ozone into the atmosphere or spraying water over cities stratosphere to reflect sunlight. The government benefits from the taxes reaped in the name of saving the planet so you will never see this however. That said I really don't care about your appeal to authority, climate change is real but just because some jack offs with a degree on a list that probably doesn't count for every science jack off on the planet does not make an argument.

Most right wing people are fine with homosexuality. Are you trapped in the 90s? The problem we have is in being invasive about sexuality to children, it shouldn't be taught in schools or represented in childrens tv programming. You are allowed to act in a biologically invalid way but you are in no way entitled to having the host culture normalize your fetishes and spread it to our children.

>everyone should be equal
Get good. The world sucks, life is unfair. There is no God that will save anyone. That doesn't stop people from raising themselves up form the dirt and out of better human nature I refuse to step on anyone through taxation to get what I am able to get for myself provided I put the effort and time.

And also illiterate or the ultimate smooth brain. I wish I could manipulate how I see the world like you do.

Five. That's close enough to 100 % to remove all reasonable doubt. Five messages, zero arguments or points of any kind. Yeah, you're a leftist, and you couldn't win an argument with a child if your life depended on it.

Not that guy
Don’t give a fuck about politics
You’re a faggot for even wanting to debate people in the first place, got nothing better to do with your time? Just want to reach your climax by verbally destroying some retard

You fuckin retard lmao

You can say the exact same thing about the right. Two sides of the same coin, they actually need each other

Apparently the definition of "leftist" is now "someone who calls OP a retard when he is being a retard".

what an autist

In fairness, that's what it's always been the far right dudes.

>You’re a faggot for even wanting to debate people in the first place,
I don't really want to debate. I merely reply to people throwing insults or making ridiculous strawmen. So far there have been plenty of those. In fact, that is precisely what you ever get with leftists. Either they make strawmen and pretend to argue or they just throw insults and think they have added something of value.

If you don't want me to ridicule you for your stupid message, don't make a stupid message.
>got nothing better to do with your time?
I'd have a million better things to do, but weak will makes me procrastinate.

*with the far right, even

Nah, the first one was free. Persisting at it made you a leftist.

And turns out I was correct on all counts:

Sucks to be you user

Do you genuinely think you're only talking to one person?

Yes. One NPC is no different from another. The insults and the strawmen might differ ever so slightly, but that's all the noise they ever make.

That sounds like you're aware you're not talking to only one person but you're mostly unwilling to admit it, which is strange and sad honestly

I'm aware of great many things. Perhaps most acutely that leftists do not even try to be anything but exactly what I've already described. Post after post after post... Yeah, it's tiresome. I wish I were proven wrong at least sometimes on subject at all, but you NPCs never even try.

I mean, I'm not trying to have a serious debate, I was mostly just pointing out how all right wingers are soulless NPCs who exclusively make emotional arguments and can't comprehend le logic and le reason by referencing some common NPC right winger talking points, but anyways

>That said I really don't care about your appeal to authority, climate change is real but just because some jack offs with a degree on a list that probably doesn't count for every science jack off on the planet does not make an argument.
The difference is these scientists have accountability, unlike the typical internet shitposter who regurgitates conspiracy theories behind a computer all day and hasn't studied climate anywhere near as in depth as people who are out working directly in the field. When given the 2 options, I'll believe the climate scientist.

>The problem we have is in being invasive about sexuality to children, it shouldn't be taught in schools or represented in childrens tv programming.
Part of being a heterosexual male is being able to see a gay couple kiss and not be turned on by it. If your kid gets turned into a faggot by seeing a gay person on tv he was probably already a faggot to begin with. People on the right want to pretend like this is a problem so they can harass people who identify as different genders or sexualities and not look like complete assholes doing it.

>everyone should be equal
You you just proved my initial point lmao. You can't talk about wealth redistribution with a right winger at all without them blowing your statements out of proportion and acting like you're a full blown communist.

>I refuse to step on anyone through taxation to get what I am able to get for myself provided I put the effort and time.
Oh no, how is Jeff Bezos gonna survive when he only has 148 billion dollars instead of 149 billion dollars? Fuck the employees, why should they make a living wage and be able to afford things when Jeff Bezos could have more money?

OP is so obviously underaged. Stop giving him attention. He wants to "debate" people and then feel like he wins and is smart. Ignore him. Make him see himself for the dumb edgy kiddo he is.

I like it how you ignored my message. It's always easy to argue against your own strawmen and brainlets, of course, but is that really worth anything? I guess it is, since you did write that message.

And yet more insults.

>climate change
Yes, the climate does change. Whether or not humans are the cause is irrelevant, simply because to change human action would be to change human nature, which is nearly impossible.
The true and only long term solution is to keep the population at sustainable levels (i.e. only as many people as the ground they farm can provide for) and to keep technology stunted as well. However, since the latter is a product of human nature, it's better to just reset the cycle (i.e. population and technology) and let the generations several thousand years from now deal with what we're dealing with
Yeah, I've got no real problem. If there is reasonable proof that homos are pedos as some righties say, then I think that should be looked at. Otherwise, it should be kept in the bedroom, or at the very least, not promoted by the government
>limitless resources
Yes and no. There are enough resources *now* to provide for *some* but not enough to *always* provide for *everyone*. Removing the struggles of life would generate a new set of conflicts similar to what we already see with the high depression/suicide rates. Lives are already meaningless enough. If you remove the Npc's necessity to work, I imagine it will become much, much worse

University probably. I joined a communist group in Poland and the leaders of that group were actually very smart and conscious. And they loved to discuss communism so you can probably find a nice debate with a group like that.

Go back to SA, dirty SJW goon faggot nigger, stop being afraid of having your argument destroyed leftist cuck

They like to talk about communism with each other, when everyone agrees. They absolutely hate arguing about it.

>They like to talk about communism with each other, when everyone agrees.
You can say this for just about every political group. Modern day politics is retarded

Just stop talking politics, problem solved.

Your strawmen need more hay.

Climate change is real. The planet is cooling down. We used to have winters with 22°C in the mediterranean. Now it's even snowing in the capitals. Older depictions of everyday life show people wearing lighter clothes and the oldest ones show them naked, wearing nothing but broad hats and capes to protect themselves from direct sunlight.
The leading countries by a long mile in terms of pollution are China and India.

Many human cultures that developed separately from eachother for thousands of years have a common aversion to men taking it in the ass. Insults and threats about fucking someone are universal in form and context. There are various recorded instances where claims of homosexuality are used in a derogatory manner, for example the ancient grafitti found in Pompei. Also the Quran states that gays are a sign of the apocalypse and homosexuals are murdered in islamic countries. Frequently by being thrown off buildings.
Homosexuality has become a very political issue, with opposing opinions being taboo. People like freedom and as a result feel more resentment.

Goods and services require effort. If people are rewarded the same regardless of effort then the lazy will be enabled and the productive will be discouraged. The system will collapse out of lack of the effort required to produce goods and services.

Furthermore, businessmen need other people to man their stores. They create jobs. And they're doing so by investing their money in ideas that may or may not work. They're gambling their capital.
Yes, a lot of rich people are scumbags who use underhanded or outright illegal means. Most prominently the entertainment industry who is offering nothing necessary for our survival with our resources. But that isn't your argument. Your argument is that

Rightist millennials think they are oh so rational and objective.
They are more emotionally unstable and charged than most leftists in truth.
Nationalism, for instance, is an inherently and utterly emotionally fueled ideology.

These are also pretty good.

The rational rightist

Sorry, I just got up.

My problem is that they don't base their disagreement on reasoning, but emotion. If you support a woman's right to choose because some people can't afford to have children, okay. If you support it because "anyone who doesn't support it hates women," that's dumb. If you're against arresting people at the border because you think it's an inefficient way to deal with illegal immigration, okay. If you think anyone should be allowed to enter this country and have an anchor baby because living in America on the taxpayer dime is a human right, what?

I only made the OP, the third post, and the new one. I'm 23.

Fuck, people are going to think this guy is me.

I've had people change my mind on abortion, transgender rights, and welfare programs, all with calm reasoning, not pointing and sputtering. I've never "won" s debate with anyone.

That's the problem.

I'm too impulsive to not talk about what's on my mind when it's on my mind, but even if I couldn't, why should I when other people have and openly express views? Aren't those people implicitly asking to have their views challenged by openly expressing them?

Are you familiar with Bret Weinstein? His words man interest you. He is a left leaning guy with the same concerns as you about his own “side”

>everyone i dont agree with is an NPC
>I HATE people that think emotions matter more than actual argumens

i bow to your infallable rationality, oh lord of objectivity

What's is your solution to climate change? Does it involve purging huge swathes of the population? That's the only thing that will make meaningful changes and the only thing I'll support

Geoscale engineering. We can create facilities that literally suck carbon out of the atmosphere. We will save ourselves with science, not population control.

Republicans and fundamentally retarded because they think so short term (but I guess thinking short term makes sense when you literally think that human civilization is a failed experiment that jesus will come down and end within our lifetimes).

How do you power such machines?