There are things my boyfriend does that annoy me and when I tell him about them he changes things...

There are things my boyfriend does that annoy me and when I tell him about them he changes things. That's very sweet of him but at the same time I get angry at him for only changing things after I tell him to.

Example, when we first met we didn't get along and he saved me in his iPhone as "Annoying Bitch", that was almost two years ago. We somehow still connected and got together but the other day I saw in his contacts that he still had me saved as that. When I mentioned it, he kissed me and gave me a genuine hug but then said "You'll always be my Annoying Bitch". I laughed but I didn't like it. Later that day I told him to change it and he did but I was still angry and was a bit hurt he'd call me that even if it wasn't meant in a bad way. I don't know. Am I psycho?

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Yes you are a psycho.
Get a fucking sense of humor and stop trying to change him. Once you change him too much he'll become another person entirely.

Attached: pathetic Guts.png (960x720, 413K)

>Am I psycho?

She's not, but you are you tranny.

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what else does he do that you're annoyed he doesn't stop doing until you tell him to? because it sounds like he might not have actually thought of you as an "annoying bitch" anymore at that point and just kept it that way as an endearing memory. i don't blame you for not liking being called that in his phone but at the same time that's kinda funny and cute

No, who doesn't change their gf to a contact with heart emojis or pet name? Sounds like you're dating a petty pussy boy that's settling for you..

It was just a joke he didnt mean it in a negative way

this. grow up, Annoying Bitch

hahaha why would i be that? and i am not a tranny i was just cosplaying.

>who doesn't change their gf to a contact with heart emojis or pet name?

He's giving you lemons and you're asking for limes. Try the juicer next time.

>who doesn't change their gf to a contact with heart emojis or pet name
i'll bite:
thats gay as fuck.

If I ever get a girlfriend should I name her Lesbia, Venus or maybe Aphrodite? Maybe I should name her Marry, Kremhilde, Brunhild or possibly Isolde? How about Gilbert, and if she cheats me with lesbian sex I could name her albertine, or she could be called Ophelia? Helene? Beatrice? Dulcinea del Toboso? What do you recommend?

Whoever lets themselves be called some shit like that has 0 self-respect. If you let that slip, you might not be an annoying bitch anymore but you definitely still a bitch.

>Am I psycho?
Yes, but all women are.
it's expected desu.

But women are very annoying, I never been in a relationship but I have my mother to testify

>I never been in a relationship
Why are you even on Jow Forums then, lmao.
This is the relationship board.

kill yourself incel

Because I am observing how the normalfags, the ‘Others’ act and think, it’s a window into a life and world completely foreign to me - it’s as exotic as traveling to another country. I don’t think that way, and the normalfag way of thinking is so petty it’s funny - I don’t think I might even be able to stand a relationship anymore. It’s like some weird ritual game, almost like a joke. Just thinking about the fact that there are people out there, who think like this and do these things drains me but that is why I am so intreasted into it.

I kind of always wanted a gf, but even if I could get one my trust and faith in other humans is completely gone now.

Vast majority of people on here will tell you you're wrong just because you're the girl in the relationship. The same losers would turn pale if they found out the girl they like saved them under ugly creep

I'm a girl and I wouldn't tolerate my boyfriend call me that it save me on his phone like that. If he can't see why that's not cool, you're dating a retard.

Save him as "micro penis". Is that so hard?

This exactly. My point here

Is it ok if I am a leftist incel! I don’t give a shit lole! I am gonna withdraw from society, maybe even kill myself, and it will feel sooo good!

I hate people so much, I just want to be left aloe at this point.

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>he same losers would turn pale if they found out the girl they like saved them under ugly creep
The difference is that they like the girl, she’s in a relationship with the guy so he cares for her and you know he’s just being ironic and sentimental at that point. She didn’t even like him when he first kept that contact. It is kind of expected that a girl would see us as ugly creeps though, so it doesn’t really matter, what truly matters is that we never find out and keep a wall of illusions otherwise we will just have to find another Beatrice. And how the fuck would we ever get a girl’s phone-number?

No one had an obligation in that scenario, he didn’t have one but now he does though he kept the contact out of good intentions. Remember calling someone you love an annoying bitch, and someone who you are disgusted by a disgusting creep, massive difference.

>calling someone you love an annoying bitch

Pretty sure the point here is that this oh so funny nickname gave OP the impression that this wasn't the case.

>Am I psycho?
No, you're just annoying.

You actually sound like an annoying bitch. Maybe try being less of a control freak?

If you're still bothered then tell him you're bothered. I think it's a fair thing to be bothered about.

Found the classics major. Brunhild is reserved for the strongest of women... or rape victims

>funny nickname gave OP the impression that this wasn't the case.
Explains the situation pretty well