How bad do you feel about condoms?

When it comes to contraception, men have mainly two options. Condoms, and a mostly permanent vasectomy.

However, condoms are apparently only used 14% of the time during monogamous relationships. So how do these couples prevent pregnancy?

Many of the options rely on women and a lot of them have side-effects that cause them to suffer everyday. However these are still being used because condoms effectively cut off a mans sensitivity. Is this right?

I'm asking because I'm a guy, who doesn't 'hate' condoms, but you get the picture. I mean your wrapping up my most sensitive area. I'm starting to feel like I should wear one every time during sex to make women feel more comfortable during monogamous relationships and never suggest otherwise even if the option is there (other birth control). What do other men and women on this board think and do?

I read this thread that essentially shows that there's something wrong here when it comes to couples and birth control.

Attached: condoms.jpg (976x549, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don‘t see any issues worthy of debate here.
If you have sex, make sure you or your wife uses a coppe iud. It is pretty safe (but you shouldn‘t have sex when a pregnancy would be a disaster anyways), comparably cheap, not very prone to human errors and has neglectable side effects.

I understand that, but that still has side-effects no?

I wonder what women’s opinion of this whole situation is. It’s definitely coming to light.

Condoms are far from ideal. They're not even considered a safe means of BC by medical professionals due to the high(ish) risk of malfunction, breakage and other mishaps in the use. They're vital to to prevent the spread of STDs but as BC they're not great. That's why other means of BC are more prevalent in LTR. Plus, condoms are relatively expensive in comparison to other methods in long term use. As for side effects, they greatly depend on what hormones the BC includes, how much, and how well they fit the girl's own hormonal balance. A lot of problematic cases can simply be solved by trying different brands or different methods, but for some reason people are too lazy/embarrassed/ignorant to visit a doctor and get an assessment and a new prescription.

The side effects are that you MIGHT get a bit more prone to infections (since it‘s a foreign object inside your uterus), but that is neglectable if you‘re otherwise healthy. Your body can desl with that.
The second side effect might be a bit stronger and/or longer periods. Again, not sonething to go apeshit about. It’s just one day more of needing a tampon. You can handle this for the benefits of not having all the negative factors every other form of bc comes with. If it‘s more severe than that then your body has other issues it is battling. Don‘t blame the copper iud for that.
Also, i am a woman and i have had a copper iud for 5 years now.

I feel like there’s probably more side-effects than that. I can imagine this is why a lot of women don’t use the copper IUD.

I‘ve reasearched them extensively before making my decision.
There‘s a chance of them getting dislocated, but after you have had your check up after getting it inserted, that chance is pretty small.
There really are no other side effects. Maybe some spotting between periods but i‘ve only noticed that i get a tiny pit of pink when wiping during ovulation. Really not something to dismiss an otherwise nearly perfect bc.
The only issue is that women fear that it‘s painful to insert it (it kind of does hurt but nothing too bad and it‘s not for long). There‘s also the missconception that you can only have one after you‘ve given birth. That used to be the case but modern iud‘s are so small that even a virgin teenage girl could get one.

Huh sounds interesting but I would still feel bad as a guy, getting max pleasure as my girlfriend suffers side effects because of that.

It might make period heavier. I wanted to get copper IUD but I have an extremely heavy period to begin with, and I'm anaemic, so it's not an option for me.

So just condoms for now?

Oh, no. I have hormonal IUD. Works amazing for me, stopped my periods almost entirely and helped me with my anaemia too. It's very safe as well.
Plus I really hated condoms.

>The second side effect might be a bit stronger and/or longer periods.
Oh I just noticed you said it here, I'm sorry anonette. I sound like a cunt now.

Putting a condom on your dick is obviously always going to cut down on your stimulation when compared to using no condom. However, I definitely prefer the peace of mind, rather than being paranoid about climaxing inside a partner. And even with a condom on, sex still feels really fuck'n good.

I pull out. Haven't had a problem yet and I've been doing it for 5+ years now. I just can't feel anything with condoms.

condoms are doing it just fine for me
don't want my wife to mess with her hormones and she doesn't want an IUD, which is fine with me
pulling out just doesn't feel safe enough in its own, so condoms it is
and to be completely honest, feeling a little less doesn't really do much harm, it feels good anyway and also makes it take a little longer, which is great for her

According to recent news, a hormone patch or pill for men is just around the corner. Passed animal tests and currently undergoing human tests for side effects.

You're rashly assuming that married men have sex

Let’s be honest that’ll never happen... I want one more than anything but they won’t let it come to be until I’m 39

My wife and I use Mirena. it's an IUD. Little to no side effects and we get to fuck bareback without having 12 kids.

You might want to get a fertility test there bud, after 5 years with no problems using pullout chances are one of you has fertility issues. Stray sperm in precum etc are often enough to cause pregnancy.

>Inb4 precum doesn't contain sperm research showing that precum does actually often contain motile sperm in a certain portion of the male population

Gonna fix some things for ya.
>Condoms, and a mostly permanent vasectomy.
The hormonal male gel contraception is in human testing. Soon men with have the male equivalent of the pill. Thank. Fucking. God.
>a lot of them have side-effects that cause them to suffer everyday
>women choose to go on the pill for their own reasons
I don't have a lot of sympathy for women who suffer by choice. Make different choices?
>who doesn't 'hate' condoms,
Have you tried non-American condoms like Crown? American condoms are dog shit. Too thick, look like vomit, feel like vomit on your dick, smell fucking weird, etc. Get Crown.
>sex to make women feel more comfortable
I get it that you want to "please" your woman, but can you stop orienting everything about your post towards "pleasing women"? I mean Jesus man, do you ever do anything for yourself or do you live your life for wimminz?
>What do other men and women on this board think and do?
Depends on the situation. If I don't know the girl, I'm wrapping that shit up. I'm wrapping that shit up even if I do know the girl because you never know where these women have been. I caught a curable STD from a fucking *nurse* once. A nurse. STD positive, going around infecting people. The fuck is wrong with these bitches. But I chose to not wrap it up. Mistake. Thank god it was curable; I will never make that mistake again.

I'll tell you this - every girl I've been with has tried to get me to take the condom off. Every. Single. One.

It's fucking crazy. Women are crazy.

Unmentioned side effect - hitting the shit when we're balls deep inside of you in a shallow position.

Fuck that. It's like having a spike in your uterus that I jab if I go too deep. That's some prison shit right there. Shank in the pussy.

The gel isn't hormonal, it's called vasalgel and it works by coating the inside of the vas deferens, and when the sperm pass through it they are shredded by the static charge that generates through friction.

>he gel formulation, called NES/T, includes the progestin compound segesterone acetate (brand name Nestorone), in combination with testosterone. It is applied to the back and shoulders and absorbed through the skin. The progestin blocks natural testosterone production in the testes, reducing sperm production to low or nonexistent levels.
Go argue with the National Institute of Health. Next time, be humble enough to think before you try to act authoritative please.

Do you know if crown do larger sizes? I’ve had a look and I can’t find ANYTHING. I tried some regular crown condoms but their circumference is absolutely tiny. I need at least 58 to 64mm in width. I really want a good condom but they never seem to exist if you have a larger girth...

Women have tried to get you to take it off? How does that even happen? What do they say or do? Sounds alien to me. What are their reasonings?

I actually know your plight because I'm still searching too. I bought the "larger" Crown condoms - Crown 0 I think? - but it wasn't enough. To be honest I haven't found a truly spectacular fit yet.

BUT, I still recommend Crown as long as you're not hurting your dick. They have literally everything else going for them except the circumference.... the circumference is a problem but at least it doesn't stink and look like shit (I'm looking at you, Magnums)

Also when you say “soon” this is more like ten years.

I cannot for the life of me find those condom sizes for crown. I cannot find a large, I’m confused and angry because my penis is shaped in a way where condoms choke it’s underside. I would loooooove a good condom but they only exist for perfectly circle dudes

It usually happens at two key points - right at the start or about halfway through when we want to switch shit up.

At the start:
>"You don't need that"
>"You're so responsible! ...But I'm on the pill."
Shit like that. Or she'll try and hurry up and shove herself on it. Or during the foreplay she'll start rubbing it on her clit or something and then OMG JUST STICK IT IN.

Sounds like autism but I swear. The truth is strange.

Halfway through it'll be more like:
>We've been fucking for a minute
>It's time to switch positions or I want to eat her or she wants my penis in her mouth or something
And then there's a problem because who *actually* wants to suck a condomed dick covered in condom taste and vag? Girl do it and do it sexily....but we all know they'd rather suck the actual dick instead of a dick covered in plastic. So it usually goes:
>Suck my dick
>Take condom off so I don't taste like shit
>.... dick is inside before I stop everything to go find another condom.
It's not like I have a batman utility belt while i'm fucking
>Reach back
>Bat condom dispense!
You usually have to break the sexual "flow" to get another one.... and the girl is already turned on and feeling like she wants to get crazy... so
>Just stick it in

Obviously I can only speak from my own experience here, but all the women I've been with have been pretty explicit about wanting a condom. Even the ones that were on the pill. Obviously different partners are going to have different preferences, but I'm just throwing this out there to encourage people not to assume one way or the other.

Also, do use a fuck'n condom if it's a casual hook-up. Since as that other user mentioned, STI's are literally a pain in the dick.

When I dated a guy and we had regular sex we just relied on the pull out method. He said in the 17 years he'd been having sex he hardly ever used a condom and never got anyone pregnant. Stupid and risky but either way he indeed did not give me either a baby or an STD, but I don't know if I'll ever trust someone else again like that.

The other few times I had sex with other men I made them use a condom every time

>When I dated a guy and we had regular sex we just relied on the pull out method

The pull out method statistically has only a very slightly higher failure-rate than condoms.

Neat, hadn't encountered NES/T before. Clearly we were talking about two different products then.

Vasalgel/RISUG is clearly the best option since it's passed a very long series of trials in India, but I'll have to watch NES/T

What about really long term relationships?

Are they explicitly like that for the whole relationship? Like the whole (for example) 2 years you’re together for?

Vasalgel will never become a thing... no company will buy it which is really sad.

>What do other men and women on this board think and do?
I use condoms and I also keep an eye on my cycle very closely.
I typically don't feel like having sex around the time I ovulate anyway because it's a dryer feeling for my vagina and would require lube when I am most often a gusher.

I hate it.
I have an hypersensitive penis and it irritates my glans.

I am in a longterm relationship. We started off using condoms for about 3 months, but eventually I started taking hormonal birth control (the pill) and we have stuck with that for 3 years. I've gone through a few different pills because some caused bad mood-related side effects, but I haven't experienced things like weight gain/acne like a lot of people complain about. I am thinking of transitioning to the IUD, but depending on what my guy wants I may stay on the pill in case we decide to have a kid in the next two years.

Biggest complaints about condoms were I did not like the smell and when you buy them from the store they can be pretty costly.

Can I ask what made you start hormonal contraception when the complaints about condoms didn't seem that much?

Well, my bf and I had an open conversation about it. Of course he said the condoms were physically uncomfortable, but he also expressed some anxiety about the effectiveness. We both agreed that being in a monogamous sexually active relationship, we weren't afraid of the fluids and there was no reason to continue with condoms. I'm sure there's some other more pervy reasons why he didn't want to use condoms but I won't judge, lol.

Damn you're a good girlfriend. I think most women would juts say "don't be so selfish" and leave it at that.

I think most women might be open to it if the conversation comes up in the right way. Just be open and honest about it. If hormonal bc isn't an option, there are alternatives, like the iud. Most women in a longterm relationship do not want to use condoms.

>Most women in a longterm relationship do not want to use condoms.

But why? I don't know if this is exactly true for a lot of women

Well, just speaking as a woman, I have female friends who are on birth control and DO use condoms in addition to the pill if they are having casual sex. Not a single woman I know who's talked about this openly uses condoms when they are in a serious, committed, long-term relationship. I'm in the US so maybe that makes a difference, too. We have a very open culture surrounding BC and it's easily accessible.

This is somewhat intrusive of me to ask, but does he come inside you when you have sex? Every time?

Yep, lol. I think that's normal?

That's hot, I'm not trynna be creepy I'm just saying he's a lucky guy.

Well, most people do it, user. (if they're in a serious/committed relationship, that is)

Attached: 7d2ad58d1e9e878c3ae45eb49610234a.jpg (236x305, 8K)

I use condoms with random chicks but my gf has a iud and it’s great.

They use pull out. It's very effective if you do it correctly.
You seem to be under the common misconception that bare dick in vagina = instant pregnancy. Even if you blow your entire load in her it's still not guaranteed. That's why there's fertility clinics, even.

There's also a male pill coming. Anyway, here's proper pull out:

Do not come inside her. Do not edge. If you do edge, you're done, if you think you might have, you're done, if you're not sure, you're done. That's what fucks people. I'd be willing to bet failed pullout is mostly attributed to guys coming early and lying about it because they're embarrassed about their shitty stamina.
Do not have sex again until you've thoroughly washed your dick, and you've pissed which flushes out any sperm that's hanging around.

Pre cum containing sperm is a myth, btw.

My gf and I have used pullout for 5 years.

Uhg I can't wait till I have a couple of kids already and a vasectomy (or a male pill, but that's never gonna happen). Coming inside is my disgusting kink.

>MY kink

It's everyone's dude... It's how babies happen...

"please just once, just for a second"

Not previous poster, but in a very memorable encounter the girl I was with said she didn't remember where she had stashed her condoms (I had forgotten to replace the one I keep in my wallet), and when I said "sorry, but this isn't happening without one", she just immediately got out of bed and opened her closet, and had a condom in her hand within like 3 seconds.

This was supposed to be a one-night stand, so of course it set of some major alarms in my head and I ended up walking away.

And it tanks your natural testosterone and thus libedo.
What's the point

I’ve been in a relationship with my gf for almost 2 years. We use condoms

Sucks to hear that dude.

I don’t know what sex is like without a condom desu.

We use condoms because BC makes her sick

Using condoms all the time, I don't feel any difference without them. Gf does, and insists sometimes to go raw.

That sucks dude. Don’t find out then you’ll regret it.

Is she on some kind of birth control?


Unless you think you’ll be able to hit it raw forever I wouldn’t do it. It feels realllly good. It’ll fuck up your relationships with condoms

I loved barebacking until a girl I was dating lied about having HIV.

So I switched to condoms, and then one of my prior exes gave me HPV jist via genital contact.

Condoms are the bare minimum. Fortunately my STDs are completely mitigated by HPV vaccine+truvada and my meds have reduced my HIV levels to 0 so I am extremely unlikely to infect anyone.

I loved nutting in a soaking wet pussy and watching my cum drip down her legs but I would have wore a condom if I could go back and change it.

The thing is - I thought any one of those girls could have been the one for me; but they werent.

Now if I find the one Ive been desecrated. Having conditions like this makes you feel the best thing you can do for someone you love is to keep them safely at arms length.

Birth control is not std control.

Well we can’t have raw sex because she won’t use BC. She tried it before and it made her sick

Jesus Christ.

I’m so glad that I have never had casual sex

I wasnt infected from casual sex, these were people that looked me in the eyes and said they loved me without so much as a blink.

The mistake is thinking youre safe just because you dont bang girls in bar bathrooms. I didnt fuck hookers on the corner, I developed crushes and relationships like any normal human. People lie and people can also be ignorant.

That’s fucking insane. You must have just dated really fucked up girls who were sluts.

never date girls who used to sleep around they are bad

Thats another misconception and stigma that is very misleading.

The sense of security you gain from "If I dont fuck sluts I can slide it into any wet puss I want" is false. Being a prude or choosey with who you have unprotected sex with is not a form of STD prevention.

Most people that have STDs arent banging 45 year old hookers that shoot meth. Theyre doing the same thing that every normal person does, having unprotected sex due to the security provided by their partner not being at risk of pregnancy. This doesnt prevent any STD, and is why by 2020 almost 80% of people that have had sex will have HPV in the US.

If youre not wearing a condom from the time you pull it out, you're rolling dice. There are plenty of fish in the sea, but roll dice like that enough and you'll end up with a shark.

That’s why you don’t fuck promiscuous girls.... non-promiscuous girls don’t have STDs

Completely false, it only takes one partner and unprotected sex, and thats if its not genetic.

By the time youve hit 3 your odds of getting HPV have hit almost 100%. People dont have symptoms and assume theyre clean. HPV doesnt show symptoms and is difficult to even test for as blood tests dont indicate it.

Actually I the odds of a promiscuous girl having a serious STD like HIV isn't any less.

The transmission rate of HIV is 1/3000 so the odds aren't much higher if she fucked 3000 random guys than if she fucked 1 guy 3000 times.

Yeah but non-promiscuous girls don’t have sex with people they aren’t in a relationship with. Therefor the risk is much lower.
That is retarded

I’m worried that you aren’t concerned about unplanned pregnancies enough

This is the same rationalization that gave me two STDs, I'm not trying to deceive you user. I dont want others to make my mistakes and the logic youre applying isn't going to do that. I can't help that, if you don't want to wear a condom because you feel youre too good to be lied to or that your partners are physically incapable of ignorance then by all means carry on and live with the consequences. I will for the rest of my life.

I date nice girls, and I wait 6 months before we have sex. Just doing that can really tell you a lot about them

I am interested. My boyfriend doesn’t really like condoms even though he still manages to come without issues because he absolutely loves having sex as we have it every day except when I am on my period. Some brands are much better than others though. I don’t mind condoms. But I did ask him if he wanted me to go on pill and he said he’s not sure about the side effects. Me neither. My biggest worry is weight gain. I am not sure if it’s worth trying it after almost 4 months of relationship. Should I wait for him to decide? Again, I don’t mind condoms, it’s all up to him.

It’s literally up to you. You might struggle to find out what you like, but four months is more than enough time desu. I wouldn’t try condomless sex until you find a birth control that you LIKE. If it was possible he’d ditch the condoms ASAP. But he obviously cares about you, that’s a good thing. I’d speak to other women about it definitely. Don’t give him ‘raw’ then change your mind though, it’s hard to go back to.

Also weight gain is something to talk about but if you gain 5 pounds or more switch pills and keep switching.

My former best friend was thought to be a nice girl. Little did all her partners know she knowingly had HPV and she shamelessly spread it to a bunch of people. She cheated a lot - with her boyfriend's best friend even and they both lied to him about it for months, knowing they both had HPV.
Nobody would ever believe me if I told them she wasn't this super sweet person they thought she was. She would brag to me about how good the men she cheated with her compared to her boyfriend/s.

You never know.

>Pre cum containing sperm is a myth
Wrong, see

It's only slightly less effective when it's done properly, the problem is, it's much easier to fuck up, pull out too late and accidentally nut inside a girl than it is to just take 10 extra seconds to put a condom on.

My gf has a ring for birth control. Similar to an IUD. I fuck her without a condom, but if I want to cum I have to use one. She's the first girl that won't let me cum inside. The condoms that I have aren't that bad though. Not much difference from not having one at all

I've been pulling out all my life. Never failed me. I actually thought that I was sterile at one point, but then me and my wife decided to have kids, and apparently I'm not

Spotted circumcised cuck

The first that won’t let you come inside? Is this shit as common as it’s coming out to be?

condoms feel awful. If your wife is not a whore just get an IED like and raw dog away

Just date a woman that snipped her tubes.

It's up to you. I have actually lost weight on the pill, but I have always been at a naturally lower weight. Get a lower horomone dosage. I have been on lo loestrin fe and tri cyclen lo. They also make your boobies plump which is nice, lol. See your gyno and mention that weight gain is a fear. She will recommend a low hormone dosage.

If the girl i'm having sex with is on birth control pills, i don't bother with condoms i just pull out. I know it's still bad because there is always risk of STDs but i hardly enjoy sex when i'm using a condom. No matter how thin they are, the latex barrier between my dick and her vagina takes away alot of the pleasure we as men experience from sex. It's like night and day. The texture and tissue of a woman's vagina is designed to be perfect for your dick.

When you're using a condom, you're pretty much fucking a plastic bag.

yup, just get an Improvised Explosive Device and turn your wife into a smoothie. EZ

It’s funny how that dude didn’t even bother to find out what it is.

Every girl I've been with was on the pill, we got tested, and I've used condoms literally once.

I think the worst thing was that sex ed is still a fucking joke. Sex ed, in my experience, was "If you have sex here's a list of diseases you can catch many of which are permanent or lethal. You should never have sex under any circumstances whatsoever. If you do, condoms exist I guess"

It wasn't until I was like 22 years old and by that point sexually active for 5 years that I figured out that the generic condom was not the right size for me. Not that I have a monster 18 incher or anything it's probably right on the average in terms of length but my dick is proper thicc so condoms would always choke my dick out and kill my boner after a few minutes most of the time. I didn't know that they were too small cause you always heard "condoms can stretch out to fit a bowling ball" or whatever and I assumed that condoms just felt awful all the time.

Also condom technology got way better in the last like 15 years where you got some that can numb your dick in case you cum too fast all the time or they have super--thin ones that almost feel like you're wearing nothing, they got flavored ones and whatever else, etc.

still I'll always prefer raw dog over anything

Thanks a bunch. Will check it out in the next few months.

Hello, girl here. As someone who doesn't like the condom as much as the partner doesn't, I suggest 3 things that help, as weird as these suggestions are:
1) buy the t h i n n e s t condom models, they're pretty good apparently.
2) go on a quick no fap for a while, to make yourself even more sensitive when you do have sex.
3) condition yourself into focusing the sensations, as small as they are. E.g: when you jerk off, put a condom on

Condoms are not the most comfortable or arousing thing, but is sure saves you from a lot of shit. I hope it'll help over time :)

Makes sense, not the worst advice but better. Can’t wait till I’m in a position to go without though. If ever