Getting a girlfriend?

I'm not a bad looking guy, just chubby. What do girls look for in guys, how can I get a girlfriend? All I want is someone decent looking that I can cuddle with. I use dating apps but no one seems to really bite and when I do get dates once in a while they just don't seem like they want to give me a chance. What is the best way to go about things?

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I cannot speak for other girls, but a genuine connection, honesty, and a compassionate personality is what I look for.

Thanks for the real advice femanon! I’ll definitely be more compassionate. I also feel pretty honest but I usually end up blurting some stuff about past lives and spiritual ideas and I feel like people don’t stick around because of that. Should I just take things slower or maybe I’m just not meeting the right people?

>I'm not a bad looking guy, just chubby
well don't expect to get a model, you will have to go to fit, the more you improve on your body better "hot chicks" you can get

>What do girls look for in guys, how can I get a girlfriend?
Success with Women

[(A x P)C+M] x W

A= Initial Appearance P= Personality
C= Challenge
M= Mystery
W= Women

you can use this formula to get an idea

> I use dating apps but no one seems to really bite and when I do get dates once in a while they just don't seem like they want to give me a chance

Well that's simple is because you bore them, you need to make sure date is fun, and make it sexual so you don't end up as a friend

>What is the best way to go about things?
Improve yourself, your mind(read more books) and your body(fit)

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The fact you've used a formula just shows how out of touch this advice is

>All I want is someone decent looking that I can cuddle with.

This is the mistake OP. Find someone who's personality you are attracted to. This will make the cuddle much better.

Okay, I've been kinda outta touch with things from some bad relationships. I'll definitely keep personality in mind

Decent looking as chubby as well I assume
I don’t know why but I always felt chubby people never want to date chubby people and use the excuse that they’re below their standards even though they’re in the same level

I am sorry user but I don't see whats wrong with that, You could ask a girl here and she will tell you I am right.

Well I accept woman that are chubby too, just not overtly so/ fat if that makes sense. I guess I'm just wondering with this thread if I just wait for a girl to accept me or do I have to go out of my way to give everything I can

if you havent seen james corden interview tl;dr dont be a fat fuck. girls no like.

There is no perfect formula other than what you discover yourself by trial and error.
Also, this is a futile question that is discouraged in the Ask The opposite Gender posts.

Obviously the more effort you put in the higher your odds of getting a girlfriend are.

Yeah sorry maybe I was a little harsh , but I still think it's too complex to reduce to that formula even if it's just a simplified stance. What about the subtle character points that people see in one another?

>What about the subtle character points that people see in one another?

Well that's just personality, that why everyone says be yourself

Naa his formula is way out of whack. You need to include things like life goals, political stances, allergies, social standing, reputation, etc. Say if you have a dog and she is allergic then your odds of dating go way down. If one of you wants kids and the other does not then they plummet. And if one of you is a liberal and the other wears a MAGA hat then what do you think your odds are? Any remotely viable equation would need to have at least 20 variables.

bro thats just all personality hahaha

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Girls want a connection and honesty. Don't play games and be honest and genuine. If a girl is not interested then it was not meant to be and you might have saved yourself from investing into something that was one-sided. It works the other way around for you as well.

Since you're on dating apps, don't be boring. Girls are tired of the same old "heyyyy how are you?" or "what are you doing tonight?" messages. Don't ask a question that isn't similar to "what do you like to do" or anything typical to open. Instead ask,"What's your favorite smell?" or "If you can relive one year over and over what would it be and why?" Makes you stand out from guys who do the same old "hey" trick, it only works for Chads/Chad chasers.

When it comes to looks, do what you think is right for yourself. If you want to get fit, then go ahead. Girls have different preferences when it comes to looks. I am disgusted with muscles and would prefer someone skelly, but my friend is the exact opposite and loves muscular guys and refuses to date a skinny man. Some girls won't mind dating a chubby man and I've seen many girls dating chubby guys.

>I usually end up blurting some stuff about past lives and spiritual ideas and I feel like people don’t stick around because of that. Should I just take things slower or maybe I’m just not meeting the right peopl
yeah save that kind of stuff for people you're really close too, and even then, only in the right context.

don't ever apologize to tripfags

>I usually end up blurting some stuff about past lives and spiritual ideas and I feel like people don’t stick around because of that.
I know I wouldn't.

So are challenge and mystery

Thanks for your advice so far guys. I can see where I've messed up and I'll definitely make a more unique approach online. I plan on getting fit also. I was just being honest about the spiritual stuff..Im really curious about it and I think I just expect people to be okay with it. Is it better to just let that go?

no is not

Mystery = how fast can you keep improving your personality so the girl doesn't learn all about you

challenge = how much stong is your personality

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>Is it better to just let that go?
it's just not appropriate talk unless you two are extremely close or she somehow brings it up.

How fast you can improve your personality is still part of your personality. So is how strong your personality is.

>Success with Women

>[(A x P)C+M] x W

>A= Initial Appearance P= Personality
>C= Challenge
>M= Mystery
>W= Women
This formula is complete nonsense, even from a qualitative sense. I hope you don’t seriously expect people to use it.

Do you just this sort of shit up on the spot or do you plan it out?

of make shit*

You have to separate it and see it as it own, you could be a perfect guy, but guess what, you will bore the women.
Care to explain why do think this? At least put some logical answer so you form a proper counter argument.