Is it possible to get a girlfriend if you have asperger's syndrome?

Is it possible to get a girlfriend if you have asperger's syndrome?

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Next question: do you really want to

I want to but dont have the skills. Because i have asperger's

I have Asperger's and had a gf for 3 years. Neither of us knew, she just thought that I was quirky and tried her best to be patient before burning out. My parents never told me because they "wanted me to reach my full potential without hiding behind a diagnosis", but it cost the only thing I've ever had going for me to find out why and how I'm different from others.

It's definitely possible, but tell her early on so she knows your brain works differently from hers and that you're not intentionally being an asshole.

What if my asperger's and its symptoms actively hinder me from even attaining a GF?

No because you’re autistic

yeah! i've been considering asking out a friend who I know has asperger's. a couple of my other friends are on the spectrum as well, and although I don't understand them 100% I feel a lot more comfortable talking to them then other people. i'm shit at interacting with people so i dont judge them and they dont judge me. so don't worry user. some girls take comfort in the qualities that you think make you unlikeable

>some girls take comfort in the qualities that you think make you unlikeable

Maybe, but so far it seems like it just makes me into a joker. I make girls laugh a lot but its more in a kind of "oh haha, user is such a weirdo, he's hilarious!" way, which isnt good

If you're letting your symptoms rule your life, then yeah, you'll be a virgin forever.

How so?

How can you get rid of symptoms of a mental disorder you have no control over?

>responding to a tripfag

hm. that is a problem. i think if you get close enough to someone she'll probably know or learn to take you more seriously and the issue should resolve it's self. but either way, girls like funny guys. you might be able to use that to your advantage.

Not get rid of, but managing your symptoms to a healthy degree is the final step in healing. Letting them run loose is just accepting your fate, you have the control to adapt to your environment.

Then you know what to work on. Living with an autism spectrum disorder is truly playing life on Hard Mode, but it comes with the advantage of being able to see your flaws and weaknesses easier than the neurotypical world. Like in a video game, if you keep getting one-shot killed you know to increase your defenses and get better at blocking, whereas on Normal Mode you might be able to tank every hit and get through the whole game just mashing Attack. Apply that to real life- a diagnosis of being on the spectrum isn't an excuse to just roll over and go "it'll never happen because muh autism" but it is an explanation for why you struggle with things others don't. You know your weaknesses, so now plan a road map between where you are and where you want to be.

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It doesn't really matter what you say it's just that you day it with confidence. I'm an aspie so I have experience some girls just won't like your aspie personality and that's fine just move on.

Okay, what specifically are the things I need to do as an aspie male in order to get a girlfriend? Or at least a date?

It is very possible, but the question is why? Women that are worth having children with are an extremely rare resource, possibly the rarest in the entire world at the moment (thanks feminism) and you will be competing with every other man on the entire planet for the loyalty and commitment of your girl of choice, but even if you *DO* win out somehow over a chad, you have just denied a healthy successful male possibly his only chance to have children and continue the human species.

Aspies and autists absolutely deserve to find happiness in fulfilling, satisfying lives, but they also should absolutely not have children under any circumstances as it will pass on their defective genes. You will need to find a woman who doesn't want kids (very easy part), and show her that being with you comes with all kinds of fun and comfort (also easy) and some social status (probably the hard part for you). If you want your first fish in the barrel, women over 30 hitting the wall are SUPER desperate and you can get a gf experience and find out what personality traits you really like, really hate, and which are dealbreakers. It is a tough balance because if you go much older they become really bitter people and it's hard to turn that back, but if you go much younger they are going to get the baby rabies and change their mind around 29. Best of luck user.

I can have as many kids as I want faggot, and you can't stop me

30 year old autistic married for 2 years to a not autistic person, you can do it op

Are you a girl or a guy though?

Not asking that out of spitefulness, just that it's harder as an autistic guy to attract women than it is for an autistic girl to attract men

>be me
>literally 99th percentile aspergers
>literally can’t have more aspergers than me unless you tried

I’m getting married in 2 months to my fiancé I’ve been With for over 4 years. Just be open upfront at the start
Explain you have sensory issues, textures exc, have weird things want soft stuff exc sensitive skin. Explain you don’t understand social cues facial recognitio/expression or nay other symptoms. For me it’s allot but ultimently be a good friend and keep friendship first communication between you and a partner are even more so important.

>Explain you have sensory issues, textures exc, have weird things want soft stuff exc sensitive skin

Don't get any of these. I have very mild aspergers. Basically i'm just a social retard, eccentric, a bit erratic and emotionally disturbed, and also very scared of intimacy and approaching girls in a romantic context

Feel like im fucked beyond all hope at this point desu

Having mental disorder doesn’t doom your kids to have it dipshit
And being neurotic typica, doesn’t garentee healthy kids either%

Having mental disability doesn’t doom kids to have it. I’m the same way being healthy doesn’t ensure perfect healthy kids.
Your actually retarded your self so by your logic you shouldn’t have kids either

youre hanging out with normie girls. find someone on your level

You can get one but you won't be able to keep her. The same assholishness that attracted her will be the one that ends it, learned that the hard way

Mmm, I know it sucks to find out people are laughing at you (or to not know if they are) but actually there is a way in which girls laugh at stuff one does that is affectionate and not meant to hurt. Some might just like your demeanor or way of doing things.

I'm dating someone who's autistic. It's great. It's hard sometimes but we're actually very well-suited in most respects compared to me and previous people I've dated. Half the shit either of us thinks would be a dealbreaker is completely irrelevant to the other one, or nice and funny.

I have Asperger's and I'm married.
There's your answer.

Im not really into "nerd girls" though. I dont like anime or manga or comics or any of that shit and I only play "normie" video games. Am i just fucked? Seems like im in limbo where I'm a diagnosed aspie but exist in the world of "normal" people

>You can have a gf while even with Asperger's, OP, here's people who did it/wouldn't mind
>Yeah, but what if MY Asperger's doesn't let me, though
At this point you're just making excuses. Yes, Asperger's makes it harder, but certainly not impossible, and no, you're not some kind of weird, unique and special sort of autist that magically exists in a place of gf impossibility. Like most other guys who come here and complain about being too ugly, or too short, or too whatever, you're just wrong. Your narrative simply doesn't hold up. If you're not getting a gf it's because you as a person are doing something wrong, and it's your attitude and personality which needs to get fixed, not your mild Asperger's, which is the tamest kind of autism around to the point where a lot of people don't even notice.
Stop blaming your disability and check yourself as a person instead. For starters, stop obsessing about getting a gf.

I feel like i have a very specific type of aspergers where it's mild, but it specifically and massively affects my ability to interact romantically with women

find an aspie gf

Like i said here most aspie girls probably wouldn't like me, and I wouldn't like most aspie girls.

Also i dont think i know any girls who are visibly aspie

I haven't checked myself but my gf says that I may have Assburgers since I have some quirks. I sucked at social gatherings, but I just exposed myself and it is easier every day. Also, like other user said, it is like living in Hard Mode, you will need to prepare for things but it is doable.