How to leave Jow Forums?

Is there any alternative to Jow Forums that isn't as obnoxiously racist and right-wing as this site is?

I've browsed here for years as my main site but it's just become unbearable for me now. I can't even have discussions on /mu/ or /sp/ without it devolving into Xbox Live tier throwing of racial slurs, eg. trying to have a thread about rap music and some guy comes in posting 10 posts about "nigger music is bad"

I tried Plebbit but it just doesn't have the same humor and flair to it, and I love the anonymity of this place

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Not really. I'm annoyed at the website in the same way you are, it's gotten much worse over the years but I haven't found anything good to replace it with.

Fuck off libtards. I hear Tumblr got tampons for fags like you

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which other boards have you tried? I know for a fact that /co/ is almost as protective as reddit when it comes to racist comments

Used to browse /v/ but that became terrible before most boards did. Jow Forums is fun but as you can imagine, can easily devolve into very retarded humor

>/co/ is almost as protective as reddit when it comes to racist comments
but the problem is still people coming to the board trying to start Jow Forums arguments. there’s no getting away from that shit even on relatively “friendly” boards like /co/

>tfw just want a site like Jow Forums without all the politics and shitposting and baiting
This site was never amazing but fuck were electionfags like the final nail in the coffin.

I don't think there really is anywhere else. I've been searching for years now but everyone has flocked to Reddit, here, Twitter, etc. The internet just feels like a dozen or so giant websites.
Welcome to the club user.

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How long have you been here? Racist humour has been here for as long as I can remember

Just report for racism. Especially on 4channel, mods care.


Fuck off teenage/boomer normalnigger

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People have always used the word nigger here and if there werent racists there would still be trolls like always.

Fuck off and stay out.

Gotta have the bad with the good.

>Is there any alternative to Jow Forums that isn't as obnoxiously racist and right-wing as this site is?
Yeah, Jow Forums. The literal mods are feminist sjw fat women. If even this site triggers you, no site will appeal to you. Just don't go on boards like Jow Forums, you retard. What boards do you usually go on? Jow Forums is a liberal shit show in of itself most of the time.

Reddit sounds more up you’re ally if you actually like discussion, this place is for retards who think there different from the rest of the world or just want to shit post.

I started browsing in 2010, used to be exclusively on /v/ then progressed to /mu/ /sp/ and Jow Forums. Havent regularly browsed /v/ since 2014ish.

Shit definitely changed. Jow Forums was always very very right-wing but other boards used to be more chilled. I remember a lot of racist humor but it used to be just casual use of the n-word. Now we have people on /sp/ and /mu/ literally not even talking about the topic of the board, but instead using thinly veiled connections to spark arguments about race theory and racial purity.

It's just exhausting. I don't want to fucking go on /mu/ and have my thread about a hip hop album shitted up by some faggot talking about "nigger music" who won't go away. It's actually impossible to have any form of discussion on certain boards without politics entering into it.

>It's actually impossible to have any form of discussion on certain boards without politics entering into it.
Welcome to 2019 user

Nigger music is half of what is on /mu/ though. Its like trying to avoid sneed on /tv/

I'd love to know this as well. I feel like the older I get the less tolerant I am towards internet culture. When I first joined as a kid I used it to escape the real world, and now I feel like I go to the real world to escape the internet. There are so many frustrating, disgusting, reprehensible people and I don't just mean in the sense of weirdo white nationalist groups or whatever but just annoying Redditor "well akshually" types. Everyone annoys me. I've started to just read or watch TV or play games but I don't get the same sense of social fulfillment because most RL people and topics are extremely boring to me

So basically this website doesn't share your insanely common and socially safe broken view of the world and instead remains one of the last that naturally harbors the opposite.

>its just become unbearable
>stay anyway
>being this retarded

Tfw Jow Forums has been ruined by literal faggots.

It's not unreasonable to want a site to browse that doesnt literally advocate for racial genocide every 5 minutes even in totally unrelated threads and boards

Yes it is, as you can see by your experience here.

/b/ in 2003 in order to give people some context, look how different everything is to now

If you can't use the post filtering on Jow Forums X then you deserve to get mad.


I browse a few boards like /tg/ there's still pol-tards drumming up shit, and I'd never admit to being a minority of any kind on there, but you can usually find an ok thread or general if the discussion stays on topic. I used to venture into those threads to argue with assholes like that, but, I think the experience is better if you just don't pay attention to it.

stop sucking the past's dick
everything seems worse because of how much you admire the past. nostalgia is fucking weak and stop acting like things are different then it was before.

Jow Forums is the most pro-black board dude. Everyone wanna be black

Honestly it is just as bad anywhere else but usually it is the reverse where they talk about retarded left wing ideas instead of retarded right wing ideas.

Go to reddit dude

To be honest Reddit isn't even left-wing like a lot of people here think. Large swathes of Reddit are home to Trump/Peterson fanatics, and we all know about the presence of big red pill and incel communities there. Jow Forums won't admit it but they have a massive Reddit crossover

I really dont care about politics at all. I leave the politic questions to someone that wants to answer them. Im just there for the memes and the shitty things. Like, music, videos, everything. Reddit is a nice place to be, i dont know if im special or something but i made two friends dudes using reddit.

(English bitch lasagna sorry)

Right on. Reddit's just Jow Forums with a condom. My advice is to ask what you're getting out of Jow Forums and find ways to subdivide those wants onto different sites. Honestly I go to Jow Forums4chan a lot of the time just because it's exhausting having your brain soak in this constant piss mist of hate and negativity.

What bums me out is that there aren't any real online communities or cultures anymore. Jow Forums's culture still kind of exists because it's deliberately unpleasant, but pretty much every web community nowadays is just bland mush made for everyone


I don't want to go to Reddit, Twitter or some other forum because it's always filled with the same e-cred bullshit I hated from forums in the late 90's or 2000s... especially in today's online world.
I'm not the kind of person who gets offended by really anything, and I think PC culture is pretty stupid, so the 'safe space no ouchies' politically correct vibe I get from websites with username centric content always turns me off.
That said, Jow Forums is definitely worse off than it used to be. There are people here who genuinely believe the kind of shit that gets flung about to the point where I can't tell what's real and what's facetious, but worse than that there's no sense of genuinity anymore. Everything is six levels of irony and you're a Reddit faggot if you try and have genuine discussion.

yeah I get what you mean 100%, OP
/tv/ used to be my home board and now its nothing but capeshit company wars threads and Twitter screenshots
there really is no replacement for Jow Forums though
nothing comes close, especially humor-wise

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You're here forever nigger

i know what you feel like 100%.
i play a game where i see how far a thread goes without that obvious bait everyone falls for

I really don't think there is.
I'm in the same boat as you, I started browsing seven or eight years ago and I was a huge newfag even then. The racist shit was all around, but it was clearly tounge-in-cheek, and we used to tell actual stormfags to fuck off. The general attitude of posters here has also shifted drastically. Nobody seems happy to be here, nobody seems like they actually want to talk, they just kind of want to shitpost into the void and scream at each other.

There's a few factors that I think play into this, ultimately.

I would say the election was the final nail in the coffin, but Gamergate was what I think really sealed the deal, and that was years before. It inextricably linked Jow Forums with Twitter and other social media sites in a way that erased whatever was left of the mid-2000s internet attitude time capsule this site used to be. Both events brought in floods of people that behaved essentially how Jow Forums stereotyped real immigrants to be - obnoxious, refusing to integrate, destabilizing existing communities, destroying culture and bringing in horribly warped versions of their own to shoehorn into whatever was left of the old "board culture" people used to talk about here.

The Web on the whole has shifted, as well, from community to content. I talk to my friends about this, and they bring Discord up as the new frontier for community socialization, but something's been lost, and I can't pinpoint what it is. It's not nostalgia. Pic related.

Now, nobody is sincere, everyone is angry, and I just want to leave.

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I don't really need a safe space. I'm fine if someone calls me a "faggot" or a "tranny" or whatever else. What bugs me is that whenever I need to talk about something the necessitates revealing that, like a funny story or to ask for Jow Forums, I know that if I reveal that info about me, then 90% of the remaining discussion will just be vitriol about that.

Same would go if I was a minority of any other shade. It seems so strange to me that that a site dedicated to anonymity in it's structure would have a community so obsessed with aspects of posters identity. I fortunately don't have to reveal that information most of the time, because it tends to be less relevant to my life than what the average shitposter thinks, but the rest of board is spammed with random Jow Forums bait that I need to filter through to talk about whatever I actually want to talk about, for example: "Tabletop RPGs."

Even if I get to a decent thread about said RPGs, everyone will express their opinions in the most exaggerated manner as possible, talking like xbox-live style verbage. "System A is utter and total garbage, and it's made for brainlets/cucks/etc." Is something that might have been an interesting debatable opinion before it went through a mental filter in the posters head to make the negativity as aggressiveness as intense as possible.

I still come here, because I do like the fundamental structure of the site, and I don't know many alternatives to it, but it feels difficult to get what I want with the mentality of the community being what it is.

nigger music is bad

Want to know how I know you're a newfag?

>The racist shit was all around, but it was clearly tounge-in-cheek,
No it wasn't , it was completely serious. It you thought it was satirical then you were the butt of a joke. Get over it.
>We told stormfags to fuck off
We still do. This place has never been monolithic. Your complaints are just
>Waaaah much racism
Meanwhile all the edgy shit about murder, pedophelia, drug dealing, rape, etc never phases you eh? Not only has this place changes, you have as well you ideologue. moron
>I've been posting here for 7 or 8 years and only now am I noticing how many people here disagree with me about x,y, or z
Probably because your existed in a little echo chamber here and refused to post on other boards.

>Reddit doesn't have a left wing bias
You're probably too much of a newfag to remember Ellen Pao. The only reason why Reddit has Jow Forumsthedonald is because she was forced to leave.

I've been coming here for a long time and this site is just like it was when I first started, complete with people complaining about how it was "changing" and "wasn't like this when I got here."

I wouldn't be surprised if Jow Forums's 2nd thread of all time were this exact thread.
>2nd thread of all time
>Jow Forums'S CHANGED!!!

This. These days all the newfags treat Gamergate like people used to treat chanology and keep complaining about the most mundane shit
>Jow Forums wasn't always this racist
No, it used to be more racist then all of those fags left to 8ch*n after gamergate
>There didn't use to be this many off topic replies
No, there was.

The only real difference is the amount of traffic this place gets plus gook moot and more annoying ads

>how to leave
You just press the x on your tab and never come back. Then you start finding people IRL to talk to about the shit you're into and voila, problem solved.

Why not just go to Reddit?

Been here since 2007 i expect ill be here forever.

Quora is a different forum but way more interesting

Honestly, just stop being a whiney faggot and put up with it lol. If you've been on here years as you say, then you know not to take anything you see here as serious anyway. You won't find another site like this

>We still do.
I've seen it happen every once in a while, but it's not common. I'll grant you it used to be worse.
>Meanwhile all the edgy shit about murder, pedophelia, drug dealing, rape, etc never phases you eh?
None of that shit clogs up conversations nearly as much. I'm not taking some moral stance here, I'm not bothered by the words - if they did, I wouldn't still be here eight years later. The way I phrased my post probably made it seem more "muh racism" than I intended. Tranny-related shitflinging on /v/ has also been a conversational black hole for a while now.
>Probably because your existed in a little echo chamber here and refused to post on other boards.
I've lurked on most boards by now and posted regularly on 10-15 different ones. The smaller boards are usually a lot less shitty, but my main interests coincide with most of the more popular boards on this site, so I'm probably more exposed to it than some other users might be.
People have always complained about Jow Forums changing, absolutely. /v/ was bitching about nu-/v/ years and years ago when I started posting regularly. They were saying the same shit I'm saying now. It's more a problem of the pile of shit slowly getting higher over time. I don't have a problem with things being different, I have a problem with the way discussion has changed. Something closer to what said. I mean, look at the way you phrased your post. I'm not going to criticize you for being aggresive/defensive and namecalling, because I go on the fucking internet, but I wonder why so many people default to that now. Separate issue, though. More a problem with the internet at large than Jow Forums specifically.

Ultimately, discussion about this is going to go the same way this thread is going. Unsubstantiated arguments back and forth, "gb2reddit", "muh racism", "muh m00t", until page 10. If I want to leave, I should just leave. Until tomorrow, at least.

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