How do you ask someone out?

Just like in general. How do you ask a girl out?

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YOU: Hey, wana grab a lunch tomorow for lolz

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"Hey, I like you."

"Could I get your number?"

You have friendly conversation, establish some comfortable familiarity, mention some fun plans you have or were thinking of setting up in the near future, and then finally invite her to join you.

Well that much is obvious, but in what context? Where? Can you do it with people around?

>Well that much is obvious, but in what context?
Are you fucking retarded? Give more info next time,

Ah now, this is a good question.
Well... you need to find a place that you know you two can have fun, maybe hiking, maybe go swimming (this is what I did), coffee can work too but you will need to talk to make sure you don't bore her

> Can you do it with people around?
Sure as long as you two can have fun together.

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When do you see this girl? Get her in a place where it's just the two of you of you're super nervous. Otherwise if you're fine with people around, do it then. It's always going to be nerve wracking no matter where you are.

Not OP so dunno about him

Im not asking about a specific girl but i dont know the actual process, context, and just HOW you are supposed to ask a girl out without it being awkward and forced as fuck

>Not OP so dunno about him
is fine

>process, context, and just HOW you are supposed to ask a girl out without it being awkward and forced as fuck

Well my dear user, here:

1. You just ask, yes that it!
2. You see the more you talk to girls, more connection you will make, start by giving her looks of attraction, touch her, and if she responds( you will know, trust me) than you go and ask her.
3. Now if we are talking about a girl you never met, you can ask her right away or do the same steps as above( which I recommend).

Best to ask them when you're alone 1 on 1 for a while. Take them aside if possible.

Also "asking out" is a bit of a Hollywood lie. You're supposed to ask her to essentially "hang out". Have an activity in mind. Coffee, rocknclibbing, bowling, pizza, concert, game night, whatever.

You can say that you're attracted to her but don't overdo it. Just say that you're interested or some shit. You reveal your cards too much then you're out.

You're both supposed to lie to yourselves that this thing just happened and you didn't see it coming.

First date, you both pretend to just hang out without calling it a date. If she agrees to a second date you can start change pace and upgrade to handholding, later kissing then on the fifth one you smash. And all this time you had no idea it was dating, things are just going to happen. I mean gosh you were just hanging out.

Had to learn it the hard way. I guess the #1 rule is don't be direct about anything (which is fucking dumb). There is no bigger turnoff than trying to clarify where you stand. Don't try to make sense of it.

Does the strategy have to change if i am a kissless dateless virgin with literally zero romantic experience (yet somehow im socially normal and have friends including friends who are girls?)

No, your inexperience and virginity have nothing to do with having fun with a girl in a sexual way, just be a MAN like nature made you.

hi do you want to grab a coffee/bite to eat?
theres your answer

>just be a MAN like nature made you.

Dont know how to do that. Nobody taught me...

Put your dick all over her face, if it is big and hard enough, she will surrended in front of you.

>Dont know how to do that. Nobody taught me...

But what if I told you knew how to act like a MAN but you just forgot?

Well, let's look at kids.

“Yes! Young kids, lacking the chemical madness curse that puberty brings us, are at PERFECT EASE and treat the sexes appropriately. No young boys will say, ‘Whatever you want to do.’ Young boys RUN AROUND, they do not sit and TALK to the girl all night. Young boys have their cars, their trucks, their dangers and excitements. Now, compare the young boys’ actions to those who are REALLY successful with women.”

The youth was alarmed. “They are identical! I always thought women were IMMATURE for going after these so-called jerks, bad boys, and jocks. I see that in some ways they are immature, but they kept that joy of youth with them whereas I had killed it.”

“Youth, what do you do on a date?”

“Why, I speak to her about philosophy, about literature, about the designs on the universe, about DNA, about world events, about...”

“Stop! I can take no more! Come and drink from this Fountain of Youth.”

The youth did so. All those paper bullets of the brain ceased. “Now all I want to do is do things and not talk. I want to run around. I want to have FUN!”

“And women go CRAZY over these types of guys. Some people are so scared of growing older that they become extremely aged in their youthful flesh. Now you will be the envy of every philosopher, scholar, thinker, and deep analyzer. You will be in the world they have no access to. Nothing has changed. The attitude you had towards girls when you were in the sandbox is EXACTLY the attitude you need now. So think young and LIVE.”

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>mention some fun plans you have or were thinking of setting up in the near future
Such as?

I never have fun plans. Have no friends in the first place, so forced to stay indoors tbqh

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part 2

Just be a Man! There is no need to reprogram yourself. You will have the interests you have, the hobbies you have, the body you have, but you can easily become a MAN. It is all simply in the way how you think and as you think you shall become. But what is Man? Shall we have the answer? Here it is:

A Man is a guy who is not scared of his testosterone!

A Man follows the passion in his life. Passion of women? Of course not. A Man has goals and desires that goes above that of chasing chicks. After childhood, there are TRUE winners and losers in life. A Man desires to be the winner. A Man WANTS to win in what he does. Because of his passion, a Man can sometimes come off as arrogant and egotistical. He does not apologize for this or for his desires.

Take everything the tripfag says with a grain of salt.

Unlike the rest of us, he's under the impression of having some "reputation" to uphold. Any time there's a choice between saying something that will help you, or saying something that will help him. - he will always go for what makes him look good. Just hurr durr be a man exercise and eat healthy not Adam and Steve ok praise Jesus.

If you want my advice, sure, the kv thing going to be an obstacle. You have two ways out of this. Fake it, until it becomes second nature, or be honest about it until someone will be willing to teach you.

I would recommend that you make some female friends, however you do it. It can be someone you know, it can be someone at a pub whom you'll never meet again, it can be a social worker, group therapy, or a shrink. Ask them for advice and you'll be surprised how helpful they are. Women act differently when you make it clear that you just want to talk, and will not hit on them. Especially when you want THEIR advice. Plus it's a perspective you probably haven't heard before.

Good luck, OP. Let us know how it goes in the future.

this is just terable

1. You should NEVER ask a woman for advice about dating.
2.> Fake it until it becomes second nature
Translation: Torture yourself until you learn from mistakes as I did. I recommend learning from someone else mistakes so road you take is less bumpy.
3.>be honest about it until someone will be willing to teach you.
A girl doesn't want to be your mother, sorry.

>Just hurr durr be a man exercise and eat healthy not Adam and Steve ok praise Jesus.
Are you saying you should do this? Looks like we found a fatty :D.

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I like your advice, care to comment in this thread

thanks, user, I will try tho I need to get sleep, is 5 am here, hahaha

I just try and be serious about it. None of they "hey I kinda like you" stuff. Let her know what you like about her

>but you will need to talk to make sure you don't bore her
and how do i do this?

t. boring guy

Especially at the beginning, the best dates are action dates. Doing stuff rather than just talking or going to a movie or eating is more fun. The more fun she has, the more attractive you become.

When you have friends that are girls, in other words not romantically going after them, you are purely with them because of the fun. You enjoy spending time with them.

Alas, the more fun women have the more attracted they become. So eventually they turn their romantic target in your direction.

When the Nice Guy is 'friends', is he fun? Hardly. He tries to 'connect' to her in every possible way. He tries to 'get to know her' yet she is bored to hell (thus, she uses him as emotional tampon).

A girl will not consider dating a guy who bores her.

If there were any rule with women, I would say Never Bore Them. Make them laugh. Make them have fun. Heck, make them cry. Make them embarrassed. But never, NEVER bore them.

part 2

before you can start to date women, you must be able to DATE YOURSELF! That's right, DATE YOURSELF. Try going out to these places by yourself or with your friends first. This will:

-Make you more comfortable

You already know the place, are comfortable with it, and know what to expect. This is important since when you are with a girl and new to it all, it is enough for the shy guy to be out with the girl let alone in a new and strange place. This will make your job a lot easier.

-Makes you prepared.

You can speak of the places or so where you want to go with confidence and ease. You know the route and the best way to drive there. You KNOW what the costs will be, what the environment will be, so you know how much money to take and what to wear.

For the shy guys wishing they were girls, this is why you should be thankful you are the guy. You get to know BEFOREHAND where you want to go so you have all the time in the world to be prepared.

-Makes you have fun.

With you being comfortable and prepared, already your time will be more enjoyable. Since you have all those shy guy worries put away like what to wear, the cost, what the environment is, and so on, you get to focus ON HER and have fun with her.

Good luck guys. Don't let ANYTHING steal your joy!