Woman on top problems

I have a problem
>in a good relationship of 1.5 years
>awesome sex, gf has an amazing body and I can let her orgasm from penetration


Whenever I lay down on my back and a girl tries to mount me I lose my erection. This has been a problem throughout all of my sex life and I do not know a solution for it. No matter how turned on I am or how amazing my partner is in bed I am just unable to stay hard. With other positions I stay perfectly hard and can have sex for 30min easily. I'm guessing that it has something to do with giving over control to the girl but after trying it to infinity it just doesn't work. I have managed to stay rock hard on my back only a single time in my life when I was drunk and high :p. Does anybody have the same problem or have a solution for this?

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Maybe shes not good at riding/too heavy. Are you flexible? Can you touch your toes/place your palms on the floor while standing up?

nothing about control
its about you being nervous and remembering previous times
you could do it with help of drugs, you can do it without them too
maybe your gf wants to ride you and you are afraid to disappoint her
one easy check would be to have sex with other women riding you but thats i guess isnt an option

From previous partners I could tell that they had experience with riding but it would last not even a minute because of my erection. I can almost touch the floor with my palms, does it influence something?

My current gf has less experience with being on top so that also doesn't help. She used to be very helpful and really wanted to practice and help me but she has gotten more insecure over her body the last few months. I know that worrying about your erection certainly does not help but I just cannot get it out of my mind

get a cock ring. guaranteed stiffy.

never thought about this, will give it a try. Can it cause damage tho?

Cock ring restricts the blood flow. Have too tight model or keep it long enough on and your pepe will turn dark purple, then black and chirurg will have to cut it off to prevent sepsis spreading into rest of your body.
>10 minutes max bro

Better advice is to try out cialis. Or you know: get fit. Cardio like running or swimming will level up your heart to a point you will be able to get a boner even upside down.

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"Can do lots of other things but can't do X"

So don't do X

might be something you should consult with a doctor about. But sounds like it might just be head game.

If you're really into being ontop so much that you cant stay hard being on bottom, dont be a bottom lmao.

Maybe try fucking her when you're on bottom, as in you do the work

just fuck her in the other positions then ffs. missionary is the best position anyway

i had the same with the control thing
but than i saw it from the point that the girl (gf) is doing all the work because she loves me and i can just relax and look at her workin for me , movin her butt up and down just so she can get penetrated by my dick :)
nothing more alpha than that

I would actually suggest you visit a doctor to get your cardiovascular thingies checked first. In some cases things like this can be caused by actual physical blood flow issues that need attention.

If (which is the most likely) your cardiovascular system is fine, I'd say it's amxiety from the previous experiences and you just need to start gently and slowly with foreplay and stop forcing the penetration part before you feel like it.

It doesn't feel as good for me either but then I suck on her boobs and that makes up for it. Nothing like blowing your load while attached to a milker.

Just lay on your stomach bro.

>Whenever I lay down on my back and a girl tries to mount me I lose my erection.
AAAAAHHHH me too I'm scared my dick is gonna break off! Most women do not know how to ride dick properly... or really do much of anything with dicks properly... until you show them.... so the anxiety is strong with women on top.
>Woman riding my dick like a dog dragging her ass on the floor
I've been kneed in the balls, had my dick bent sideways, and for what? So she can grind around with very little actual sensation for me?

... Why?

But as a solution I would just recommend communication and practice. Tell her your feelings about it and invite her to help you start to like it. Then practice without judgment.

Can't be judgmental in the bedroom. if a woman is judging you hard in the bedroom, don't waste your fucking time, just kick her ass out and find a woman instead of a girl.

I've had this problem too, never been able to do cowgirl. My dick has a curve that makes it hard to penetrate at that angle, so we'd try for a bit and it wouldn't work then I'd get nervous and lose my boner. Lately I couldn't even get hard on my back while jerking off, was starting to think there was a physical reason. Then yesterday instead of watching porn I decided to visual a sexual fantasy of having actually intimate sex with someone and my dick worked. So I guess I'm just lonely and burnt out on porn and the whole thing is psychological. I should have known porn wasn't doing it for me because I'd be looking at it and my dick never got hard on its own, I had to start rubbing it. But sometimes I'll just get a hard on irl when talking to this chick who's a bit flirty with me. Damn I'm lonely.


Femanon here. Bf likes me on top but I was a virgin before him - Giv
e me tips pleaaaasseee

Best tip for women trying to learn is just ask your boyfriend to show you and teach you what he likes. For women it really is that simple. Imagine with me now:
>Naked in bed
>You're staring into his eyes
>You say, "I want to ride you.... but I'm inexperienced... will you help me figure out what you like/how to do it the way you like?"
men almost universally have a positive reaction to women they care about asking for help.

Women on the other hand.....
>Why don't you already know how to be a stud?

My GF is a bbw and she busts out 8 orgasms tops while she's on top. I get no pleasure out of it, but she says it's the only way she can cum, besides when I ear her smosh box. Get good tongue game, broseph jones.

how do I find a gf like this?

talked to my gf about it yesterday and she seems a lot more motivated again to try it.

don't worry to much, take time to practice and simply explain that you want to learn, basically this ,

>Can it cause damage tho
Get one that's a correct size and don't wear it for too long (maybe just wear it specifically when she mounts, or for the entirety of the time she mounts). Don't worry about what said about your penis turning purple; although your penis would turn purple if you left the ring on, the pain would've caused you to take it off long before that would even happen.

Shave before you put it on as well (you don't want the ring tugging on the hairs).