In love with my girlfriend's mom

The night we met i could sense the sparks. It was around a year ago, about two weeks after i met my gf on okcupid. She was wearing tight spandex shorts and a joy division t-shirt and i couldnt believe this was her mom. She radiates youth and beauty and taste and appreciates good art and culture. The real shit like youd expect a hip gen x'er to be into, 80s post punk, 90s grunge, jim jarmusch movies and doctor who etc. We hit it off so well the whole night we were talking about music and art and politics while my millenial gf sat there acting jealous of our shared interests (we literally like all the same stuff) something that is lacking in our relationship.

Well this woman has been randomly buying me expensive sneakers and boots and paying for concert tickets for us and whenever we visit, she gets flirty when my gf isnt around and the one night she moved closer to me on the couch and kept grabbing at my arm like it seemed like an involuntary impulse thing like she wanted to touch me but was worried i would be weird about it or tell my gf.

Well she started randomly texting me a few months ago, but only when my gf was at work which i find interesting. I know im not just perceiving this the wrong way, i know theres something there but i dont know what to do about it.

Shes the most amazing woman ive ever met but something is telling me the only reason shes into me is that she recently divorced her wife and is just craving dick and since i have so much in common with her, she thinks she wants me. But i know its a bad idea for either of us to act on our impulses. I mean im pretty sure it would ruin my gf's life.

Should i follow my heart and tell her how i feel? Or continue to lust over her secretly? Im pretty sure shes feeling the same way, but what if she just really likes me but doesnt actually "want" me and im just perceiving the stuff she does that way because of how badly i want her?

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Sorry bud just jerked off. Uhhhh yes do the thing you want to


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fuck your gf's mom and watch the whole situation fucking implode for a laugh

Not sure I would tell her how you feel but 100% fuck her

"Doing as though will" would destroy my gf though. She already has mommy and daddy issues and shes in love with me. It could potentially cause her to lose her mind and kill herself or me/her mom.

On the other hand, i doubt i could ever intentionally find someone so perfect for me. Shes everything ive ever wanted in a woman. And realistically she would never want to have a relationship with me because she'd have to end the relationship with her daughter to do so.

The only other juicy stuff i think of is she changed in front of me one time (bra and panties not full strip) and sidnt seem to mind that i was looking. And also at a depeche mode concert she grabbed my hand and held it while we danced to strangelove when my gf went to the bathroom. It was one of the highest moments of my attraction to her and i wanted to kiss her right there, but of course my gf came back right at the end. She saw it too, and brought it up later but i played it off like it was simply innocent dancing but i can tell shes a little suspicious. It seems like shes happy we get along so well but jealous that we're like best friends when we get together.

Yeah, it really is a bad idea

Bad ideas can sometimes be good ones too. Wheres the balance?

how long have you been with gf?
If you and your gf break up you will regret not doing this. It is a bad idea, but if you want to transition to fucking the mom while being considerate about your gf-break up with gf, wait 6 months and fuck the mom.

Also post mom.

Who cares about balance? You clearly like your gfs mom more than your gf. Why would you waste your short life not pursuing what you want?

Please post mom

Please post mom.

and you need to decide who you like more. If you like the mom more, then go for it. you need to let the gf down first and give her some time. but text the shit out of her mom the whole time. then hit that.

>bad idea
obviously dating your gf if you want to fuck her mom is actually the bad idea here. Might as well get what you want to hightail it out of there when shit hits the fan

This is one of those situations where immediately after you blow your load on your girlfriend’s mum’s hole you’ll be overcome with guilt and regret except instead of being able to close all your filthy tabs if you were having a cheeky bat it’ll be real and stick with you and if your girl ever finds out she’ll go apeshit and the mum is just a horny divorcee who wants to feel hot and the fantasy is more important to her than it is to you so don’t do it.

Try for 3way or just dump the stupid younger version and drink the juices of an experienced woman

Based and redpilled

Here's an old photo from my gf's photo album. Not posting her fb pics here but she still looks the same. Shes actually really hot, the picture doesnt do her justice but shes hot and dresses well just believe me

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How old are you?
either way, A+ Hit that!

Im 31 and shes 42. Gf is 23

I seem to get along with gen x ppl better than other millenials. In hindsight maybe i should have been looking for an older woman this whole time

Do both. But you screwed up. You're suppose to date the mother, and bang the daughter on the side. hot young pussy for the fun and the older one for the companionship.

>Subtly convince the gf to break up with you, but "stay friends" with her.
There's a good chance she'll break up with you since she's 23, and 23 year-olds don't know what the fuck they want. Just make sure the break-up amicable.
>Text the mom about getting dumped by her daughter, lightly hint that you might be in an emotionally fragile state.
"This is going to sound crazy, but..."
>Ask the mom if she can join you for drinks.
>If the mom offers to get you back together with the gf, decline, admit it wasn't going to work out in the long run.
>Confess that the mom is more the type of woman you're looking for in a partner.
Gauge her reaction. If you end up hooking up with her, there's no foul since the gf broke up with you. If you get shot down, take a look at your okc match filters and skew them older.

in no part of this did you mention you give any of a fuck about your gf, just saying. im not saying youre a bad person for it im just trying to help you make a good descision. but dude leaving her and getting with her mom will fuck up this girl for life if shes 23

Yeah i guess i understated that i do actually love my gf and i feel like acting on my impulses would not only hurt her but she'd be double betrayed by her own mother as well, so basically the only two people she loves. She stopped talking to her dad years ago. I wish her mom would have just been a normal boring mom and not one of the hottest milfs ive ever seen in addition to sharing all the same interests unlike anyone ive ever met before then i wouldnt be in this mess

if i were you i'd bang the mom

Jesus, poor girl. Imagine if your GF fucked your dad. If that girl kills herself the blood is on your hands. If you really wanna bang her mom, at least break up with her beforehand.

This a long game though. Something would surely go wrong along the way then i lose both of them

At this point im leaning on only do it if im 100% sure theres no way she'd find out. Also i need to stop dreaming about being with her and appreciate my gf and the fact that she brought me into her loving family. The sister is also a ten and talks about sex all the time (the whole family does) but shes a normie and has a bf so i only think about her once in a while when im having a wank. The mom on the other hand, i have dreams about.

But yeah, my gf is good too and im probably taking her for granted. The family just obviously has great genes and produces highly likeable and attractive women. Even the grandma is tender and smart with a great personality and was super hot when she was younger.

If i ruined their family and what i've already got then i'd feel like the biggest piece of shit alive not to mention the karmic repercussions

i ll be the moralfag:
dont do it mate. think of their relationship to each other. if you fuck the mom you fuck up their relationship for good.

Yeah if my gf found out, i would have effectively destroyed something good and whole and pure. Their family seems really tight and theres so much love.

This might be evil tempting me to cause havoc. I am a moralfag, i was raised lutheran and they are catholic. If i bite the apple then generations of purity will be stopped. Maybe i should just marry my gf and be part of their family and be loved that way and stop sexually lusting over something that could cause all the positivity currently in my life to go away.

Maybe i shouldnt even risk it

lol stay with your gf but think of mommy when you fuck