Satan Complex

I think I'm the Devil. Please help.

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Get therapy

I don't want to be put into a psych ward, nor be put on medication.

What makes you think so?

You can always not take your meds

Tell me more

You can probably determine if you're the Devil pretty easily. Try doing something supernatural and evil. Make a plane crash or someone you know/hate come down with a disease or something.

If you can't do any of that stuff, you're not Satan. Guaranteed.

I want to hear this. Maybe it will help

A lot of my personal beliefs and luck falls in line with world events, as well as my own experiences in real life.
I summoned a succubus one night and made her my tulpa, now I think she's ingrained herself in my conscience. That, or this is destiny. I consistently feel like I'm deserving of all the bad things in my life and that this is all leading up to a 2nd Fall of Man, rather than a 2nd Coming. I'm very scared because I feel as well like I am going to play a very large role in this, helping Man in the long run but having to lose many people in the process. I'm very scared.

What have you done or thought about doing that makes you feel like youre the devil himself? Curious. Do you actually believe youre the reincarnated satan?

Either that or a corrupted form of Jesus. Every single night I have to force myself to go to sleep, or thoughts of destruction, turmoil, and fire will taint my mind. To add to that, I have an entire harem of succubi now who are always vying for my attention, but it means I cannot interest myself in other humans anymore, because I am simply too burnt out from their lust to participate in mutual love with my own supposed people.
To add to that, anytime I have been in a leadership position I have quickly been usurped or thrown out for things beyond my control, and I feel as though this is some divine intervention forcing me to never move up in ranks among my peers

Satan is a metaphor and a force that lies in humanity that comes from its self-awareness and freedom, it grew out of our evolution from apes as we slowly leaves the garden of Eden, remember that.

I know we didn’t directly evolve from apes, but the common ancestor between us and apes

Yo satan can you take my ex back to where you found her?

And when I was younger I was routinely ignored by other kids, but not because I was ugly, or fat, or weird, or anything really. When I would try to find out why people disliked me, it was almost as if they were unable to properly articulate it, as if I'm "He who shall not be named." I rarely hear people speaking about me, if ever. If they do, they never say my name. I feel like an alien

I wish I could, but I neither have access to Hell nor skill with women. The only girl I ever loved, I made the mistake of breaking up with when she needed me most. I do not know if I made a conscious decision in doing this. To this day it feels like a force outside of me dictated I do this, lest she grow to hate me more and more. I miss her.

Okay whats the worst thing you've done or accidently did?

>A lot of my personal beliefs and luck falls in line with world events, as well as my own experiences in real life.

That's completely different to what I'm talking about. If you want to really know, get specific on what you want to happen. For example, by the end of the week, cause a United Airlines plane to crash. Make it happen. I'll be watching the news and if it doesn't happen, I'll know you're not any sort of supernatural being.

Or, put your own challenge out here. But it has to be specific in terms of timing and results so everyone here can verify it. To make it easy on you, though, think of something that Satan could easily do. Also, if you don't do this or make excuses, I'll be convinced that you're not Satan, since someone with delusions would obviously shy away from these types of challenges.

I await your response

>Nor skill with women

We knew that OP just look at the fucking thread you made.

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And obviously, we're not talking about direct actions here, only the power of your supernatural abilities. Just to be clear

I am the reason the information revolution and social media has ruined society. I was born at the exact moment these things respectively began gaining traction. (21 by the way)
I can't do that. I have no vendetta against anyone or anything. Yet my woes cause the vibe around me to disperse on a global scale. Happiness subsists when I am happy, but turmoil comes when I am sad.
As an example, I downloaded Tinder three weeks ago to try to find a mate, but with no luck. My inner wrath led me to delete all social media, and only 12 hours after that, the NZ shooting happened.

Freud would have a field day with this, deep down inside you know you aren’t Satan and you know why you think you are Satan - otherwise you would have said ‘I am’ instead of ‘I think’. What you are going to is similar to what most other 4channers are going through, expect most of them never had girlfriends.

>only 12 hours after that, the NZ shooting happened.
Only about ten million other people also had a very bad day when the shooting happened, and all of them had a worse day than you. Does that make them all satan too?

>No, it doesn't.

Honestly, if you try to cherry-pick your results, you'll never find out the truth. So, challenge yourself to find even a slight correlation between your mood and world events. If you're honest about the appraisal I will almost guarantee you you'll find nothing.

Why are you attacking me for my problem? I don't know if I'm Satan, that's why I specified I have a complex. I don't want to feel this way.

I was going to pretty much make a text wall version of this, but that was very well said.

All of this just sounds like you need a therapist and read way too far into coincidence.

What is all this succubus shit though? I want to hear exactly how you summoned one for the first time and how you knew it wasn't just a horny girl.

I'm not attacking you, please don't take it that way.

I'm trying to help you. You said you don't want to feel like this, so just look at the facts. I think mentally, you're trying to blame yourself somehow for the evil in the world? So doing something like this might make you feel less responsible. You honestly are not to blame for these things.

Go on /x/, you will see many other people who have ‘summoned’ succubi

Youre clearly are anti-social and tick boxes that show a saviour complex you psychologically want to save others though you feel the way to do this is maybe by shutting yourself out because you see yourself as the devil? Not sure. But this want to blame yourself for coincidences makes you feel morally good because you're blaming all the evil in the world to be you, which is an extremely dangerous mind set.

Bro you are not Satan because one of the shooting that happen like every two weeks haopened the day after you deleted your dating app.

Please trust me. Hospitals get thousands of people daily who are utterly convinced that they are God or Satan and they always have. None of them ever are, we have all had weird shit happen.

For instance my sister and I once both had a dream of a white tiger the night my grandpa died and woke up scared just in time to talk to him. My sister once saw an "angel" in a dream who told her to stay in the hospital when she was there for asthma and sure as shit her appendex acted up and has to be removed later. I once told my parents about how I picked them out of all the other families when I was born and apparently gave weirdly accurate descriptions of my great grandparents and why I didn't pick them. Neither of us are supernatural, everyone has weird coincidence stories.

You are normal, you are mentally ill to some degree, and you can fix it but its going to be a hard process and you need professional help.

Also please try to be more descriptive and pricise rather than general with you answers

Seriously we're not attacking you. There was a little teasing up there but this is Jow Forums and what you're saying sounds a little crazy.

Please talk some more. This could lead to big problems for you and people around you if left unresolved

Fuck you for impersonating me, you fucking cuckold bitch. You don’t even take joy in making others suffer even your own suffering.

Go fuck yourself with a cactus, you wanna be gothic powerbottom.