ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post, check the FAQ.
Keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.
If you can't handle upsetting replies (or the FAQ) don't ask. You will be bullied out of this thread if you act salty.

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. There is no "magic moment" (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
>How do I my penis?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
>Why are terrible? . .
Fuck off

> is only for hookups, don't go there for real people!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Make one yourself! Try these macros:

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So I've got an odd one.

Dated a girl for awhile, wasn't going well, I tried to apply some pressure to get her into bed, and it didn't work. Stopped talking to her, so she blew up on me, and I told her why. Her response was to say first that she was never attracted to me anyway, that I'm not her type (both physically and by asking her to bed "so soon" into dating); and then also to say that she was nice and gave me "a shot", and that if I'd been more patient we'd have slept together. Anyway, I just went back to ghosting her.

A few weeks later she was still upset that I wasn't talking to her. I ignored her. A few weeks after that, she was asking for a date. I ignored that. A few weeks later, again. She's actually persisted for quite some time now; been a year of this, every few weeks talking about how she's free this weekend and was thinking about going to such-and-such event, and basically doing everything she can to make it clear she would like me to go with her.

So, here's the thing. I wasn't paying for her or anything like that. I actually settled that after our first date; we would go dutch and she went along with that. So she was not getting anything out of this, certainly not to the level where it'd make sense to her to spend all this time dealing with me. She's even asked me as a date to social events with her friends, knowing I'd certainly not be bankrolling anything.

So I guess, in case it's not plainly obvious by how I asked this, is whether she was just sounding off and trying to save face when I told her she was getting dumped, or whether she's up to something.

What's women's opinion on bi men ? Cause in some sources I hear it's overwhelmingly negative whilst from some I hear that they don't care.

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Seems pretty clear to me.
>you are an autistic dick-guided teenager
>she wanted something serious with you
>she still wants something serious with you, but you only care about sex, which you didn't get.
Just keep ghosting her and let her be. It's probably better for both of you.


It's a bit of a mixed bag. For the most part, it depends on what you mean when you say bisexual.

If you mean it as "I like taking dick and wants men, and has dated a lot of men", that's a big red flag. If you are saying it as a "tried it, but now I'm more leaning towards women", then it's fine, and almost preferable, as it avoids the inevitable closet faggot from suddenly coming out after being married for 20 years and having 2 kids.

Appreciate the input. We're actually both in our 30s lmao

I guess I will go on that date with her this weekend though.

If the girl is black, you're done, no matter how great you are. Even if it was just getting your dick sucked once.

I suppose I'd put myself down as the 50/50 once I've settled down , anchor on and be the monogamous type with whoever it happens to be. Thank you for the quick response

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Absolutely not, would not date a bi man who had done anything more than kiss another man. I've only met one man I'd break this rule for.
I hang out in the lgbt scene a lot so I've met my fair share of bi men. they seem to all be massive onions boys. great friends, but no way would i date them. The man i would have broken my rule for was the only one who had a set of iron balls. he dated his way through a harem of men and women so clearly i wasn't the only one without a problem with him. We didn't date as he had alcohol problems, but anyway that's my opinion on bi men.

I’m a bi female. I’ve dated a bi guy and it was...normal I guess? I don’t see any issues with knowing that.

I don't really care as long as you are the type of guy I like, and committed to me.
I've met one bi guy who fit the bill.

>asked my ex-gf if she'd be up for eating some ice cream on saturday
>she replied "hey user :) i have to ask: what's the background here? i don't want to give you false impressions if i accept...

i answered with
>the background is , it's going to be hot and ice cream cools you down a bit

was that okay?
my intentions are genuinely to get comfortable with the situation of her being around because same friends circle

No, that wasn‘t ok because you didn‘t answer her question.
She wanted to know if you want to see if you two could still make things work (because she doesn‘t think so). You bantering about the weather just told her that you can‘t take anything seriously and that you‘re not even close to being mature enough for a relationship. Now she hs to either fake being ok with your non-answer or tell you that she won‘t meet up, which you will see as a rejection and it will just cause more tension between the two of you.
Maybe send her another answer telling her that you want to work on resolving any remaining harsh feelings between the two of you since you‘ll be around each other in the future and you want to prevent it being awkward. Make sure that‘s actually your intention and you‘re not lying to yourself.

Uhm whew. Wait a minute, i do not want to work out things with her again user. I bantered because i don't want any hate between us, or negativity for that matter.
>not even close to being mature enough for a relationship.
Do explain that to me please

Everything has been worked out already user, we sort of tried it again and we wanted different things, all i want is for me to be okay with the whole situation when seein her. Didn't want to be rude to her, nor did i want to sound clingy or "please let's get back" type.

I really just want to meet up, catch up and let that be it.

>giving an evasive copout answer

This girl accepted my invitation to get boba tea. But it was so strange.
1. She paid for me, was she trying to make sure she didn't "owe" me anything? This threw me off pretty hard

2. She mentioned that she was kinda seeing some guy, but they weren't really official. This was so fucking weird, why did she even accept to come out with me?

3. Afterwards, I asked for some clarity in whether or not she was available or not, she showed me texts of a third guy that was trying to date her. At this point I'm completely lost. Logic no longer applies. I ask what this has to do with me, she said something like "I guess I can come off as flirty"

I'm like 99% sure there's no chance, but I'm just trying to fugue out her actions. Nothing made sense, i would say I kept it from being awkward, but it was insane from start to finish.

>Everything has been worked out already user
No it's not, or she wouldn't respond that way to your invitation.

Was it really that evasive? Hmm

Maybe i'll text her the stuff the user above mentioned. In my mind it didn't sound that negative honestly.

>I bantered because i don't want any hate between us, or negativity for that matter.
Bad call. Don't banter with your ex when she's actively asking what your deal is. If you want no negativity, then be upfront, honest, and clear, just like she was when asking you about the background.
I really don't see how you thought that was a good idea.

>1. She paid for me, was she trying to make sure she didn't "owe" me anything
Owe you what? Legit question, what are you implying here?

I just pay because someone has to, and if the guy hesitates, I'll just do it. Who cares, its not expensive enough to be worth fussing over.

>2. She mentioned that she was kinda seeing some guy, but they weren't really official. This was so fucking weird, why did she even accept to come out with me?
Could be she either isn't fully ready to commit, and wants to make it sound like she isn't quite available, or she has someone she likes more, but feels like she can't get, but still holds out hope for. That's the usual reason you say shit like that.

She sounds like she has insane commitment issues though. She probably can't figure out what she really wants, so she sorta bounces between guys seeing which she prefers. They tend to end up with no one at the end for a reason. Skip.

So, she thinks i want to try it again on some level. She doesn't want to, that's why she asked me that?
Okay, yeah i've already texted her that i don't want things to be awkward between us and to just talk everything that's still there

She asked you
>What are your intentions?
And you completely evaded the answer. I'd block you and never talk to you again if I was her because I'd assume you still were into me.

Its not that it was a negative response, but she literally asks
>this isn't because you want to get back together, right?
And you respond with
>let's just get ice cream because it's so hot you know *wink*
Just answer the damn question.

>I'd block you and never talk to you again if I was her because I'd assume you still were into me.
you really that bitter, user? like, you'd block someone you clearly know has feelings for you because of that? christ almighty that's immature as all hell

>So, she thinks i want to try it again on some level. She doesn't want to, that's why she asked me that?
Most likely yes.

If you just want to talk with no ulterior motive of potentially getting back together, just tell her that. What is the purpose of avoiding the question?

Yeah, I don't hang out with people who have feelings for me if I don't have feelings for them.
Not immature, quite the opposite. We clearly want opposite things out of the relationship, so I don't see the point of staying involved in the relationship.

I see, yeah, texted her already Well, my purpose was to kind of play it of as a joke hence giving her the feeling of "it's all good between us"

>you really that bitter, user? like, you'd block someone you clearly know has feelings for you because of that? christ almighty that's immature as all hell
Because being a coy little bitch who can't answer a simple question is the pinnacle of maturity, right?

She literally asked the question because she knows you are a potential orbiter, and she wants to ensure you dont keep trying to get back together with her, when you have already broken up. She is moving on, that's what mature people do. You just seem incapable of doing that.

Because obviously he's scared she won't hang if he's not interested in dating, and just using her for attention and an ego boost, she's not down to be his ego boost. P mature of her to keep her boundaries I'd say. Most likely OP is a manbun vape-artist or something equally cliche and messed around on her or left her feeling neglected.

>I'd block you and never talk to you again if I was her
holy shit talk about an overreaction

so basically you're giving 0 fucks about the other persons feelings and in that regard are pretty egoistic if anything?
not that user anon but i fail to see where the problem is with being a bit humorous

Original user here, uhm this is getting slightly out of hand. Firstly, as stated, we tried to somewhat date again and it didn't go the way i wanted. Secondly i'm not to keen on using her for attention, not that kind of human at all.

>Because obviously he's scared she won't hang if he's not interested in dating, and just using her for attention and an ego boost
That's a lot of assumptions to make out of a couple of lines. People who aren't good at managing social situations are a common thing, you know. And sometimes people have brain farts. You can't go judging others so harshly with so little information, it's not healthy.

Yeah, if I ask you a simple question and you fail to answer I'm not wasting time with a moron.

>so basically you're giving 0 fucks about the other persons feelings and in that regard are pretty egoistic if anything?
No. If I hang out with someone we should agree (implicitly or not) with what we're getting out of the relationship and what we're giving each other.
If you want a girlfriend and I want a buddy, we don't hang out. If I want a monogamous relationship and you want to fuck girls on the side, we don't date. It's as simple as that. If we don't agree on what we want, neither of us gets anything and we move on.
That's what adults do. I don't string people along and don't waste my time.

>She mentioned that she was kinda seeing some guy, but they weren't really official. This was so fucking weird, why did she even accept to come out with me?
Because they're not exclusive you dipshit. Why did she mention it though? It's the girl form of dropping the spaghetti.
>Afterwards, I asked for some clarity in whether or not she was available or not, she showed me texts of a third guy that was trying to date her.
... so she's available. Why would you even ask that question lmoa

>She sounds like she has insane commitment issues though.
rofl huge brainlet

what do when your current best friend (female) said that she is in love with you, but not able to have a relationship right now?

Both of us had a breakup in january and are still kinda broken inside. Should I just stay friends with her and see how the things work out, or leave her, because I got essentially friendzoned?

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Do you want to have a relationship with her?

actually yes, kind of. I'm just still kinda... well how should I put it... devastate, because of my absolutely crazy ex. She threatened me with suicide, stalked my insta and so on.

What would you anons do? Just wait? Or leave before she hurts me, because she is keeping me warm and waiting for chad?
What is funny enough, many females called me a chad

>Yeah, if I ask you a simple question and you fail to answer I'm not wasting time with a moron.
you must be legit fun at parties with that kind of thought process
>i shit on peoples thoughts, only i matter
you sound like a legit narcissist user

Guy here.

I don't understand the prevalence of wanting to diversify certain fields of work, specifically STEM fields. Do you, as women, feel held back from succeeding in these fields due to state/field/societal circumstances you cannot control?

My current opinion is that there is nothing holding anyone back from it. There's an african dude (Ousia Foli-Bebe) who lives in a trailer who taught himself robotics, scrounged up parts from scrap printers to build his own 3D printer AND a robot spider he uses to teach kids about tech. somehow I can't believe that someone in a more privileged nation has any trouble doing anything. These fields require a certain level of intelligence and pro-activeness and if you're not making the cut, then maybe you're just not meant to be part of the 1% that advances the human race.

I'm not saying I work in STEM neither, I'm a fucking dumbass so don't get me wrong. Just wondering why there's this huge obsession of shoehorning in people who aren't capable of meeting the standards of certain fields into said fields. If asian/white men dominate the field, then shit, they worked hard for it.

>so basically you're giving 0 fucks about the other persons feelings and in that regard are pretty egoistic if anything?
And it's better for her to lead him on? What the hell do you expect here?

>not that user anon but i fail to see where the problem is with being a bit humorous
No problem at all, as long as you answer the question, which he didn't. No one wants to waste time dragging an answer out of some evasive faggot who thinks he is funny.

If he had said
>>the background is , it's going to be hot and ice cream cools you down a bit, and I wanted to have fun with my favourite friend
Then it had been humorous, cute, and he had answered the question. Instead, he made it sound like he was hoping she would cool down, and let him get close again for another shot at her.

>you sound like a legit narcissist user
You sound like a legit retard user.
If you want a relationship and I don't want one, what are we doing?
Are we dating because you want to, even if I don't like you? Are we being friends so you suffer because you're frienzoned, and when I get a boyfriend I have to drop you because I'm not hanging out with a dude who wants to fuck me when I have a boyfriend because I don't want to disrespect my boyfriend? Or can I just not hang out with you to begin with?
Especially if you're the kind of person who is simply too immature to have a discussion about this and gives evasive answers about his feelings like "teehee I want to hang out with you just for the ice cream :^)".

>And it's better for her to lead him on? What the hell do you expect here?
never said anything about leading on or something
> as long as you answer the question
it was an answers he diverted to something quirky saying it's solely because it's getting warm and some ice sounds good to counter that nothing more nothing less

>Then it had been humorous, cute,
yeah no that's not something you tell to an ex with that kind of background story user

Alright user. Care to expand on that?

>Do you, as women, feel held back from succeeding in these fields due to state/field/societal circumstances you cannot control?

Orphan with no family, very few friends or funds, and I still managed to get a good degree in programming and land myself a good job based on my qualifications, and proving myself during a 6 month temporary position.

It's a bad excuse that the system is set up to make women fail.

I would wait till you fix your head.
Go to therapy. Keep things lighthearted with your friend.

>never said anything about leading on or something
So you would want her to do what, exactly? Because clearly communication isn't working for her, because he refuses to answer properly. So either she keeps dealing with an evasive cunt, or she ghost him. I can understand taking the second option.

>it was an answers he diverted to something quirky
It really wasn't. You know full well you wouldn't consider an answer like that conclusive of anything, if it had been directed at you. If not, you are probably autistic.

>yeah no that's not something you tell to an ex with that kind of background story user
No, I agree, but he did it anyway. Might as well go all out on his "humorous" attempt, if he wants to go down that rabbit hole anyway.

I commend you for your efforts and will to succeed. Thank you for your reply as well. I'm frustrated that this is happening still though. This kind of inclusiveness at any cost will and probably already is damaging us as a race, yet the vocal minority seems to have everybody by the balls.

>it's been a month, she's already seeing someone
>I'm struggling to move on

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I spoke to a female who wasn't a cashier today.

She didn't look at me with disgust like girls usually do but instead just looked confused.

What does this mean?

>I'm frustrated that this is happening still though. This kind of inclusiveness at any cost will and probably already is damaging us as a race, yet the vocal minority seems to have everybody by the balls.
You know the worst part?

3 people from my class was hired, but I was put on a temporary contract as the only one, because they weren't worried about the 2 guys, but their experience with girls was that they had no idea what they were doing, and probably shouldn't have graduated at all.

It is actively making it worse, when these studies let some people get a free pass like this. It isn't helping anyone.

It means you leveled up. Keep going, you'll only get better.

let me guess, you don't know what the fuck you're doing either?

Any other views on this one?

I do, hence why I got employed after the 6 month temporary contract.

I actually studied, and didn't waste time trying to butter up the boys (students AND teachers) to help me do my homework.

Jesus christ, that is fucking embarrassing. they cause this kind of attitude within the fields themselves due to their hand-outs and then take it as proof of discrimination, despite creating it themselves.

How do we stop this shit?

>I can understand taking the second option.
seems immature to me, if you've been with someone don't block them out of your life. it isn't a great feeling at all especially if you have the same friends
> If not, you are probably autistic.
you always assume that fast user?

who hurt you unironically that you're the way you are?
because you sound bitter, keeping people away from you the moment they don't serve you a single purpose
i'd hate to be your friend, the moment i do something to anger you you'd throw me away like a toy

My sister just got into it and complains all the time, says she gets mansplained to and shit.
She also seems to forget that the grill redguard from her class had a shitload of offers while better coders had none because white and guy.

I have mostly two complaints.
The first one is something I experienced first hand. It's very hard to stay feminine and be successful at your job, and it is very hard to run a household in the way I expect myself to and to have a successful career. I know that when I will have children I'll have to give up on any chance of career advancement.
And I understand that this is something I can control, because no one forces me to have children or be feminine, but I always felt like it's very restricting to choose when men don't really have to choose.
The second one is something my mother experiences. She is the owner of a business, started by her father. One of the most successful ones in the field in our area. She is very competent and really good at her job, the business went huge after she took it in her hands.
No one takes her seriously, and everyone assumes she's big because her clients want to have sex with her. Her competitors start rumours about her, they don't take her advise seriously when they do meetings, they insult her. She has to act like a mean cunt to have anyone take seriously.

>seems immature to me, if you've been with someone don't block them out of your life. it isn't a great feeling at all especially if you have the same friends
The irony is that if you replace "block them out of your life" with "try to date them again", that perfectly explains my view of this situation.

>who hurt you unironically that you're the way you are?
>because you sound bitter, keeping people away from you the moment they don't serve you a single purpose
We are more than one person responding. To me, you don't need a "purpose", other than... you know, the usual requirement any normal person has, that you have to "be someone i want to spend time with", and not actively be negative to be around.

And the thing is, if you have romantic feelings for me, and you keep trying to get back together with me, then you arent pleasant to be around. Then you are frustrating, and have to be handled more carefully, and you prevent me from relaxing. You will always add pressure to any situation where we are around each other. You may think that's good, because you *want* to have your feeling reciprocated, but you apparently don't understand just how awful it is to be the other person. And I'm sorry, but that is either ignorance, immaturity, or just plain autism.
>I'd hate to be your friend, the moment i do something to anger you you'd throw me away like a toy
Friends are another ballpark entirely. Friends are friends, an ex is entirely different. I am not even sure how you can even think to compare these two.

>Men don't really have to choose
To an extent, I agree but also disagree. Guys do have a societal pressure to act masculine as well. The stereotype of the unattractive autistic nerd has roots in reality and I'm pretty sure a lot of guys them have to "hide their power level" to get anywhere with a modern woman.

This is anecdotal of course, but I also use myself as an example. I do various craft work, I'm not the STEM type by any means and I've always been artistic. I do shit like design and handsew plush toys, I can handcraft a totoro that looks like I used a machine. But I never mention half of my work when dating women because I've seen some serious 180s anytime I bring feminine shit like that up. To them, I'm just a guy who works out and helps manage a small art gallery and writes, which is the extent of my public "in touch with his emotions" field.

As for your mother, I'm really sorry she has to put up with that shit. THAT is genuine discrimination we need to fucking address. It's not good form and it is a genuinely toxic environment. Props to your mom for sticking with it and not letting this horseshit break her down.

I've started a really good friendship with a girl at 3rd year at uni. She was really cool, nerdy, etc, and she talked a lot about her kinks, so at the beginning I wanted to fuck her, but that feeling was gone soon and we were really good friends for 2+ years, sleeping in the same bed a couple of times, and nothing sexual happened as none of us were pushing it. That was, until the summer of 2016 when we had sex drunk, and it was 'more erotic and intimate' as it was expected (I expected it to be awkward and stuff). Anyway it was a bit weird after that, she told me she didn't want me, only as a friend and it was a mistake. I was on the same page because we were 10/10 friends and didn't want to fuck that up. After like a month we were back to normal. Fast forward to ~christmas 2016 when we had drunk sex again (this time it was awkward) and after that she wanted to take some time apart, but by summer 2017 we were becoming really distant (only a couple of meetups or parties during that time) and she acted weird around me, like she hated me or hated that we are in the same group of friends. One of my female friends said that she either fell in love with me or with someone else but in neither case can I do anything about it. She can really be the introvert /anxiety type btw. So after that it was a couple of meetups with our common friends but after a while I stopped going when I knew she was going to be there as well because I felt neither I nor she has honest fun then. On faceboook we haven't talked in 6 months. Now I'm thinking more and more about asking her "hey, how are you?" because I still follow her on like tumblr and twitter and she really seems like she's in a bad place and some personal crisis. What's your take, femanons? Should I try? Is there any chance it can get back to normal in some time? I really miss her sometimes

Not sure there is much anyone can do. As long as the screeching minority gets their way, it's just accepting how things are.

>She also seems to forget that the grill redguard from her class had a shitload of offers while better coders had none because white and guy
You do get more offers, but that's the HR front. You rarely get a very approving manager to talk to after the initial HR screening. The manager who needs a programmer rarely cares about your gender, he needs someone to actually do their job.

I'm curious, what's your idea of being feminine?

I'm fairly feminine, I'd say. Prefer dresses and skirts, never wear pants, and I always do my hair. Of course, it is a company without a dress code, and I'm not in a management position, but even my managers manager regularly shows up in an ugly shirt with memes or jokes on it. So I doubt I'd change much even if I got further up the ranking.

I get the issue of being a mother and all, but I'll be honest, that's exactly why I went for programming. It is one of those jobs that has more opportunities for working from home.

Ask her out. Be sexy and selfless in bed. Maybe she just didn't feel it because you didn't get her off and leave her satisfied. She done w you unless you fix that.

When I said that men don't have to choose I meant more between work and family. I think that there's much less expected from them in terms of taking care of the household and the children, both in terms of societal expectations (for example, you're a great father if you take your kids to the park once a week) and in terms of personal expectations (you've done your share of housework if you load the dishwasher).
Obviously that gives you so much more time to invest in your career, compared to a woman. And I know I will choose taking care of my children and the house, but I feel like it's a legit complaint.
Other than that, about femininity and masculinity. I mostly meant that in certain careers (mostly ones that are still majority men) being feminine is still looked as being vapid and kind of stupid. When I worked with my mother, for example, if I dressed well for a meeting I'd get comments about it from men who worked there about how much time I spent getting ready instead of working. My mom stopped dressing well and using make up because of it, she even cut her hair short.
I don't feel it as much at my current job, but it's a mainly female field.
Then I agree that there are all sorts of gender stereotypes that are negative for both genders.

My mom is really ballsy and she's one of the most awesome women I've ever met. When I was 15 one of her clients made a comment about wanting to fuck me, and she literally chased him out of the office with a gun.

I explained it more here: Being feminine in behaviour or in looks still makes people assume you're only focused on your appearance, weak, incompetent or dumb.
My mother works in a very men dominated field and the people there are just straight up awful, I work in healthcare now and it is completely different. There's still the issue of maternity and stuff, but I know I'm not in it for a career or managerial positions. I just enjoy taking care of others. When I have kids myself, I'll stop working or work part time.
I think my main complaint is that, as a woman, career advancements are not something you can really aim for if you really want to be a mother. You can keep working, and find a job, but you don't have the same career opportunities of your husband.

>I'm fairly feminine, I'd say. Prefer dresses and skirts, never wear pants, and I always do my hair.
Not part of this conversation, but just saying, you are kinda helping enforce the stereotype of the annoying bitch who dresses scantily to get attention.

Why not just dress normally? What is the point of dressing like that? It screams attentionwhore.

yet i'm not
> Then you are frustrating, and have to be handled more carefully, and you prevent me from relaxing
this just reads egoistic narcisstic, user , instead of facing it you just block everyone you don't want any kind of discussion with
> an ex is entirely different.
what if that ex was a friend of your to begin with for years and years?

>this just reads egoistic narcisstic, user , instead of facing it you just block everyone you don't want any kind of discussion with
She literally tried to discuss it by asking what the intentions of the meeting were, and didn't get any answer. When someone shows unwillingness to discuss, and prevents you from relaxing, then you block them out.

>what if that ex was a friend of your to begin with for years and years?
They're still your ex.

>Being feminine in behaviour or in looks still makes people assume you're only focused on your appearance, weak, incompetent or dumb.
I guess that's the draw of my field. It doesn't matter how you appear, if you know what you are doing, your work will reflect that, and that's all most people will care about.

Sales jobs and management positions like your mom are obviously different, because it is harder to really quantify how your work contributed. I guess that's the main real difference.

>I think my main complaint is that, as a woman, career advancements are not something you can really aim for if you really want to be a mother. You can keep working, and find a job, but you don't have the same career opportunities of your husband.
I suppose this is true to an extent, but then the question becomes: do you feel this is a problem? Because men sure as hell sacrifice a lot to be big shots and business owners as well. Just because we sacrifice different things, doesn't mean men have it better, is all I am saying.

And whether or not I want kids doesn't really affect my career goal. I would never want to be in a management position in the first place.

Nice assumptions you made there. Pic related is the usual style of clothing I go for, with a turtleneck top instead. I never wear skirts shorter than in that picture, and most of then are actually longer.
>Why not just dress normally?
What does that even mean? How are pants more "normal" than a skirt?

Feminine =/= lot of skin shown.

Attached: black-satin-bias-cut-midi-skirt.jpg (720x817, 31K)

Why don't girls like giving oral?

Every girl I've ever been with and the media at large doesn't seem to approve of it.

Dude, stop making us look bad. Wearing skirts and dresses =/= Scantilly dressed. What the fuck does "dress normally" mean cause that's traditionally normal for women. If she's wearing a pencil skirt that barely covers her ass and a corset with cleavage you can sink the Bismarck in, I'd say sure, inappropriate for the workplace. But jesus, nobody's saying that.

>Why don't girls like an activity that takes lot of effort, is sexually ungratifying to them and commonly results in their faces or their mouths covered in disgusting stuff?
Gee, I wonder.

>this just reads egoistic narcisstic, user , instead of facing it you just block everyone you don't want any kind of discussion with
He was avoiding the discussion. If he doesn't want to be open and honest, then there is nothing to discuss. Being evasive is vastly worse than outright ignoring/blocking.

You want someone to "face it" then you HAVE to be honest. That's a base requirement. If you can't do that, you are a coward, and not worth wasting time on.
>> an ex is entirely different.
>what if that ex was a friend of your to begin with for years and years?
Then hopefully you can figure out to be honest with each other, and not play retarded games and play coy like this.

Yeah but we still eat them out so...

I mean it's reciprocation. You do it to me cause it makes me feel great, I do it to you for the same reason. I fucking love going down on a girl, but I still won't if she won't suck my dick. Being good at it in a non-issue, it's the gesture, it's the fact you would actually do it. I've only ever met one girl who had an idea what the hell she was doing with it, but I don't mind (much).

You... what? Seriously?

I love it. I always assumed the girls disapproving of it just hasn't really tried it, or given it time to overcome the initial feeling of disgust over putting a dick in your mouth.

There are few things better than just feeling like you have full control over a guy, and drive him crazy like that.

>>commonly results in their faces or their mouths covered in disgusting stuff?
Guys dont come anywhere close to as much as you seem to think. Bit of water and a towel/t-shirt, and it's off. It's really not as big of a deal as some think.

>When someone shows unwillingness to discuss, and prevents you from relaxing, then you block them out.
let's just say that we agree to disagree user

>They're still your ex.
so you'd demote them from friends all together?

honesty can also be brought out with humor imo, playing something off for the sake of getting along and not sounding hurt, bitter or angry, why not?

We deserve each other.

>do you feel this is a problem?
Yes. I don't enjoy being given equal opportunities, whether I'd like to take those opportunities or not. It's a matter of principle more than anything.
Personally I don't really care about having a big career, but men don't have to chose between being fathers and being successful, and women often have to. And I always felt like it was very unfair.

tfw only ever had 1 ex who really, really was into sucking my dick and swallowing every single time
tfw she played with my precum
even if a lot was just show, i enjoyed it a lot

I love giving oral. It's probably my favourite thing to do in bed. I'd suck my boyfriend dick for hours.

more girls should appreciate the act of giving oral and in that turn getting oral

I don't like getting it in exchange of giving it kek I like when my boyfriend pushes me down and just eats me out, but it has to be completely separate from me giving him head.

It's an expression user, I was not being literal about being covered in it. it's still gross and annoying.

You have all the right to refuse to eat her out if she refuses to give you blowjobs, but your questions wasn't "why don't they reciprocate", it was "why do they not like it", and the answer is pretty obvious.
People aren't obligated to do the one sexual thing you like just for you, reciprocity can work many other ways. Maybe she feels like she could repay you doing something else. In fact, you yourself aren't being fair about it: you like eating her out, you're not doing her a favor, you're not doing it exclusively out of your good heart and love, it's not the same if she doens't love it the way you do. What if she asked you to do something that really grosses you out and has zero sexual value to you? Would you be just as likely to do it for her?

>t's still gross and annoying.
so don't give head if you don't enjoy it?

Anyone ever fucked a coworker before?
How was the experience?
Did it haunt you or were you both cool?

That's exactly what I do, though, what are you getting at? Have you not been following the thread and are just replying to my last post without reading the rest? Your post makes no sense contextually.

Does it matter if my dick is fucked up?

>honesty can also be brought out with humor imo, playing something off for the sake of getting along and not sounding hurt, bitter or angry, why not?
But this wasnt honesty. At all. He was avoiding the question. That is never honest, no matter how much you say "humor".

You can be humourous to get along and help dissolve bitterness and anger. That's perfectly fine, as long as you are honest as well.

Leaving a question like that with a vague answer is neither honesty or humourous.

How can you tell if a cashier is attracted to you?
I need serious answers, not an 'ask her out' sort of deal.

Pretty sure at least one of you had an experience with a cashier.

To all guys who've used sex dolls: are they comparable to the real holes? I figure instead of stressing over altering fundamental character traits to become attractive to real women, it probably makes more sense to spend $2k outright and get it over with.

>How can you tell if a cashier is attracted to you?
You can't. It's her job to smile and be bright and cheerful. Even if you ever talk to her outside of her job, there's a chance she'll feel compelled to act the same way so that it's not awkward the next time you're on the store, but that's your best chance anyway.

>It's an expression user, I was not being literal about being covered in it. it's still gross and annoying
Compared to... having sex, and being covered in each others sweat and fluids? I have no idea what your point even is anymore. Sex is messy. You can't really get around that.

And if you don't want it anywhere, swallow it. You get used to the taste very quickly, and there is so little that it barely matters even if you don't like the taste anyway. Grab a mint if you have to, most guys prefer you do that before kissing them anyway.

If a woman ever goes out on a date with me, does she want me to fuck her after it ends or what?
Be real with me. How can I tell if she just wants tail or something serious

>Sex is messy.
Yes, but pleasuring. A blowjob is not, at least for many women. People keep forgetting the pat where sex is supsoed to be an enjoyable experience for both people involved in some way or another. If somebody finds blowjobs to be just annoying and nothing else, it's perfectly reasonable to say "no, thanks, but I'll fuck you silly instead if you'd like". There's no obligation for women to give blowjobs just like ther'es no obligaiton for men to eat pussy, and most people who keep going like "just tough it out, it's for him" I'm sure would not be willing to tought it out when it was their turn to do something they really, really don't like at all and provides them zero pleasure and zero fun.

well i never said anything about honesty, he wrapped it up in humor which isn't inherintly bad and a lot better than looking hurt or being spiteful
>Leaving a question like that with a vague answer is neither honesty or humourous.
sure, i believe he texted her an actual answer too

>People keep forgetting the pat where sex is supsoed to be an enjoyable experience for both people involved
And yet here you are, complaining about giving pleasure to your partner.

How to spot a selfish lover 101.

>A blowjob is not, at least for many women.
i know at least 2 woman which liked the everlasting fuck out of blowing me because they liked how they could make me feel with that so i'd disagree

So you are finally agreeing that his initial answer was garbage, right?

Because it was. Your "S.. SPITEFUL AND EVIL AND NARCISSISTIC PEOPLE!" posts painted a very different opinion than you are showing now. None of us have a problem with his original response being humorous. We had a problem with it being evasive and refusing to answer a very important question, that he absolutely needed to be honest about.

And if your ex, someone you have slept with, who wants to keep up contact, refuses to be honest, then no amount of humour makes up for how much of a dickbag he is. Even having a friendship with an ex is difficult on it's own, because you are exes for a reason. Honesty is extremely crucial, as is being as clear and understandable as possible, if you want to avoid issues.