GOD I need a girlfriend so bad, and I don't think anybody wants to help me

GOD I need a girlfriend so bad, and I don't think anybody wants to help me.
It stoped just feeling depressed and lonely, not it feels panicked, like being trapped in a container filling with water.

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Why should anyone help you get a gf?

You really have no clue how the world works

As long as you don't start loving yourself, no one will love you.

How is it possible to love yourself when you know that no woman has ever wanted to date you or even do so much as kiss you?

You don't get it right ? Stop desperately looking for a gf, start looking after yourself. Love yourself, accept yourself, respect yourself and mostly: enjoy yourself. Treat yourself because sure a hell no one will do it for you.

When that is done, everything will follow.

How many girls have you asked on date this year?

>start looking after yourself. Love yourself, accept yourself, respect yourself and mostly: enjoy yourself.

And what happens when you do all of those things and you still can't get a date?

I really, really tried, user. But there's only so far I can go with this when I can't even get one simple date with a girl.

bad advice, i never loved myself in happy go merry way infact most of my life i was a cynic asshat around myself but i wanted to have a gf so i searched and searched and searched until i got one
you are right it feels best when its seemingly effortless but thats a rare occurance and one should wait for it

You can't go into it thinking someone will fulfill you.

You havee to go into it thinking what can I offer and give.

Relationships are supposed to be two wholes coming together, not two halves making a whole.

In a relationship, you have to have your demons sorted, or they will leak and possibly causee friction between you and your partner.

Usually one person in the healthy relationship is the rock. The one that has it together. That usually on the man, but ideally your girl should be stable a well.

So work on being stable , secure, and loving yourself. You

nah you don't. you need to quit being a sissy and complaining about people not helping you.

women like to talk about themselves. and things they like. listen to what they say to you , and tel them what you think about those things after they mention them. or reflect on what they said. you could try repeating a couple words they seemed to particularly enjoy, they may even just keep talking for a long long time after because "you get it." get it?

>Relationships are supposed to be two wholes coming together, not two halves making a whole.

This blatantly isn't what happens in the vast majority of cases, user.

Why do you pretend that everyone who gets into a relationship has all their shit perfectly sorted out? They don't.

I have friends who have all manner of mental health issues, depression, anxiety, autism, who most certainly don't "love themself", and yet they have had no shortage of dates and relationships over the years I've known them.

Meanwhile I'm a kissless dateless virgin, for reasons unbeknownst to me.

You gotta break free from this vicious cycle of: 'I want, I want, I want'.

Ask yourself instead: what do I have to offer ? You can't enter a relationship as a weak person, needing emotional/physical support. Like user said: two wholes make a one solid

Refer to The vast majority of people in relationships are not "whole". They are deeply flawed just like anyone else.

>This blatantly isn't what happens in the vast majority of cases, user.


>Why do you pretend that everyone who gets into a relationship has all their shit perfectly sorted out? They don't.

I don't. Most people go into it as messes, not enlightened perfect beings. But it's also why you see so many early marriages and divorces so often.

I think you will have a lot more to offer if you come into to a relationship with a strong secure sense of self.

You can bring your flaws, but if they are flaws that would burden your ability to provide love, then it's best not to go into.

>I have friends who have all manner of mental health issues, depression, anxiety, autism, who most certainly don't "love themself", and yet they have had no shortage of dates and relationships over the years I've known them.

>I have friends who have all manner of mental health issues, depression, anxiety, autism, who most certainly don't "love themself", and yet they have had no shortage of dates and relationships over the years I've known them.


Do you know any of them lasting for a while? Are they still happy and strong?

>Meanwhile I'm a kissless dateless virgin, for reasons unbeknownst to me.

If you are OP then let me analyze your OP post.

Otherwise, you can reply and tell me more about yourself and why you want a gf.

Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
Start there. It will lead you to love yourself which will lead you to find a wholesome gf.
Not gonna lie, it needs work and dedication but better to have something to follow than be lost like you are fren.

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If you get one now you'd still be miserable and possibly bring her with you.

Is it worth it?

My best advs are:
>Join a class/course
>Start going to a bar frequently

I did both of those for several years and am still a kissless dateless virgin

What now?

Kindness, or I can pay
Guy who responded isn't OP, I think I'm pretty alright. But when this sort of thing comes up there seems to be a fine, or perhaps nonexistant line between needing to have self esteem and acting too entitled.

Don't make your value exclusively sexual

I wasn't counting but at least 10. I also have some dating apps.

I'd offer to be your egirl if I wasn't currently so bitter. Guys dig me.

But it's impossible to ignore the fact that I'm a kissless dateless virgin. I can't just ignore that. It's a massive glaring flaw in my life

Most things in life are going fine for me right now, and I have overlooked finding a girlfriend for most of my life because I thought simply going through life would eventually lead me to a girl I would get a crush on, and then I would ask her out. But now it really seems like a man has to deliberately search for "a girlfriend" rather than simply advancing with someone he already knows.

Why are you bitter?

Once again, this is not the OP. Fuck you for hijacking my thread.

Assholes in my life ruined me...sorry OP that was for you then.

There was no need for either of you to be so mean, I'm sad just like you

- 20751459

how was that mean?

Then make your own thread, it's so fucking easy

How did they ruin you? What can make it better?

Get Jow Forums

I'm working on it. Already at a healthy weight, and I'm really tall so nobody would accuse me of coping.