ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything

Before you post, check the FAQ.
Keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.
If you can't handle upsetting replies (or the FAQ) don't ask. You will be bullied out of this thread if you act salty.

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. There is no "magic moment" (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
>How do I my penis?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
>Why are terrible? . .
Fuck off

> is only for hookups, don't go there for real people!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Make one yourself! Try these macros:

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Question for guys
>be me
>want to make some food and play games with my friend
>ask friend to come over
>"i'm a virgin"
>he doesn't come over


>>"i'm a virgin"
Seems a bit random.

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Thank you I needed this.

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You were missing some essential words in your story.
Are you a guy or a girl?
How old is you and your friend?
Did he say he was a virgin or did you?
What did your invitation say?

>>Jow Forums103709398
need help here

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Tomorrow I'll go through another cleft lip scar surgery. I'm so excited to see the result.

I won't be able to lurk Jow Forums for some days, because I can't laugh. :(

It's a solid plan. Go for it.

>the gf
>her bf
wait so is she your ex? i'm confused


>On Monday night I get a call from a girl I work with.
>She sounded distraught and asked me if she could come over.
>We are work friends but don't really hang out outside of it.
>Weird and out of the blue but I say ok.
>She arrives. I could see she had been crying.
>She thanks me.
>We hang out and watch Netflix.
>Order some Uber Eats.
>It starts getting late and at no point does she bring up why she is even here.
>I start yawning and getting tired as it is after midnight by now and we both have work in the morning.
>She meekly asks me if she can crash here for the night.
>Uhhhh sure?
>I let her have the bed and crash on the couch.
>In the morning she uses my shower puts on the same work clothes from yesterday and we have breakfast together,
>She still doesn't bring up what is happening but she seems much happier.
>We drive to work in our own cars.
>Before we enter the building she stops me and gives me a big hug and kisses me on the cheek and says "Thanks for everything".
>I don't really see her for the rest of the day and assume she went to her own home that night.

What the hell? I am so out of my depth here. Should I ask her what happened or just let it go?

i laughed at this
i'll laugh for you until you can laugh again

Probably some bigger issues at home. Either family, boyfriend, friend, or whatever. Given that she made no moves, its very likely she was just distraught over something. You could have asked. In fact you probably should have.

Thanks for covering me, bro/sis.

yeah the difference is she obviously wants to fuck me lol it's the only reason she's talking to me. i'm like a solid 8.5/10

But why are you protecting your virginity?
And why do you think she is a succubus?

There was a guy yesterday saying that his female doctor (therapist?) told him to get a prostitute.
I wonder how common that is. I never told to my therapist that I started fucking prostitutes.

>But why are you protecting your virginity?
i'm really not. the issue is she has a bf and i don't want to get shot
>And why do you think she is a succubus?
she isn't

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Ah, ok. Then I think you're doing the right thing.

How common is it for girls to fantasize about forcing themselves on a man?

>dreamgirl all but begs me to date her
>hold a grudge from when she screwed me over last time
>turn her down, date someone else

Was this the right thing to do?

I kinda did that. I think it was the right choice in retrospect, though since I broke up with "other girl" I'm actually trying to get together with dreamgirl again.

>I'm actually trying to get together with dreamgirl again.

I can't think to do this, it will look weak as hell. How do you know she hasn't moved on?

Because she never stopped pursuing me lmao

Shit. Mine stopped when she found out I was dating someone else. But that's probably cause she expects me to make the next move.

Introverted\nerdy\virgin females, when can one meet you, and what would you deem as appropriate course of action in terms of getting closer?

Oh I never told mine. I just literally ghosted her.

But the way I got her back into "active pursuit" from low-intensity pursuit was when she wished me a happy birthday on FB, I replied thanking her and suggesting we get together sometime to "catch up" since it'd been so long. She replied "Sure!" so I texted her to set something up. Since then we've loosely planned a half dozen or more date ideas (and set two dates for the coming weeks). I haven't had to push hard on her either. She's been pretty excited, and there's been basically no talk about the long silence or anything like that.

In school.
Talk to me about classes. Make me laugh.

Any other options, I've already finished with my degrees.

Not really. Online, maybe.
But honestly I'm 20 and I wouldn't date a man who is a lot older than me.

I'm not a lot older. mid 20s.

So what sort of sites and online hobbies do you partake in, outside of Jow Forums?

So basically 90% of the questions people would use an anonymous image advice board for are answered with "fuck off."

Great! So here's my context and question - I've been experimenting with sticking different sized dicks in my ass. I started with a 3" bullet vibrator and have now worked up to 7 x 5.5" full insertion.

Why are women lying about penis size preference? The only reason I use my bullet vibrator anymore is for the bullet vibrating part and because I can stick it in with just spit for lube. But any time I actually want to *get off* as opposed to just have an orgasm, my ass literally craves the 7x5.5".

Comparing the two differently sized dildos directly is almost laughable. The idea that the bullet vibrator is going to give me the same raw pleasure as the 7 incher is ridiculous. I completely understand what women mean when they say "full, stretched like it's hitting every spot all at once."

I would have to spaz out using the bullet vibrator to even approach the same recognition of sensation when it's in me and there's no fucking way the 3" bullet could ever make me feel full anymore.

This is especially interesting to me given that inserting the 3" bullet used to make me feel the same sensory recognition - I was an ass virgin, it was tight, and I felt all 3 inches like they were 7".

What this is telling me is that:
> Women are settling
> Women are lying to their partners to preserve their egos
> Or these women have never experienced an above average sized dick.

And if I'm feeling this difference with my ass... god only fucking knows how much more of a sensory difference it is between dick sizes in a vagina.

What's going on in the female psyche when they fuck a smaller dick knowing they've had bigger and better ? Disappointment? Settling? Something else that's not so cynical?

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Hey, still quite a bit older. I prefer guys in their early 20s so we can move forward in life together, dating someone who is out of college already feels odd.
And in general I don't like guys who go for girls who are much younger than them, or who specifically look for virgins.

>So what sort of sites and online hobbies do you partake in, outside of Jow Forums?
I'm on a couple of discord servers, mostly talking about politics.
I run a blog about weird shit I'm interested in.

How do you not fucking up kissing a girl for the first time? I don't have a lot of experience doing this and some study showed that 66% of girls will end a relationship if the first kiss is shitty.

Please help I'm really stressed about this.

Maybe he didn't want to fuck and just wanted to hang out.

>text ex-gf if she'd be up to eat some ice cream
>she followed me on insta yesterday evening
>see her in her car at the traffic light
>she clearly saw me
>no response
different kind of feel
been a month of no contact, a text on my birthday from her and another week of no contact now

What result are you expecting to get? Drama?

Think through the possible scenarios. Are you really going to strip this girl off of her boyfriend, who she is on vacation with, and be cool with that?

Because what's probably going ot happen is you're going to either look like a tard.... or it's going to cause drama, she'll get broken up about the drama, and then you get to hold all of her baggage and drama for her on your dick.

I've had a girlfriend whose ex was sending her shirtless pics and telling her sexual shit. I responded by taking a video of her swallowing my cum and sent it to him. Asked him what he thought of it. He was very polite to me after that.

Girl came to you for comfort. Does she have a boyfriend? She might have gotten into a fight with her boyfriend and, in those scenarios, it usually devolves into a contest to see which partner needs the other partner less, unfortunately.

So the scenario I'm imagining is:
>They had a fight
>She wanted to show him she doesn't need him and has male options to assuage her own insecurities or self esteem or whatever
>She phoned you up and you took care of her like a girlfriend, thereby elevating her self esteem while her partner worried about where she was

I would be too jaded for this unless she came completely clean to me about what the fuck happened. I'm not interested in being a pawn in some lover's bullshit quarrel. I've been the lover quarreling before. Not going to fly with me unless she's honest about wtf she's doing there.

Girls, if your really into a guy will you text a guy back right away or wait a while (a day or more) before texting back?

I got this girls number who was very clearly into me. After a few days I texted her and its been about a day and she still hasn't texted back.

Should I wait another day before texting again?

It's pretty easy to learn after 2-3 seconds you're doing it.
My boyfriend and I started kissing at the front door of his building, and it sucked. When we got to the elevator, we were kissing like pros.
Don't exaggerate with the tongue, it's not a tonsils inspection. I like when it starts with a small peck on the lips, then you go back for french kissing.
Eyes closed. Eye contact till before the kiss. Play with her hair. Be nice.

You'll find the right rhythm as you go.

>girlie and I like each other
Now what do I do?

Well, I know this goes a bit off topic, but I don't go for young girls specifically, I actually like older women, the problem is they are very boomerish in their personalities, and I want a non normie, which skews younger.

And I am looking for virgins (though I don't care if they aren't as long as they are non-normie) as well for the same reason you mentioned, moving forward together on that front.

Anyway, thanks for your post, things look grim indeed sadly.

Which means 34% of them won't. Shoot for the 34% and if you get a 66%er just say OH OK fuck it and move on.

Basic tips:
>Less spit = better. Keep that shit in your mouth to start off with.
>Open your mouth but also be relaxed. Kissing - and sex in general - is about getting what you need while also responding to your partner.

So no spit, open mouth slightly, and then respond to how you two come together. Each person kisses a little bit differently. There's no substitute for practice so just find a nice girl to practice with who isn't a 66%er.

Ask her out? Take her out? Make out with her?

Do slow pecks at the start, then move onto longer kisses. Keep your mouth relaxed through all of this and feel her lips between yours.
If one of you start opening your mouth wider you could do tongue. Add your tongue in but only by a little, if she does it back on the next kiss then do it with tongue.
Do not go tongue first.
Stoke her neck/side of face/hold her hand whilst doing it.

She got your first text. If she doesn't respond, she doesn't respond. It could be because she's not interested or she was in a car accident and broke both of her hands. Doesn't really matter does it - results are what matter and she didn't text you back.

You want her to be interested. Don't let your desire for her to be interested cloud your judgment of the situation.

That makes sense. We have mutual friends that I hang out with and am close with. I was almost thinking I got her number wrong, if she takes days think I should ask them if I got her number right?

Wait do you really have a cleft lip wtf [spoiler] because I do and I've never met anyone else irl or the internet who has [/spoiler]

What I want to do is eat her out

is dating over with 28? t. 28

had 4 LTR

somehow i've been a better "lover" with every relationship like i know how to feel a woman wanted, desired and bring passion to the table
but i dont want to be just a good lover ffs

last ex-gf told me she had a lot of good sex, but with me it was great sex better than what she was used to

>Wait do you really have a cleft lip wtf
Yeah, bro. I've posted about it in the past few months.

>[spoiler] because I do and I've never met anyone else irl or the internet who has [/spoiler]
I also posted something like that here. Haha
I've seen very few people irl and none on the internet, despite the statistic saying otherwise.

How many surgeries have you been through?
Was your problem only the cleft lip? Mine was.
How happy are you with your looks?

Probably rare.

I've certainly never done it.


>sent first big love ex-gf from 5 years ago a "whatsup text"
>ignored my previous cringe "wyd" texts i sent a year after we broke up

guess i'll never ever hear from her again then, sigh

I met my husband when he was about to turn 28. We've been together for 4 years. We've very happy.

that's pretty sweet user, i'm somehow giving up the hope on dating in that age

>Or these women have never experienced an above average sized dick.
>And if I'm feeling this difference with my ass... god only fucking knows how much more of a sensory difference it is between dick sizes in a vagina.
>What's going on in the female psyche when they fuck a smaller dick knowing they've had bigger and better ? Disappointment? Settling? Something else that's not so cynical?
Because men has way more pleasure from anal than women have from any penetration. You can't compare it like this.

I've had 6", and 5". Legit can't tell you which is which, I have forgotten, because I could never tell the difference. I seem to recall one was harder to give head, but he was also much more violent, so I have a feeling his way of acting made it harder, rather than the actual size.

Why? It's not a big deal user, people find love at all ages.

Do it then. That's hot as fuck, and a lot of guys don't do it. She'll love you

Two, I only have a cleft lip not palate so I got lucky in that regard. One was the bone graft at age 9 and the second was a scar revision and I think rhinoplasty at age 20. Pretty disappointed with the last surgery, didn't change shit even though my family says otherwise. My problem is the scar and my asymmetric nose. I know I should just accept it but I really am struggling with it. I'm really unhappy with my looks.

i've had those "girl mind games" played on me from a girl aged 19 up to a girl aged 25 and i thought the last one, 25 year old girl, would've stopped with that
but i was wrong

So guys, you talk so much about finding that virgin waifu...

>virgin, never been penetrated by anything other than fingers
>never slept with a guy
>bisexual though
>have been in a 5 year relationship with another girl
What would you think about this?

Guys just generally turn me on much more than girls, I just happened to like this girl a lot (at least until she had a meltdown), so it kinda superseded the attractiveness factor.

Found the meme

What do you even mean?

i mean, i've been disappointed by girls from 19-25 and the last one was 25 from which i thought she'd be interested in something more serious, past the "oh i don't know what i want maybe fuck around?" phase

What can I say, personality just matters infinitely more to me than physical attributes ever could.

Late-20s and post-20s dating is apparently rather different from dating in your mid-20s. The girl I'm dating now (we're both 34) for example almost always insists on full-day dates rather than short, casual meetups. The rationale she gives is that dates have to happen on days off and she wants to make the most of her days off. I think she's reluctant to do after-work dates because she wants more time to get ready, etc. But also, I think there's also a lot of pressure to hurry up and get married so girls at that age are more willing to hurry things along (but I don't necessarily mean sexually). So I get the impression that she doesn't see casual dates as worth the effort.

Also, a lot of the fun and carefree nature of more youthful dating just isn't there. You try to approximate it but at times it feels forced.

I dunno how else to explain it. Dating just gets weird. But it's totally doable.

>asked ex-gf if she wanted to meet up for coffee
>"hey user, i don't think it's good to do that right now. i'm sorry :("

is replying with
>okay sure, if you change your mind. hit me up

>dating gets weird
well fuck me.... i don't want to get thrown in a 30+ age dating world user

Thank you for responding! I read what you wrote and I have a few more questions if you're cool with it.

>Because men has way more pleasure from anal than women have from any penetration. You can't compare it like this.
Have you tried anal? How does it compare to regular "in vagina" sex for you?

>I've had 6", and 5"
>Or these women have never experienced an above average sized dick.

6" is above average but still pretty normal. It makes sense you wouldn't really be able to tell the difference.

Have you ever had 7 or 8? The dick I'm sticking in my ass is the same size as my dick, which is why I chose it. I wanted to know what these women were feeling when I ass fuck them.

The difference for me between 5 and 7 is pretty substantial.... I've asked many, many women about this and they agree they can definitely tell the difference between 5 and 7-8....

I wouldn't put it that way myself, but I wouldn't snap at you if you already said it. You're kind of in the "almost no hope" stage so there's little you can say that'll likely affect the outcome.

If it were me, though, I might say something like, "Haha damn, cold. [laughing emoji] No worries, just thought I'd ask." Or if you wanted to be less casual/nonchalant, "Oh, okay. No worries, just wanted to catch up."

> I might say something like, "Haha damn, cold. [laughing emoji] No worries, just thought I'd ask.
would that be too straight forward funny-ish?

The best way, me thinks, is to wait until you see her next and then see if it gets awkward. If it gets awkward, she got your text, didn't respond, and is getting awkward because of it.

If she doesn't get awkward right away, ask if she got the text. When she asks why, tell her you wanted to make sure you had the right number. Very reasonable and innocent reason.

I had sex with three guys. One was around 6.5", one was around 4.5", the other is around 7.5".
I preferred the 4.5 incher over the 6.5 incher.
I like my current boyfriend better but we're just awesome at sex and should go on tour around the country to give sex classes.
I had anal with the 4.5 one and the 7.5 one and I preferred it with the smaller one because it was pleasurable and didn't hurt at all, while with my boyfriend it hurts a bit.
The 6.5" was the worst one I ever had.

Size doesn't matter as much as the skills of the guy, in my experience.

Is casual sex different than meaningful relationships? Why does it seem to be that all women are good for the former, but none are good for the latter?

yes it is, it's just a quick fix, maybe a crush for a couple of months but in the end if you don't watch out you get addicted to that feeling and it can seriously fuck up your "bonding feeling" your brain gives you when you fuck with someone hence you become a slut

I mean, it depends on what the exact situation is. Like why she's not wanting to hang out. I'm guessing it's either (1) you broke up with her and she's still hurting about it and doesn't want to see you because she's trying to move on, or (2) she broke up with you and doesn't want to see you because it's clear you're trying to get back with her.

If it's 1, yeah, being funny about it would probably be mean. I'd go with the more subdued, "Oh, okay, no worries," and maybe tack on "I hope all's well," or something similar.

But if it's 2, I see no reason not to laugh the rejection off.

Might be busy, give it a bit of time. Also don't be too apologetic when you miss a text. You're expected to have a life outside of your phone.

>and my asymmetric nose
Mine ended up being pretty normal. I think there wasn't any surgery on my nose.

>Pretty disappointed with the last surgery
My second one was pretty good, but there are still some misalignments and the left side is bigger than the right side (that existed at birth).

>even though my family says otherwise
What about others?
Most people tell me that they don't notice it, but I'm sure they are just being polite. How can you not notice an imperfection that no one else has?

>I'm really unhappy with my looks
Can you not get another surgery? In my country (Huezil), the healthcare companies are legally obligated to accept birth defect surgeries, so I'm getting this one without paying any additional amount.

>all women
Nothing is true for all women or all men.

Anyway - casual sex is probably a bit wilder because you don't care about what the other person thinks of you that much.
I didn't want my ex boyfriend to think I was a weirdo so I never talked to him about what I was into, for example.

it's more or less a bit of both i guess?
up until a month ago we were seeing each other again, had sex, went on "dates"
she was distant one week, called her out and found out she fucked with someone else because she didn't want a relationship and made it clear, in her oppinion
i ended things cause didn't want to be a third wheel
month passes with no contact
my birthday comes up, get a text from her
that's been a week ago soooooo

i'd tend to nr 2 that is

>What would you think about this?
I'd think you are a virgin. I'm also the guy who would let you continue having sex with girls, because it's only cheating when there is a penis.

Girls, do you fantasize about taking multiple dicks at once?

>How can you not notice an imperfection that no one else has?
Most people have some small imperfections or asymmetries of the face. The overwhelming majority of people will NOT know that it's from a cleft lip.

People tend to get really weird about facial imperfections in themselves. Sometimes they'll see things that simply aren't there (or aren't abnormal). Discoloration, roughness, the way the skin moves with facial expressions... I've even heard of people complaining about facial stuff that their dermatologist can't see on physical exam.

These are good observations but let's take them with a grain of salt.
>almost always insists on full-day dates rather than short, casual meetups
What's stopping you from insisting on something different?
>I think there's also a lot of pressure to hurry up and get married so girls at that age are more willing to hurry things along
Dump them. Straight up. Women who think of men as "baby makers" for their lives instead of people to be courted... well shouldn't be dating, they should be picking sperm donors out of a catalogue. Seriously damaged goods if she can't see that point. Also:
Um, we're all adults here right? Does this 34 year old still need her daddy to be proud of her or something?
>Also, a lot of the fun and carefree nature of more youthful dating just isn't there.
Hm, wonder why after everything you've told me....

Allow me to add my experience dating in my 30s - the last three women and man I had sex with here - 19, 21, 21, and 25.

I haven't been on a date with a 30 year old+ woman since I broke up with my ex. Why? Because, like you pointed out, the majority of them are on some sort of fuck shit:
>Full day dates or else!
>Babies soon or else!
>Material goods or else!
>Expectations about your age and status or else!
I don't do threats well. So I stopped taking out 30 year old women filled with residual baby boomer expectations about my wallet and reproduction... and bang out 18 - 25 year olds. When I want companionship and partnership, I pay with my dog. When I want immediate validation, I get on Tinder.

The fact is that women still playing the "OR ELSE!" game are losers and losing because of it. Do they really think that men have fewer options as we age...?

I'll never forget one of my ex-roommates 19 year old girlfriends looking at one of my 45 year old coworkers and saying (quote), "The only thing he needs to do to fuck me is ask." The girl would have had his babies on the spot.

What if I knew for sure the text was saw?

>"The only thing he needs to do to fuck me is ask." The girl would have had his babies on the spot.
sounds to me like some daddy issues honestly

My response? "Yeah you should be."

So what? People have lives outside of their phones. You might "see" the text and not have time at that very moment to write off a response. Particularly if you went really awkward with the apology, coming up with a response can be awkward itself and would be something I'd want to put off until later.

lmao virgin

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Fair enough I guess. Is it awkward to say "sorry for not responding sooner"?

>What's stopping you from insisting on something different?
I've tried, she's not really willing. Obviously that means "move on" if it bothers me enough, but it really doesn't bother me that much, and I like the girl, so I'm sticking around.
>Dump them. Straight up. Women who think of men as "baby makers" for their lives instead of people to be courted... well shouldn't be dating, they should be picking sperm donors out of a catalogue. Seriously damaged goods if she can't see that point.
What the fuck? How do you extrapolate that level of insanity from what I said?
>Allow me to add my experience dating in my 30s - the last three women and man I had sex with here - 19, 21, 21, and 25.
... In other words, completely invalid comparisons because you're not doing 30s dating, you're a 30something dating young women, therefore acting like a young man.

Jesus dude, you are a weird one.

too straight forward imo

Thank you for sharing! Is your current boyfriend the 7.5incher ?

If he is... that makes this comment very interesting to me:
>I like my current boyfriend better but we're just awesome at sex and should go on tour around the country to give sex classes.
So sex with the 7.5 inchers is so good you think you should tour the country with it.... doesn't that prove the point a bit there?

Nah not really, though my go-to is more like "Oh whoops I didn't see your last text before."

Yeah that's just mean.

Yes. But it's not the dick.
Sex with him to me is 10/10. Same kinks, same drive, he's just good at it. Sex with the 4.5 was a maybe an 8/10. Sex with the 6.5 was 4/10.
It's really not the dick.

Not saying I don't like big cocks, because I do, but if I had to pick between sex with the 4.5 guy and the first guy I had sex with, I'd pick the smaller guy all the time.

Thanks user, ill try this.