Is it possible to get female attraction as an average dude or will you always be doomed to be the one chasing?

Is it possible to get female attraction as an average dude or will you always be doomed to be the one chasing?

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It's possible, but you have to settle for girls less attractive than you.

Attractiveness doesn’t matter that much to women. Be interesting and you’ll have women that will want to be with you.
Be smart, funny, or hard working. You’ll attract someone good in your life.

This is absolute bullshit hot girls have borderline no self esteem

No, they don't.
Hot girls know they're hot. They're told they're hot since they're kids, and everyone goes out of their way to validate that.
They might pretend they don't know because they get more out of it, but they know.

Of course there might be one hot girl who is fucked in the head and doesn't know, but trust me - the vast majority of hot girls know they are hot.

No. Hot girls are insecure about their looks, just like any other girls.

All people have some level of insecurities, men and women alike, no matter how good looking they are.
But hot women know they are good looking. Trust me on this.
My best friend is very pretty and she knows it very well.
On her 21st birthday we got 350$ of drinks offered just because she flirted with a guy. She got a laptop because she was nice to a guy at a computer store.
She'll complain she gained weight, but I've never seen her pay for a drink on a Saturday night out.
Pretty girls know they're pretty.

The only girl I've dated who thought she was pretty was just okay looking. My current gf is stunningly beautiful but she's quite insecure about her looks.

She's probably bullshitting you so you compliment her.
Girls who actually think they're ugly don't post their photos anywhere, look at themselves in mirrors, let you look at them, go at the beach, wear revealing clothing, etc.
Most pretty girls don't act like this. Most pretty girls post bikini selfies and comment "oh I am so fat".

It is.
For a while I got quite a lot of female attention, without really knowing it. All I can really say is that the less you "chase" the more girls will come. At the time I was hanging with my handsome roommate and I might have received some free social proof because of that.

Nah this is a meme
Girls like being complimented and acting like "ohh I'm so ugly and plain" is a good way to get it, but pretty girls know perfectly how pretty they are.

>Is it possible to get what the average person gets when I'm average, or Will being average make me unable to get whataverage people get?
user, please, stop overthinking this stuff. Average people are attractive, because otherwise 70% of people wouldn't get anywhere. I'm a very average person and my wife basically chased me down into starting a relationship. Stop believing the Chad/Virgin narrative, it's bullshit, and it's bad for you.

I dunno, I feel like everyone is so bombarded with perfect women and men average people are kinda left in the dumpster.

What's with all the incel threads lately?


There is nothing incel about this post. Stop this kind of shit and leave the word for the actual woman hating retards.

I get why you'd feel that way, but it's simply not true. By mere logic, average people have to be getting it on at some point, or humanity would not produce enough offspring. Most people aren't looking for a 10/10, nor a 9/10, or an 8/10, in fact, most people aren't looking for something specific but rather find smeone they like and stick with that person, regardless of what they look like.
The problema here is that many people think that you're a loser if you're not getting hit by women all theitme, or you're a loser if you can't score a perfect hottie at least twice during your teenage years, but those expectations are just ridiculous. First, because there's not that many 10/10 girls for everyone to share, and second because not everybody is getting sex all the time, in fact, most people aren't. You can't base your life.goals in the outliers that stand out, they're what most pèople tlak about, obviously, but they're not what happens to most people.As long as you stop obsessing about dating, and start treating it as something that just aturally happens to most, you'll eventually find a wman attracted to you.
Really, that's the one problem that keeps most oyung men behind: obsession with dating and gettting sex. The media and places like Jow Forums create the ida that clearly everybody else is getting a lot more fun than them and there's something wrong with them, so they get obsessed with it, which in turns is what actually makes them undesirable.
My most succesful friend in terms of casual sex and dating is an ugly fucker with permanet baggy eyes and badly shaven, but he goes out there every weekend with the intention of having fun and nothing else, then, if he sees a girl that he likes, he gives it a try. not interested? Cool, the night can still be fun anyway. Sooner or later, one will flirt back, maybe not today, but eventually, he's not in a hurry. A lot of women dig that attitude.

Incels got kicked off reddit and made Jow Forums their new home. They sometimes spill over to other boards.

Yeah, sure.
>'average guy'
aka 'nice guy' that's actually an incel twat that thinks women owe him anything.

>hurr Durr he think women OWE him sex what a retarded
Who the fuck actually thinks women owe them sex? Everybody wants to find a partner, there's nothing wrong with that

Everybody wants to, but everybody is worthy of one.
Incel scum like you obviously arent.

>As long as you stop obsessing about dating, and start treating it as something that just aturally happens to most, you'll eventually find a wman attracted to you.
Living like this is what has made me into a 27 yo virgin. "It'll happen eventually, just be you" my ass.

That seems like a lot of projection on your part. Seems like the only thing you care about here is throwing abuse and calling people names.

Obviously you've not been living like this, since you are here complaining about being 27 as if it was the end of times. You've got two thirds of your life in front of you.

Like 1% of men reach their thirties as virgins, and like 5% go past 25. Are you implying I am a normal person? Because in this aspect I certainly am not

the fact that youre asking this on Jow Forums is the main concern


>many people think that you're a loser if you're not getting hit by women all the time
I honestly fail to see how that can be anything but a fact.

You must not be average then. There's a lot of below average people, especially here on Jow Forums. What makes you think you're an average guy?

It comes with a caveat in that you have to socialise regularly. Preferably face to face. If you're some retard shut in with the personality of a brick and your conversational skills amount to hey, look at my steam library yeah you're gonna be a late term virgin and ideally you'd stop wasting resources and kill yourself

>you have to socialise
Have to?