Is "Chad" a force of nature that cannot be reasoned with? Or a rational being that I could form a covenant with?

Is "Chad" a force of nature that cannot be reasoned with? Or a rational being that I could form a covenant with?
If he can convince high quality women with other options to stay with him despite cheating and/or beating, surely he could use his powers to convince a slightly below average woman to love me, a quantitatively above average man whose only defect is being a complete lunatic?

Attached: bad dude.png (500x461, 53K)

>Do you know any chads that possess these qualities?

> Are you acquainted well enough to have them do this?

If you were with a real chad, and you were brothers, his ho's would be your ho's.

Unfortunately I do not yet know how to summon Chad, but I assume that USD is sufficient with great quantity.
seriously I would be willing and able to pay $50,000 to someone able to marry me to the girl of my dreams (which doesn't include looks, just average is fine)

The basic quality of a chad is being sellfish.
A true chad would never hook anyone up except for himself.

obviously he wouldn't do it for the sake of helping me, but like I said in , for the services rendered I have more than enough incentive, the only reason it would be refused is because his talents only work on himself. Either that or he doesn't want money, he just wants to watch the world burn.

Santa Claus exists.
Chad does not.
Learn the difference.

what exactly are you trying to say?

That the "chad" meme made up by incels from Jow Forums does not exist in real life.

I am aware that Chad is not a specific person, but there is definitely a type of men who really have nothing to offer except the ability to convince women to be with them, thus they are obviously capable of convincing a woman to date a man with a bad personality, and often that is even when they don't have any real redeeming traits.
Naturally I would imagine that if they were willing, they could extend this blessing to other guys.

Chads are not benevolent beings.

Only some women. There is no "chad" that universally every woman is attracted to.

of course they aren't. but are they reasonable? surely for some price we could come to an agreement.
of course some, maybe the vast majority of women know better than to be involved with him. But with all the women that exist there are definitely a substantial amount of otherwise decent women who end up dating a guy who the only thing going for him is the ability to convince women to do things, in this case be his girlfriend.

stop comparing yourself with those self absorbed dickwads

you are fully capable of bringing a actual women back to your place of residence and banging them till the sun comes up.
but you wont because you lack what he doesnt have: confidence.

get your balls out of your purse and go meet somebody

Chads are not "reasonable". They exist on a different dimension and they do not abide by such concepts.
Chad does what chads do. Helping a manlet to score a gf for whatever compensation is not a chad thing.
You should buy yourself an exit bag for making this shitty bait thread.

>he thinks one has to be tall to be chad
>he thinks short guys can't be chads

>missing the point

>Helping a manlet to score a gf for whatever compensation is not a chad thing.
so they are a mindless force of destruction?
I couldn't even convince one to my aid for FIFTY THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS?

I'm not comparing myself to them, I don't think you understand the thread. If it doesn't involve paying someone way more talented to do it for me, it's not what I am concerned with.
for example, why would I try to learn to make my own jewelry when I could pay someone for something of way higher quality than I could ever make?
I actually have plenty of confidence and there's nothing physically wrong with m and my life is on track. I just think this would be so much easier.

what is the point

How do you define chad?

"Chad" is a stereotype that you project on young men and couples that you don't actually know anything about. It's a neat little box of shallow media stereotypes, one of several, that you slot people into for your own comfort. An organized, predictable series of boxed-in "characters" like Chad, Stacy, and other NPCs is less frightening to you than dealing with full fledged human beings. After you're forced to get a job and interact with society on a regular basis, you'll go through an awkward social/emotional adolescence, then you'll see these days as an embarrassing phase of growing pains. You'll remember this post, even if you don't agree with me right now.

the chad was used semi-ironically, that's why it was used in quotes framed as though he was a supernatural entity.
I am talking about guys who have nothing going for them, they aren't attractive, rich, or nice. But if there is one thing they have, it's the ability to convince women to stay with them nonetheless. I was wondering if this ability could be directed outward.

I know guys who slay women, are naturally physically gifted and successful in their career. Here are a few things regarding your question
>they are genuinly cool and smart guys and that's why people like them and you'll like them too
>they are high test males and that's why they are more driven by their own desires then your average guy and like to let loose sometimes
>they can be just as fucking lazy and apathetic as you are
>if you become bros they'll take you to parties with them and have your back
>they'll absolutely try to hook you up with a chick if you ask them to
>they love all women and that's why they don't like to bind themselves to one
>the women they fuck on the reg are not the women you want

Someone successful in life and with women.

Not really talking about those kind of chads, I mean the genuinely shitty kind.
And I want to hire one