How can I focus on work?

I freelance from home, coding work, Get $20 an hour which is great for the country I live in.
But I just can't seem to focus on work,
My days pass and I keep wasting time on
YouTube / games /etc.
When I sit to work, I feel tired. Not Bored, I love the work I do.
But I just feel tired and then do something else.

Please help.

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I also freelance. The key for me is imagining the money my dude. Everytime you sit down to play a game or watch a video just say to yourself "Damn I could make $60 instead of playing LoL for 3 hours" Then convert the dollars in your local currency and try to think on how much you'll be really missing out. Also consider taking some nootropics like cofee before sitting down to work.

Thanks for the coffee advice, will try it out.
I'm thinking of have a transparent clock in the middle of the screen so I can sense the fleeting time away

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You're welcome fren.
Also try to think of how good you have it and if you truly appreciate it. There are people wageslaving from 9-5 everyday while you get to work from the comfiness of your home, unbothered, in your pajamas.

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just made one and will try focusing now, have a nice day fren

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This whole thread is same faggory gone wild

>3 posters 5 posts.
Me, my fren and you.
just did an hour without getting bored, ill keep updatin fren

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Can I ask one or two advices from yiu user? I'm an engineering student who live in 3rd world country, I'm totally suck and my GPA is fucked up. So I thought I might as well learn programming or webdev stuff and look for freelance works instead of going to big company. Any advice on how to build your portfolio, skills, common sense on the job etc? My major is physics engineering btw, had some classes on basic programming stuff, real-time programming, database system etc. But of course it's only the basic shit for beginners that anyone can learn from internet.

>works from home
Engage comfy and go to it
Headphones some gentle jazz with rainymood, or some of your favourite easy beats.

This. Please tell us more fren

OP here, I am from India, doing MSc in Physics, where are you from? I can guide you broski

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bump for revival

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Hey fren im back. Im thinking of learning java. Is it a good language? Are there any hard entry barriers to programming? Is it hard to learn?

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not hard, start with python, and no barriers, open a freelancing account on PPH or freelancer, and see small projects, practice on them

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How did you get into freelancing?
I did programming as a wageslave and hated it but if doing it solo it might not be so bad.

Lel, true.

apply for a job that you dont like but will definitely get (labor/sales works for me). work it for a week or until you beg yourself to work the keyboard. I do this like once a year, but a buddy of mine does it seasonally.

data entry. i stared just punching numbers and worked to find a way to speed up the process. SQL is a great starting point. no real way around actual coding tho. it's just spending alot of time on the keyboard. you arent competent until you have 10000 hours on my opinion. hireable at 5000. Find a need, Fill a need.

I read somewhere that python is quite easy to learn once you know java. Is there more work to be found with python?

I recommend two things. one monster zero ultra. two use this as a mean to an end think of this as something you'll only do temporary because you have more important things to do

also, watch this.

as well as all his other videos

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i fucked up fren

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