How can I make my relationship last as long as possible and be a happy one...

How can I make my relationship last as long as possible and be a happy one? I've been going out with a guy I really like for a few months and I want to keep him by being a great gf. What do guys like?

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Blow jobs and we want you to give us complements and recognize any of our achievements and you could laugh a bit. Look at us and smile but say nothing. Say ouch when he puts it in even though we know our dick size you say it hurt you because of it size we feel fucking great. Hugs are nice before we leave and when we greet you also ask us how are day went to show you care. Make us nice stuff without us asking for it like a sandwich. Anyways between the jokes I put some truth in their but honestly we all wanna be loved and needed that human nature we want gratification. Good luck.

This goes for both sides of the relationship, but never stop trying to impress. It goes for most anything.

Also having a bubbly personality goes a long way. If you can express your interest with body movement men feel as if they're doing a good job as dating material.

I've never given a bj before...... Guess I should learn. Haha

Yeah, if your guy likes that stuff and you want to keep him I'd recommend getting that down. No need to learn on your own though. I met a girl who wasn't used to it so I helped her learn, its a lot of fun and she really enjoyed it.

Be a positive participant to at least some of the things he enjoys in life, never be a negative participant to the things he enjoys (it's better to just sit it out), and do something new together every now and again.

Think outside the box for each of those. The blowjobs being mentioned, for example, totally count toward the first one. Starting a family would totally count for the third.

Yeah I'm definitely open to it, I just don't really know how. I'm actually a virgin so we haven't even done that yet, but I think I'm ready to lose it to him if he ever wants to. I guess, whenever he does want that, he can tell me what to do to make it the best for him. I'll happily oblige lol

Starting a family is something I'm still on the fence about ever doing, much less doing now, I'm barely 18. But everything else sounds good. Including the bjs.

I wasn't giving an example of things to do now, but rather how to think outside of the box because you asked about
>as long as possible.

You need to never stop thinking in the way I described. Relationships will always die without maintenance, even countless years after you'd think that they're locked in place.

Of course. I'm not the kind of gf who stops trying after she's hooked a guy. I'm actually trying to lose weight and improve my personality so he wants to be with me even more and I can impress him. So yes I absolutely will.

Just pay attention to what he wants and needs.

Be loyal, someone trustworthy and dependable. Don't fuck it up

Don't ever try to be right when you guys fight. You have a thesis and he has an antithesis, find a synthesis between the two.
That synthesis is the son you two will create from the both of you dealing with each other and can be anything as long as it has the health of the relationship in mind.

For example, you may not agree with his views on something, but you don't question it much because you know he's a block head with that.

Also, fights will happen. Accept it, learn from it and never rekindle the same fire.

Would you say the topic of religion is a big no? He's raised Catholic and I'm atheist.

No topic is off limits, you just have to probe when you are up to it.
If the guy is imature about it, then you'd do better not going as far for some time. With time you can train him to be more open to it.

Dont mean jack shit nod your head and go with it. Dont argue with the religious just let tgem be and pretending to care doesnt hurt you and makes them feel good.

You sure you aren't the one running away from a different world view?

Look i understand it is some peoples world view but if you say you dont believe they will either try to save your soul or shun you i was raise catholic i know to just nod my head and fall in line. If i hear praying over a speaker i have unconsciously made the sign of the cross because years of catholic elementary middle and highschool have conditioned me to do so even without out believing. It is not healthy that i am condition to respond in that way, my point is most or the religious people i know cant comprehend that they are wrong because they were trained from young to believe it as fact. I believe it made me a good person but it will narrow peoples world view in the way it is taught. So yes i will run from it.

Well, I'd do the same thing to those people. They are just plain toxic.

And this is coming from a dude that had all that catholic culture thrust onto him, grew out of it, became atheist, came back again, became a catholic nerd and now I'm going to a theology class every wednesday with this grade A priest my dad loves.

Thats fair and i can appreciate the faith dies good for you it does good for me too however my personal experiences differ and i wont be a member of a church but i cant say i dont believe in god i just dont believe their is life after death i want there to be but i know i would be lying to myself .


I'd love to discuss it but I have shit to do tomorrow.

But just so you know my position, Heaven is when you ask God to sit with him and he says yes, Hell is when no happens.
It has to do with pic related, but yeah.


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You want a long, lasting relationship? It's a lot of hard work and sacrifice from both parties. It's not 50/50 either, it's 100/100. It's both parties putting the needs and desires of the other above their own. Ask any of the old farts who've been married since before the meteor that killed the dinosaurs struck and they'll say the same thing. Yes there's times where one is giving more effort than the other and that's when the next part really is necessary.
Most importantly is always communicate. He's not psychic and you're not either. If something bugs you, don't beat around the bush- talk to him about it but don't go in guns blazing ready to rumble. Address problems respectfully, especially if it's something he's doing, a character flaw, or a personality trait you don't like. And don't fly off the handle when he brings up some stuff about you. Lack of communication is the number one reason for why things fail. It's why my last relationship of 3 years failed even though we both wanted to get married next year. I'd recommend at least twice a month having a sit down and talking about how you're each doing personally, emotionally, and as a couple as well as what you'd each like to work on. Establish goals together so you always know where the relationship is going. Talk about political and religious beliefs up front so if he says some friends are coming over to play games you're not thrown for a loop when he brings over some flaming faggot crossdressing trannies and a lesbian who hits on you to play DnD: XXX Magical Fairy Girl edition because you were expecting the Tuesday night Bible study leadership to come over for some Settlers of Catan and One Night Werewolf instead.