Is this Normal?

so I made this chart to show the responses of the times I asked my gf to come over

is this result normal? we have been together for 7 months

and most of the time when I ask her over she tells me that she can't because she needs to do something (not literally "something", it's a legit reason btw)

Attached: is that normal.jpg (475x300, 15K)

The fuck is the question? If it's a legit reason then there's a legit reason.

The only thing that matters is if you are okay with. If you want a gf that always comes over, then it's not working. If you are okay with her busy schedule then everything is fine. There is no standard for how many times a gf must come over when you ask.

>so I made this chart to show the responses of the times I asked my gf to come over
>is this normal?
Lol no it's not

You should cross reference the times she doesn’t come to your place with the times she’s at her other boyfriends place and look for a pattern

fuck you i love data

exactly the response i was looking for

jokes aside, yeah your right, i just don't feel appreciated when she declines all the time

no, it’s not normal that she doesn’t want to come over 65.4% of the time, nor is it normal for you to make a chart about it.
But now I’m super curious, what other charts do you have user?

This, post all the strange paranoia analytics please.

To actually answer OP's question:
It mostly doesn't matter. Like said, there's no golden metric for exactly how many times she should come over. Every relationship is different and requires some amount of playing by ear. Are you happy with the relationship as it is now, even though she doesn't come over as often as you would like? Does she seem happy with the relationship? If the answer to both of those questions is yes, then you have absolutely nothing to fret about. If the answer is no to either one, then the next logical step is to communicate with her about it.
Don't show her this chart.

Relationship wise, i have one for everytime we Made out, and the duration, and on what surface.. now that im saying it it Sound Kind of weird
there is a visible 1-2 month gap in there...(pic related, the above one)
also whenever we have seen eachother (also pic related)

other than that, i have one for every day that i have masturbated on
one for the Times i have cried (9 total)
one for the Times i have worked Out (0 total)
and i have an App to Track my mood.

Attached: 20190405_151530.jpg (2896x2896, 234K)

please post all of the graphs. We need to analyse the data

Thank you user. But the left column with the percentages makes no sense. Shouldn’t it be a number stating the times you fucked or that she came over?
I strongly suggest you incorporate her period into your metrics. It’ll help you with the fighting graph if you have one.

If you don’t mind me asking, what other graphs do you have in your life besides relationships?

Don't ask for tings you don't want to see. I'm sure he has a stool cycle graph...

dont want to Post too much Personal stuff

thats it, everything i just said
she hase become Kind of dull lately so i wanted to See if it gets better so i Made a Graph about how i think her mood was that day

and i have one called "Relationship gambling" about 4 Relationships and 13 Friends Voting on who the Person will be who Breaks Up (yes they all voted)


Roasties will tell you it's not normal but every male should make charts like this. You can see how much she likes you. She doesnt obviously. Future is roastie free and it's beatiful.

might as well Post it

nah, i wouldnt recommend it.. i just do it because i started already

Attached: 20190405_154915.png (1774x726, 88K)

Also how do you make graphs like this? Do you have some kind of guide? I need it for finances and such.

alright im just going to Post everything

also, yeah i just make them, if i need to know Something i use Google
but somehow i just know how to make them

Attached: image.png (1152x790, 113K)

is that you l law you autistic cunt?

i should say that i use Google Sheets
and also the "mood" thing at the bottom is, her mood every time we went out. just to explain it a little

l law? what

Is it me or the more you fuck thhe happier she is?
Also, I insist, getting the “she has her period”, considering not only the day she bleeds, but 2 days before or so, when she is all cunty, will help you figure the whole thing out.

Lol this is like that guy who made a chart everytime his wife refused sex and the reason. And guys act like they don't just want sex. This is so sad lol.

wtf is going on with all this fucking at the stairs? Is it your place or hers?

he's probably fucking terrible at foreplay and sex and being likeable. it's always the guys fault because either he doesn't like her but wants sex or she doesn't like him as much but he wants sex.

dont have any way of knowing when she is on her Period
but its a good idea

ha.. that Sounds Like a crazy Person Link?

her place

im very good actually

it was in reddit a while back and made it to the news Idk the source but I bet you could find it

>dont have any way of knowing when she is on her Period
>but its a good idea
Never ask her, but if you’re fucking her it’s fairly easy to know, then add 28 days and keep calibrating since some times goes a bit before or after.
I’ve got the feeling you’re about to crack some kind of code user.