I’m 5’6” and 22 years old, male. I can’t fucking stand this shit anymore. I’m shorter than every man I see...

I’m 5’6” and 22 years old, male. I can’t fucking stand this shit anymore. I’m shorter than every man I see, I know I’m not getting any taller, I’m dirt to women and no one ever takes me seriously. How do i get over this? Is it even possible? I know I’m being pathetic, but I really don’t care at this point. I have to get over this or there’s no point in going on.

Attached: 2E3F0564-A0C0-415A-BE86-1241A1DEBACC.jpg (1024x745, 67K)

I just got rejected by a 5'6" dude.

there is people in this world that have it far worse than you. Find some hobbies, climb the social heirarchy and just be content with the hand you have been dealt.

I am 5'8 and here average male height is 5'11. I just don't care and focus on my life, feeling insecure like you would make me a beta

What if the hobbies that have given me joy aren’t doing anything for me anymore? I’m not trying to be a defeatist sack of shit, but how do you find new hobbies or make your old ones interesting again?

Im a 5'6 guy who would never reject you

Move to a third world country, you'll be average height. I'm 170cm (5'7") and rarely feel short since everyone is around the same height in this shithole

How do you stop being a beta, then?

What country?

Even in southern Europe you would be pretty average.

you change your personality.

Same way you gain muscles, keep training and repeat.

5'7", I know it's hard to develop your personality when people might not give you the time of day. So all I have to say is value those who actually do and move on to new challenges once you improve.

Getting out of the beta lifestyle/mindset is like trying to fall asleep, the more you focus and stress about it, the harder it will be.

Stop daydreaming about women. Accept that nobody owes you anything. Always remember that the vast majority of men before you failed to reproduce, whether because of war, disease or shitty genetics. You ain't shit, and you'll never impress everyone.

Instead, set out to live a satisfying life, one that only you can understand. Build something meaningful, do some fucking pushups. Be polite to everyone, but give zero fucks about what they think of you. Create realistic goal for yourself and test your limits.

In short, be a genuinely good person, who's secure in themself and requires no validation from anyone.

Then women will notice you.

You don't. You need successes to get confidence, and you won't get successes, if you're not confident. All you can do is build your education, wealth, career, body, etc., and you might be able to derive confidence from those. You should have picked an easier difficulty-setting before being born.

>requires no validation from anyone.
That's called being a sociopath.


Is 56 short?
For men, yes. In the United States, 56 is below average for a man. Only 20.6% of men are 56 or shorter.

However, for women, 56 is above average. 72.4% of women are less than 56 tall.

Attached: gangbang.jpg (1052x887, 184K)

>72.4% of women are less than 56 tall.
Of all women. I'm pretty sure OP is only interested in women his age. It's probably more like 50 % are shorter of that group. And half of them use heels of some sort, making it more likely 25 % shorter. Unless he is unfortunate enough to live in Northern Europe, in which case the numbers go to something like 10 %.

>Europe, in which case the numbers go to something like 10 %.
Yes I can confirm we are titans here
For real you are kinda right, average girl hight here is 5'6
>'m pretty sure OP is only interested in women his age
Yeah and that is average height for a 20 year old
>And half of them use heels of some sort
None uses this here unless her bf is super high

Attached: Attack.on.Titan.full.1553434.jpg (700x574, 170K)

>who would never reject you
well that's kinda lame

>How do i get over this? Is it even possible?

Stop buying in to all this toxic Jow Forums shit. It's poisoning your mind and leading you to believe shit that's basically turning in to a self-fulfilling prophesy.

5'7" dude here. As far as I'm aware, it's never been a problem for me. Only once has a girl ever mentioned my height, and that was on an online dating app (pointing out she as taller than me and asking if I was ok with it), and after which she went out with me anyway.

Probably about 1/3 to 1/2 of the women I've gone out with have been taller than me, including my girlfriend of 4 years who has got a couple of inches on me.

Stop buying in to all that bullshit.

Even IF it was true, believing it is obviously doing you no good.

>Im a 5'6 guy who would never reject you

Which is probably why you'll never get the opportunity in the first pace dude...

Come on... have some self respect. That kind desperate attitude is more responsible for your inability to attract women than anything else here...


I’ve been where you are.
It’s mindset brother. Trust me.
I’m living a dream life now, I’m 163cms and work in the construction industry. You may wonder why that’s relevant? Well men in the construction industry dgaf about your feelings and some are crude and cruel.
It’s an attitude, a capacity to make people second guess themselves when they think about saying something to you re your height. It’s a look in the eye, a doggeredness and confidence that “if you come after me, not only will you lose, you will have lost to someone half your height, is this something you’re willing to risk? Can your ego take that?” Overwhelmingly the answer is NO so they keep their distance, they opt instead to talk shit behind your back, which is fine, because you know that’s really weakness.
I help guys like you, because I know what it’s like. I completely get it. But I also completely get how unnecessary it is, how crippling it is, and how much of a waste your life will become if you don’t get this nailed soon.

I’d like to invite you to join my fb secret group. Please look up groups/hatemyheight we can talk more about it there.


I'm 5'4". I have a girlfriend who is 5'6". Most girls I know find me charming, moreso than taller guys.

Height only matters as much as you think it does. Some girls might say mean things about your height, but you only have to respond one of two things: "I'm short, but I'm still taller than you." or "I'm short for a guy, but you're tall for girl."

Only 5'6"?

Finally someone shorter than me!

>I’m dirt to women and no one ever takes me seriously. How do i get over this?
Fix whatever the hell it is that's making you so unappealing, because it sure as shit ain't your height. I'm 5'6" as well and I haven't had trouble getting some since I was 16 years old.

You need to find some kind of mentor or coach or something to figure out what the hell is wrong with you and correct that.

My dad is your height OP. And if I exist, he must have gotten laid, so so can you

Not for nothing but false paternity is a real thing. Your existence only means your mom got laid, either by a human being or the Holy Spirit.

Get swole. I worked with a guy who was 5' 5" and built like a Greek God. He had a smoking hot wife taller than him.

I mean I was mostly being silly, but I can confirm he has at least had sex with my mother. I've heard it, god help me, and even once walked in on a quick covering up of a sexual act.

I'm 5'6" and just turned 30. Can't let your insecurities get you down, you'll never get a gf that way.

Get a Bane mask and put it on

Attached: manlets cure.jpg (432x388, 29K)

I'm 5'6", make 120k a year, and have fucked over 100 girls. You must be literally the biggest loser on the planet if you can't succeed at 5'6".

A skillful person can live on two levels.
On the first they participate in the social game, the second they are aware of the game and understand that there are things outside of it.

I say this every time a guy posts about being short.
I am 6'5", and I still get no attention from women.
the problem isn't with you, OR society, the problem is female evolutionary psychology.

>the problem isn't with you
The problem IS 100% with you.

>You must be literally the biggest loser
More like the smallest loser AMIRITE KEKEKEKEKE

Workout and become buff as shit

It's not like you're 5'1 fuck off.

You are taller than Tom Cruise, Martin Luther King or Winston Churchill.

Google "short men who are successes" and "short men with beautiful women" and find another excuse.

those were also powerful men with agendas and a will to do better. OP does not fit that description. Please do not reproduce. You will perpetuate your short genes into the future.

also on a side note, why is there a threat about short guys every damn day? cant we just have a catch all threat for midgets to stroke themselves to feel better?

Lots of lanklet bitter virgins from Jow Forums lately

cringe, right away I know you never got laid in your life

The real perspective on success that they don’t want to hear

It is definitely possible to not care. I'm 5'6" and I really don't worry about it at all, nor do I notice it interfere with dating. I don't say this to rub it in but to indicate that it's possible to not have it fuck up your life.

I'm a scrawny 5'5" 20-something who makes an extremely modest income. I promise you that your height is not the brick wall you imagine it to be. I know that, "lol just be more confident" is shitty advice, because if it was that easier you would have just flipped that imaginary switch in your head a long time ago. So rather than that, my hope is that you will consider that when people look at you, they don't just fixate on your height.

>just be a paragon of stoicism bro
Meanwhile Jamal continues to take the virginity of several young debutantes while rapping to himself about weed and sucking down antibiotics to keep his host of venereal diseases from making his penis fall off.

At least you're not 6'4" and Indian. Would rather be a white manlet desu. You don't understand how many more opportunities exist for you

Obtain money. That's what all the manlets in Hollywood did