Tell me what haircut to get. I like shorter styles

Tell me what haircut to get. I like shorter styles.

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Time to get a big boy haircut. Tell mommy to take you to a real barber.

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Alright. I like it but I don't think I have as much hair as him. What product is he using? I usually use clay.

>R downey jr face
>not growing a chinstrap and stache

Attached: robert-downey-jr-haircut-1.jpg (373x500, 48K)

is not going to work, don't listen to that retard.

Just ask your barber what haircut would suit you

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Dafuq would I know, nigga? Ask your barber for product recommendations when he's done. Also, continue growing out your facial hair. That little crustache of yours ain't doing the job.

Even if you look fine without, you could try growing a beard and see if it works, user.

Can't grow facial hair. I'm 24, all I get is a whispy goatee

Too bad, might be low T.

Whichever one doesn't make you look like the bastard son of Brendan Fraser and Matthew Broderick.

Pretty sure it's not related to T. I wish I could take test but I got tested and they said I was in a healthy range. Blah.

I like a nice combover (not Trump's hair cut) with a medium fade from the top of the ears. Works every time

Where I come from everyone has his hair like this.

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>Where I come from everyone has his hair like this.
Yeah but it does not suit everyone and does OP want to look like everyone else cause I certainly do not. For god's sake you can put those kind of advice straight into the trash bin.

" but it does not suit everyone"

If everyone has it's hair like this, then it probably suits most people.
The next level of good style would be

Attached: 1553012648283.jpg (640x715, 66K)

hahaha please don't do this OP, look up on google how to see what kinda shape of head you have and get a proper haircut, or just ask your barber

Also if I remember good that is a Croatian guy obsessed with plastic surgery, he looks like a faggot and that haircut is rediculous

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Saving up for a hair transplant, FUE. $6-8K domestic.
I recommend you do the same.
Get finasteride in the meantime. It's 10 cents when you cut the pills in half from a big box store.

Is that a male realdoll?

This looks good on many men, it would suit you too. It's called an Ivy League cut.

Attached: Ivy-League-Haircut.jpg (500x500, 66K)

Forgot to mention it on my first comment, but you can change it to make it more or less messy depending on your taste. It's a fairly malleable and flexible cut. The digits have spoken, it's a fantastic cut.

Bump for curiosity