
How does one cope with being a Manlet? I'm only 5ft8 with lifts and dress shoes. Even women and kids are height mogging me nowadays. Should I just consider the rope?

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>only 5ft8

Get Jow Forums, it's easier the shorter you are

short men are useless in any society. Don't reproduce.

What do you need extra height for?

5'8 is fine for smashing roasties.

It's all about your face and frame in days of Tinder.

I'm 5ft8 WITH lifts and dress shoes(they have heels)

without I'm only 5ft6...I have a pretty good face and body. women just seem uniterested and reject/mock me. even say I'm too short

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As they should. As with the OP, please do not reproduce.

I'm getting you're in BurgerLand?

I'm 5'8 in UK and never get anything like that. Women literally never even ask my height on Tinder.

I Norway. nearly every woman is pic related to me, 5ft11-6ftrs. honestly feel like killing myself

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Oh well move to a manlet country.

Southern Europe. Even UK 5'8 isn't that short.

You should hang yourself, but just for being a whiney bitch.

>be 5'6"
>no lifts, slightly built, squat
>get women
>current gf is 5'10"
It's not that hard but if the height is bothering you, it will bother them too. Women can smell it, your lack of confidence comes out in your movements and voice. You are a bitch, stop being one. Or act like you aren't one.
It took my gf years before I even mentioned that I was taking my confidence before. She, either being nice or believed me, said it never came out.
That shot boosted me more than a few extra fake ass inches ever could.

I'm not 5ft8 mate. only with lifts and heel shoes. I'm 5ft6 barefoot. can't change countries. I am a neet and live at my parents

you don't know what it's like being short. I can't feel like a man when every other guy is 7ft around me and women are 6ft. and yes I have considered suicide. right now I'm just coping with lifts and heels. at least I'm taller than most immigrants

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yea well your the exception. your prob rich

Holy shit. I wish, I would give up a couple inches to be rich. I'm working as a security guard making just above average for my job.
Money helps, but that only pulls golddiggers. Not worth the time imo.
I don't even dress nice, I wear like leftovers of my time in the military. Doesn't mean in shape either. I lost that after I left the service.
Personality and confidence really do go a long way. Be someone people want to talk to, have life stories, maybe a few scars. Shit like that.

Passions as well, what do I do on my spare time? Besides reading and vidya, I do scale model building, woodworking and play guitar. Do shit for you. Women eventually do come.

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Don't ever look at a fully body mirror


Whiny bitch work with what you have at least you’re not a dwarf that’s actually hell

Bastard Shut The Fuck Up! be 5" 5' then complain. IK you're baitting me but still it sucks down here if I would take an inch of the size of my dick if it went toward my height.

I'm around 5'8 barefoot and I've never had a problem. Just go for a girl your height or lower. Not a huge deal.

I'm 5'3". AMA

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I'm a 6'5, and what I'm about to say is the truth that no one will tell you.
It does not make a difference. Really. It doesn't.
You won't have worse relationships because of it, you won't be less respected than you would if the only difference was height, and the person that will love you will not love you less because of that.

This shit is taking your confidence out because its what you are attributing as the reason for fails of your life, as it probably has nothing to do with it.

Maybe you'll have less casual sex, but hooking up is good for no one on the long run.

Do something about that confidence, man, start lifting and train some fighting, become badass, and remember it does not depend on your height.

>If I were tall I would get so much girls
>Me being a virgin has nothing to do with me being a useless neet

OP here. Only joking. I'm actually 6ft2. Fucking Manlet cope in this thread lmao. I can't believe some of you fags are this delusional. Never will learn will you?

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You are taller than Tom Cruise, Martin Luther King or Winston Churchill.

Google "successful short men" and find another excuse

Read the thread again. Mainly bitter virgin lanklets and short guy chads.


Lo fucking l
>Lives with parents
>Blames lack of success with women on height.

Gj op. Your deductive reasoning is astounding.

5'3 also, wut do?

My ex boyfriend and one of the guys I liked the most were both 5'6". I'm 5'6" myself.
Less of a huge deal than you think it is.

imagine being over 6 foot but no woman has ever liked you.

Pretty common occurrence actually

Get money. That's what all the short guys do

Fuck lots of girls. That's what all the short guys do

It's all about FACE.

You could be a chad head in a jar and women would still lust after you.

and it's literally me.

By realizing memes you see on the internet don't apply to reality and that you're a total faggot that's letting his own insecurities drive him mad.