would you date a girl who escorted in college?
Nah, plus sounds like they’d have a std or two.
Yeah she can obviously fuck and takes care of her sexual health since it was her tool of income
More girls turned tricks in college than people think
for me it was to pay tuition and the sex was severely limited like far less HBO and more just disappointment
Yeabah no touchy
I have yes. So when will we go on our first date?
Of course! I'm only attracted to experienced girls. Incels and insecure men are the only people who have weird "standards" when it comes to this stuff
Absolutely not. A woman worthy of my time should be priceless. An escort is by definition not.
the sole fact that she didn’t manage to hide it is way worst that the fact she escorted.
Sure why not.
as loong as you're STD free, yes!
Do you mean escort, or where you taking alot of d on the side?.
Yes if just did the dates
A BIG maybe if you did more.
Probably not.
I went to a strip club in my uni hometown, all the strippers were undergrads
Sounds like a good club.
Or you are dumb enough to believe your tips arnt going to put dippers on tyrons kids.
Lmao, imagine being this much of a cuck and having non-existent standards.
I would feel angry if she led me on to spending really any time with her, but it would seem comical if she told any guy who asked her out on a date immediately.
So how long do you make a guy wait before telling him that?
if you are pretty you will find an average guy who's okay with it, but you should know it is worse than being a paraplegic or blind. and people know that right away.
Depends on the guy of course, but I personally would like it if you told me before we decided to get serious with each other.
Not wanting to reveal one's sexual history is obviously understandable, but having worked as an escort would certainly raise a few questions and I think it's a part of your past that should be addressed at some point as it might (not saying that it SHOULD) be a dealbreaker for certain guys.
And for your own sake you should also weed out these guys before anything gets serious between you, as you are clearly not compatible then.
If any girl that was an escort was into me, and she let me know that she used to be an escort, i'd immediately ask, "what do you want from me?" because she traded money for the same treatment to other humans, so then she obviously needs something from me in return. I'd probably just hand her a $20 after whatever she says back
right answer. I was/am very discrete
I guarantee you that if you compared a girl that worked as an escort for a few years in college to your typical coed the coed fucked far more guys, took fewer precautions (against pregnancy and disease) and less discriminating in her choice of sexual partners.
how can you try to build a relationship on such deception?
everyone has secrets that if kept secret harm no one
Whores need some kind of ID like jews had jew star in concentration camps. Some kind of tattoo so everyone can see what kind of garbage they are. "B-BUT I NEEDED MONEY FOR MUH COLLEGE AND FOOD xDD". Yea? Into concentration camp you go.
and every sick guy that masturbated in his moms or sisters room needs to be branded on their forehead.
Reverse question: would you date a guy who went to escorts when he was single?
Why bother putting them in camps and feeding them on the state's dime?
>mfw all women say no
>mfw most still expect you to date them after literally whoring themselves out
double standards up the arse
I don't have anything to hide that would obviously upset a future girlfriend. Don't project like that.
And even aside from being a whore, you obviously don't seem capable of a relationship.
personally i'd take that as meaning she has alot of issues and is less likely to leave me, plus it's hot.
doesn't mean most guys will think it means you have issues though, it won't
surprisingly, i believe you.
thanks for sharing, hope nobody you know ever kill themselves.
most guys will think they have issues if they escorted
Daddy issues in particular.
I wouldn't date an escort because it's that kind of flimsy decision-making attached to such justifications as 'it was just this one time,' 'it was a phase,' 'it's not who I am,' etcetera. I can handle flaws, I can't handle people who justify out of them.
I suppose if she were exceedingly cool, but she would need to be pretty hella cash money.
nope and no man serious about marriage and kids would unless he had a poor moral compass that would mean he's not a great guy to raise children with life has consequences and I hope you won't have to deal with those kind
also if you have to phrase it as "escorting" it shows how you already understand the huge disqualifier that is being a professional whore even albiet briefly and in the past, if you've got to sugar coat it to your dates don't do it.
This. If I'm lucky I could end up with a yandere gf.
ooh yeah no don't do that because if they find out and they probably will if your married till death do you part they will absolutely feel lied to betrayed and that you don't trust them and a litany of other issues will arise overnight
you like whores because you love sex, you've disregarded the long term issues to arise
Joke's on you, I am currently dating such a former escort.
The means formulate the ends. Just because you think you can keep a lie doesn't mean it hasn't already manifested itself in reality in other ways and they won't find out about it exoterically or esoterically.
Sure, but there's not a chance in hell it would ever become more serious than that. I've got way more important things to do in my life than deal with one of her Johns coming back into the picture years down the road.