Need femanons help to make sense of something

I have this issue that happens to me a lot!
I met a girl in X event, we get along sometimes good flirty convo, sometimes even dancing heavy petting/ make out.
And every single time I try to follow up usually by text I get completely blow of.

Just last weekend met this girl at a party, she approached me, she asked for my number, the next day she asked for my insta (I showed it to her from my phone the day I met her to show her my dogs), she adds me back into her private insta.
Next day I set up a date for next week, and then later that night I get blocked from her WhatsApp.
I don't make a big deal out of it, but I message later next day to her insta asking if everything is ok.
Later I see a notification of her reply, something along the lines of "sorry someone blocked my number from her cellphone, but we could message through there (insta), later when I go to reply I see that the messages are gone.
This has happened multiple times, where I got a good start, have fun, I know they find me attractive (since most times I get approached) but the end result it's always along the lines of what I told you.
Any woman here can help me make sense of this?
Important observation and user made is that these girls are teens or early 20 and I'm early 30s.

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No one?

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Don't do this.

Elaborate pls.
I try to keep it at a minimum, and mostly try to use it for logistics.
I do hate texting, but that's how most people communicate.

>keeps bumping thread even though it’s not even an hour old
if you act this needy on Jow Forums it makes me wonder how you act with these girls

Oh shit, I usually post in other boards, which I guess are much faster and any post past 15 minutes gets deleted, sorry.
I don't think I act needy irl.

i actually had an affair with this girl that would block out of nowhere on insta, we ended up making out and all that bull, after that she never said anything to me, she did block me quite some times and always came up with shitty excuses, didnt really care and you too shouldnt user

You are probably right, things just started to spiral out of control like a month ago when a girl I found stupidly attractive started to mess with my head.
She didn't pull the random blocking thing, but gave me a lot of mixed signals and attention that fucked with my head.

need more detail op, why would they just block you out of the blue?

femanon here, do you think that you said something a bit too politically incorect or maybe talked about something too edgy ?

I'm asking this beause I did the same thing with someone a few years back, the guy was nice in the beginning but the more I learnt about him the more red flags I started seeing. I did accept his number because I was afraid of his reaction, but I only texted him one or two times.

>girls are teens or early 20 and I'm early 30s

I'm also a bit concerned about the age gap here . I know for exemple that my girl friends never want to have a serious relashionship with someone who is that much older...

I think that we need more info to help you

The text convo with this girl was pretty much as I described, like 8 texts total.
After the party.

Me: Hey R how's it going, hung over?
R: no I slept pretty good lol, you?
Me: not hang over either, but I did not get any sleep
Me: hey are you free next Saturday? I want to go to this cool Craft beer place
R: yeah sounds good

Then she asked for my insta with pics of my dogs and everything happened as I explained.

Everything seemed ok.

But this is only an example, and it has happened to me way too many times. I know I never say anything controversial or creepy, I dunno...

Maybe google your name. They might find something on you.

Or a mass murderer shares the same name, one state over.

Yeah I have googled myself, the most you can find is my LinkedIn


Femanon here, mm yeah that is pretty odd. Like a lot of people say, girls are complicated. this is mainly because we're incredibly emotional, anything really can put us off or hurt our feelings. sorry about that
i feel like we need more information, is there really nothing else you can share with us? this is exactly how it went..?

>this is exactly how it went..?
Pretty much.
The thing is it has happened to me way too much...

>we're incredibly emotional
could we stop piling cliché upon cliché please
there must be a more rational explanation better than "ummm girls are eMoTionAL" especially when the story seems to repeat itself desu

They might've changed their mind about you or sobbered up and thought about it more carefully. Then they don't want to deal with rejecting you, so they blocked you. But that's my guess.
I don't think it's necessarily your fault.


First of all some women are just going to flake. Maybe they are seeing another guy who has already built rapport, family member died, just had second thoughts. Whatever, sometimes you're going to run into this, and its fine.

Sometimes, you don't do anything wrong, you're doing everything right and you run into a string of girls like this, it seems like you must be doing something wrong but in fact you are really just getting unlucky. This could be the case.

Could also be that you're overlooking something.

First of all, call don't text. Girls appreciate being asked out on a date via phone call, it also puts you up a notch on their attraction to you. It also gives you a serious advantage as they are put on the spot on a phone call, its easy to tell if they are going to flake or if they are seriously interested, unlike a text.
Does she say shit like "I'll have to check my calendar, possibly, ill let you know, etc." She's going to flake. Or does she light up/seem nervous and try to solidify a date? Probably into you and won't flake.

Also, girls that young are kind of retarded and probably going to be overly cautious about you and in general don't totally know what they want yet and are more flaky. Maybe try for the mid 20's range probably do you a lot better.

You haven't really said anything that makes me think you're doing anything wrong though, probably just need to go for a little older girls, not to mention you might be getting a string of shit thrown your way, just bad luck.