Matthew 7:7

I'm here to listen. If you have something on your mind, something on your heart, i'll try and give you some honest advice.

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Hello. :-)


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Feel free to lay down and talk, no charge.

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All my friends have gf so they never really want to go meet new girls I don't have one but am to nervous to go out solo cause I've never had a girlfriend before. What do

Is dating even worth it? Every friend/older man complains about their girlfriends/wives, and it ruins a lot of men's lives. Should i just buy a sex robot?

What do... go solo, test them nerves. Talk to girls, dont try to reel em in. Get to know em first, then make your move if your comfortable.

Also dont be desperate, just be easy going and fun.

I've had a couple of party hookups and i have had sex once (a very underwhelming experience) and i just don't see the point

Dating is worth the time spent, if you had a good time it already paid off.

Women are not perfect no matter how perfect they may appear. Robots aren't perfect either.

Hi, I made a thread but no response as of yet. Anyway, I had sex without a condom with a girl last night and this morning. I pulled out on time last night but not this morning. I nutted in her and about 15-20 minutes after the fact we were at the pharmacy and I bought her the “Aftera” pill which is the $10 cheaper version of Plan B. She took it and told me she wasn’t ovulating. She said her period ended 3-4 days ago (she keeps a period calendar thingy idk what it’s called) and she didn’t seem too worried but I am scared to death and haven’t been able to eat at all because I can’t eat when I’m stressed. I know the chance is always there but everyone I spoke with has told me that more than likely I’m good. What do you think? How fucked am I? I feel so stupid and I just started my new job so it’s just a lot of other stress in my life too

well I'm desperate

If you want good sex, go to a hooker and tell her you are a virgin and it's your first time.

If you want female intimacy you kind of have to pick the right people and be patient like a gent.

Been there done that...

Why not talk to her? Women do have a bit of an edge when it comes to pregnancies. But makes sure she doesn't use it to wield you.

Well she told me that she’s not ovulating and that I more than likely have nothing to worry about but whatever happens we would figure it out when we get there.

You cannot control the actions of others. You can be a good friend and not be able to prevent them from acting in a way that would harm themselves or others.

To be fair, killing yourself over school seems pretty weak to me. It's not where life is supposed to end and it's hardly an obstacle in life. Why not tell your friend he needs to get his shit together? Either his schoolwork or his perspective on life.

Figure it out up front, you two at least can come mentally prepared.

Anything goes, if i got nothing to share i'll tell you.

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Ok this might sound dumb but won't people be like weirded out though. Isn't it kind weird/creepy to be out with no friends though. Idk I feel like people would just I'm just some weird loser with no friends

Weird loser, or perhaps someone confident?

You can go together, but don't look at your buddies for backup, just drop em and go your own way. Just talk, dont try to be tough, dont be too nice.

there hasnt been a single day when I didnt think about killing myself. I believe that life is useless and meaningless. Everything around me is fake. Everyone around me is fake. Fake Fake Fake. It's like a computer simulation at this point. People go to work to earn money to be able to spend it on living. And they only live to spend. Everything turns around money. Money and sex of course. Sex with anticonceptions like condoms etc. that is puerly for pleasure. Everything is about pleasure and sathisfiing it. Meanwhile people are also dying from hunger, war, deasieses. But we keep on living no mather what. We only mourn people that were close to us. The rest is irrevelent. But for how long do we even care? Next year my grand grand mothers grave is to be destroyed because my family doesnt want to pay for it for next 25 years. Thats just a joke. I want to talk to somebody. Is there anyone?

There hasn't been a single day you have killed yourself, that counts for something.

Life essentially is useless and meaningless, this until you find something to do wich gives meaning to it. Nobody is born with a purpose, we are built to thrive in harmony and despair. Forget about the world for it is too large to take it's responsibility. Mind yourself and the things that are good for you and your environment.

Prostitution is illegal here and I am generally very repulsed by the idea. And the biggest problem is that i see women just as a way for your life to be destroyed

Hookers generally are not out to destroy you, just pay em.

You speak of women, but it's not all or not even most of em. A woman is still infused with the needs that come with a beaver. Yeah, some of them are landmines, most of em are just women. Also guys pick with their eyes, but use your brain instead. If it's a looker and armed with heavy makeup, beware.