1. match.mediaroom.com/2018-02-01-Singles-in-America-Match-Releases-Largest-Study-on-U-S-Single-Population-for-Eighth-Year

2. imgur.com/a/LoqedTG

3. humanforsale.com/height.asp

4. google.com/amp/s/myfox8.com/2016/03/17/short-men-less-attractive-to-women-according-to-duke-university-study/amp/

5. google.com/amp/s/www.popsugar.com/career/Shorter-Men-Need-Earn-More-Compete-Taller-Men-When-Dating-10497397/amp

6. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/15994722/

7. google.com/amp/s/www.newscientist.com/article/dn13196-men-born-short-are-more-prone-to-violent-suicide/amp/
>Tfw 5'1"
Why even live

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If you base your life around having casual sex as a 5'1 you are going to have a bad time.
Focus on finding someone to love, and height won't matter, and I can assure you its a more fulfilling experience.

But how am I supposed to find love if they won't give me a chance right from the start?
I don't want casual sex I've always wanted love and family

OP is 6'3" and a bitter kissless virgin baiting.

no I'm not and I can prove it

Whatever your height is you are a bitter kissless virgin because you have mental issues.

what's it like being 5'1? Not asking to be a jerk but I'm curious how guys at that height get along.

clearly you aren't paying much attention. I've clearly laid out a case, that despite my mental condition, my height is preventing me from finding love

It's okay most of the time, I guess. Most people refer to me as "buddy" which is annoying, I get the feeling that they expect way less of me. I don't really think about it unless I'm somehow reminded that I'll never find love and raise a family which is a big dream of mine

I praise you for choosing this path.

Look, you have to filter the women yourself too, if she is the type of woman that would refuse you just because of your height, than you would discard her anyway.
A relationship is time, money and mental health invested, things you shouldn't throw at random people, you have to really carefully choose. I know this sounds picky if you are getting rejected on a daily basis, but its quite the opposite, the filter is already working.

To a relationship to work, you'll have to offer enough reasons of well being to the other part (be it money, felling confortable with you or else) as well as physical attraction (wanting to have sex with you), you can't have just one, but you can be an attractive dude even if you are short.

You can become a lot more attractive by being confident and stop blaming the shortcommings (no pun intended) of your life on your height. If you are not interesting, its not because of height, if your body looks bad, also not because of height, if you are not confident, guess what? You also wouldn't be as a tall man.

1 - Work on yourself, workout, pratice skills, live and be an interesting person.
2 - Do whatever you have to do to make you feel confident. Yould knock out a taller opponent in a ring make you feel good? Start fighting then! Earn the confidence from yourself first before you try to convince other people of it.
3 - Be out there, and FILTER for the right person. Break-ups are painfull.

Source: I'm a 6'5 guy who has felt the same thing before and struggled for a long time, so height had NOTHING to do with it.

but what if this is not enough?

How wouldn't it be? Aren't you someone worth sharing momments?

Love is hard to find, but if you are worthy yourself, you WILL find it.

furthest you've gotten with a girl?

what if I can't satisfy her sexually? I have a small 4.5" penis, and that's when it's erect?
also I can I tell if I'm worthy

honestly, when i was a kid,just before puberty my (younger) step sister let me penetrate her, but i never came because she always conveniently got a guilty conscious once she was done.

what the fuck
you fucked your 12 year old step sister when you were 13?

well it was more like I was 11 or 12 and she was 10 or 11, and she was the initiator most of the time. I was just happy to comply

I am 6'5" and I cannot not get a girlfriend.
the reason; it's simple, all women are whores.

or something is terrible wrong with you

Have you realised that you've said a lot of "ifs"?
You lack CONFIDENCE young man.

Yes you can do all of that, the only thing keeping yourself from getting there, is yourself. Start working on yourself ASAP, do things that you are passionate about and dive deep.
Meet people, have experiences, live life and gain the respect from yourself first.

If you don't respect yourself, no one will. Go for it.

look at the OP I have plenty of reason not to be confident

Femanon here
I don't want a man who thinks "all women are whores". You can stay alone if you think that.

femanon address the OP

You can keep having excuses, or actually doing something about it.

5'3" dude here,

The confidence meme is real. But tall dudes also need to realise this.

Short dudes never get the chance to date a lot of girls casually, as in just get to know each other over food (not meaning sex). For some women you are simply out of the dating pool.

i understand that everybody has to have a filter. You can't expect every girl or even most of them to give you a chance, so i am not really angry at women. But it just is hard to have confidence in these things when nobody flirts with you, nobody sees you as a sexual object. In their head you have to the idea of you to a sexual thing and it is draining.

It is just a bit frustrating thats it, when everybody knows if i was 10" taller with the exact same personality, mannerisms, wealth and career or whatever i would be wanted and cared for.

I dont know dudes, i dont know..

He needs to solve his daddy/mommy issues.
Cat ladies and the frumpy feminists you hate are often alone and without sex too, but they don't kill themselves. That's because their life isn't empty like yours. If you're going to kill yourself just because you don't have a partner you got deeper issues.

so you are saying I should find a way to accept my loneliness?
how do you propose I do that?
because most of the time I don't really have an issue, I have things I do for fun, hobbies and such, but what I want as a long term goal is raise a family, that after all is why we are here as organisms in the first place. you don't know how empty a life can feel, even when I am doing something i would otherwise enjoy when I am constantly reminded that no one wants me and never will. I guess that dreadful feeling is lost to you

>so you are saying I should find a way to accept my loneliness?
Yeah? That's what men demand of women who stand up for their rights, so I don't see why you shouldn't be forced to, too. I have no sympathy for hypocrites like you.

>literal midgets have married women of normal height and had families
>OP can't because MUH HEIGHT

The only thing holding you back is the fact that you give up before even starting.

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you are being hostile for no good reason. I never once mentioned feminists, this whole time the problem has been with me and the world as a whole. I have nothing against women, they like men were programmed by evolution to favor particular traits, the problem i have is how that leaves me to be miserable

Midgets are in a class of their own. I'm too short for the normal dating pool, and to tall for the midgets/men with disabilities pool

You're the type that, when a woman states she wants a partner who respects her desire for freedom and independence, bitches she's asking too much even though she's only asking what you are already given.
Play the victim and deny it all you want, you're not fooling anyone.

>says he is too short to date
>says he is too tall to date

You realize how retarded that sounds right?

Oh, I get it now. I'm not I'm OP
I figure I'm in the sweet spot of misery, but I'm open to hearing how I'm wrong

Check out the theory of "Eternal Recurrence"

You really wanna go through the same bullshit once you kick the bucket? All bitches belong to me in my universe! Every. Single. One.

sounds like new age bullshit just from the name

>I figure I'm in the sweet spot of misery, but I'm open to hearing how I'm wrong

The fucking mental gymnastics you people pull to convince yourselves of this shit is frankly astounding. Yes user women can be attracted to men above and below 5'1 but that is the exact height where not a single woman on the entire planet could ever find you attractive. Just cut your feet off. Then you can get the disabled AND the sub 5 foot lusting women.

Meh you gotta go with an assumtion when it comes to general existence otherwise you'll never have real focus.

I was just shitposting, I really want to believe that there is some nice woman who looks for something other the personality of someone who is sexually successful.

>I'm not
Yeah, I know. I'm talking to you OP. being shit doesn't make you not shit also.

You're fucked manlet

Of course, it must be my personality. but it seems the only time it is ever the problem is in relation to me talking about how I long for a girlfriend but it is always outside my grasp.

hight is meme made by incels to make you think you can't get girls. yes taller guys are attractive but you don't need to be a perfect 10 to get gf actually being perfect makes the girl bored, fix your personality and I can guarantee you will attract girls, also that graf is fucking retarded and fake, just go outside and see what kinda people are couples

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>yes taller guys are attractive
That's just not true. Every male known for his attractiveness is around average or below average height, never tall.

[(A x P)C+M] x W

A= Initial Appearance P= Personality
C= Challenge
M= Mystery
W= Women

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So you have to attractive to other women as well?

no W, means you need to have female friends, or just how many females do you meat every day and try to talk

how does bitching about this help your situation in any way? it's not something you can change, it should become obvious that you need to play the hand you're dealt
maybe it's not the best hand in terms of height but you can try and compensate in other areas
it's not like you have a choice

You have low market value, so find low market valuable girls:

>(Really) Ugly chicks
>Black chicks
>Old whores
>Single mothers
>Any combination of above

Good luck, OP

3% reporting

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Think you meant to post this on Jow Forums pal.

STFU larper, you are the worst, I bet you are 5'1, I saw your face you look like a pedo, why do you have to get attention from every thread, how do you not get banned?

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height is the biggest meme to this day, FACE is all that matters

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>bet you are 5'1
How much?
>why do you have to get attention from every thread, how do you not get banned?
This is my fetish.
>umad at my veteran status, shawty?
I bet you're 5'6. :)

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i am 6'6 for you, pedo.

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This study is basically saying "6ft is a meme" and "manlets still have a chance.

Unless youre like extreme manlet.

>Why even live
Start jerking off to porn?

Oh, forgot the landwhales, fat chicks are low value too

"Height is very important" is the biggest meme since the dawn of the internet.

the so called "study" is shit, please go outside and see for yourself

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When I go outside I see goodlooking guys of varying heights getting loads of women and average guys of varying heights competing for the scraps while ugly guys of varying heights get nothing.