Be alone all the time

>be alone all the time
>no friends
>8/10 coworker is nice to me
>develop crush on her
>she doesn't show any interest in me
>see her go eat lunch with a different male coworker each day
How do I stop thinking about her?

Inb4 find someone else. There's no one else that's even talked to me in months (no friends, khv, never been on a date)

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You can continue fantasize and think about her but just understand that it will never be in reality and dont prioritize her

Go fuck ten other women.

what's so bad about friendship?

I'm a khv, I would if I could though

Friends is fine for me, as I have none. But don't think she wants that. We haven't even exchanged numbers


How old r u

>Friends is fine for me, as I have none. But don't think she wants that. We haven't even exchanged numbers

Just ask her if she wants to grab a coffee with you or something. If she starts giving you the whole "oh no user your not my type" spiel then just say that you only meant it as friends in the first place. If she thinks its a date and says yes then I guess you double win.

If she says no and doesn't want to be friends then at least you know for sure and can move on instead of living in the void forever.

>Inb4 find someone else. There's no one else that's even talked to me in months

First thing you need to do is stop getting a hard on every time a girl talks to you.

And don't say "there's no one else", there's just no one at all. She's not into you.

Go find someone else. Take an group art class or something. If all you do is sit in your room alone or work then you have a lot more to worry about than your interest in your coworker.

become interesting

i am taking group dance classes, but don't really chat with the people there. i'm not that good at dancing

>today saw the cute girl giving her instagram to one of the good male dancers

ok fine, there's no one at all ;_;

how do i do this?

It sounds to me that you're simply desperate for affection and Will cling out to anybody nice to you, in which case you shouldn't be worrying about this specific girl, bur rather what actions are taken to improve your social situation.
I know it's really hard for awkard people to make friends, start casual conversation and that kind of things, but it's just how the world works, you either go through with it, or you'll stay as you are forever.It's going to be tough, it'll take a lot of time,you'll fuck it up every now and then, and you'll always feel like you're behind everybody else, and you don't even know exactly why, but that's how it works.
What I'll say, however, is to not think of cute girls as just cute girls and nothing else. Don't cling onto them just because they're female and attractive. You may inadvertely be mising out on signals from other people who are genuinely interested on you, but feel left out because you don't reciprocate. But yeah, in the end it boils down to "go out there and talk to people".

thanks for this

as i mentioned in the OP, no one really talks to me. where can i "go out there and talk to people"? coworkers know i'm awkward

been attending dance classes, mentioned here , and no one talks to me. i think they can tell i'm awkward

other than work and these classes, i never meet new people. i mostly stay at home

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"Go out there and talk to people" is just an expression, my recommendation wold be to make an effort into getting to know better the people who are already in yur life for one reason or another. If they don't talk to you, it might be because you look awkward and hard to approach, this has happened to me plenty of times, when i talk to someone and after a while they say something like "you know, at first you looked really serious and intimidating, but turns out you're just another guy". If this is the cas,e then it has to come from you. Don't stop at "but they're not talking to me", you have to go and talk to them. Try to join groups of people chatting, try to keep up with what they're talking about and join when something interesting is mentioned.
Engage in casual conversation about whatever you're doing at the itme. if it's dancing, just make some silly comment on how you're not getting it, maybe outright ask for help. Most people won't outright reject you if you seem to need help. And keep doing this every day, at least once a day. If you feel like it's too much pressure and you're not comfortable at all, stop for the rest of the day, but try at least once. Unless you start acting like a creep, things should start moving forward slowly. This is were most people fail: they get impatient, and try to rush into something, which gives out a huge red flag to people around you. Try a bit, withdraw if it's not working and try the next day. Don't force yourself too much, you've got time.


Thinking of trying to ignore the coworker I like until she reaches out to me. If ever. ;_;

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>Thinking of trying to ignore the coworker
>tfw it's not working
still thinking of her. Saw her go for a long lunch with another coworker

She asked me to get lunch with her once, guess I was too boring

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then its on you to ask her to get lunch again, she made her move. you gotta put in effort too.

She probably thinks I'm a loser. And now she has other guys to go with

>see her often leaving work with a tall good looking coworker

Just be yourself

You can't be friends with women. They don't want that. They only think of sex or utility or both in the context of men.

homie have you not see ugly guys with hot women? i see it often. women care about personality more. if you think you click then ask her out

Are you the IT guy who helps the coworker when she asks you? Dude stop making these threads and apply the tips we give you.

not often
typically it's tall, good looking guys

>Inb4 find someone else
you already know the answer OP

What kind of help do you want? You always avoid what we say?

What if I'm in a similar position except the coworker shows interest in me?

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OP here. she made many moves too. i was just busy before

i think it's too late to start asking her for lunch, coffee, etc. she's found her group to do those things with


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OP if I had a dollar for every fucking time I thought I missed out on the most perfect girl ever I'd be rich they'll be another time make yourself better prepared for next time with another person

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>they'll be another time make yourself better prepared for next time with another person
This doesn't happen to me often though. I meet maybe one new girl every other year. Usually they have boyfriends

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if you learn to appreciate individuals to the point every 8 is a 10, you just might end up on a date with one.

what do you mean?
i'd gladly go on a date with an 8/10

the tips given were:
>talk to other people
>ignore this girl
trying to ignore her. but i see her at work every day, and she is always talking and laughing with a guy

see her leaving work with guys all the time too. actually wonder whether she is sleeping with any of the guys (I can think of 4 guys, all better looking than me, all single Chads, that I see her leave work with regularly)

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These are the main tips you need to follow. You want to be more social? You need to practice by talking to people,coworkers, go to events and meetups. Stop putting this girl on a pedestal dude, it's toxic and you're hurting yourself. Stop calling all of these guys "chads", they're probably just regular guys but you put yourself so beneath that any guy who talks to girls is a chad.

What you want is a cheat code because you just ignore everything we say, read models again, Cory Wayne book, and how to make a conversation with people. Bitching in this website and never going ain't going to help you at all.