I'm an American. How do I talk in an English accent? I want to become an actor

I'm an American. How do I talk in an English accent? I want to become an actor.

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I'm not american but want to have an american english accent.

However whenever I speak english I just can't help sounding british wtf. That's what I've been told and I've never been to UK ever in my life.
How do I make my mouth stop making british sounds?




I'm neither American nor British, but the best way should be to just listen a lot of people talk in that accent until eventually you forget your own accent

Good show ol' sport.

>an English accent

Which one? Our accents are so diverse but Americans are too dumb to realise. They always do some terrible Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins cockney accent when trying to imitate us.

I like to see a Yank try and successfully do a Brummie, Scouse or Geordie accent and not completely fuck it up.

u wot fom?

t. brummie

There are people who train actors to learn accents.

There's a cool series on wired youtube channel about it.

>tfw I can do really good impersonations
>tfw too introverted and shy to ever perform them

Why must talentless, extrovert normies have all the fun?

As someone else already said, there's loads of different accents so find out which one you want to learn. The most stereotypical "british" accent is called Received Pronunciation, or also known as the BBC voice. It's prevalent in the South of England, and all letters are pronounced and spoken in a slower and more courteous manner.

There are a few ways about it: the best way being to immerse yourself in that environment among people who speak that accent, if you can - your mind will naturally pick the accent up, if you're still fairly young. There seems to be a cut-off point where your accent sticks and you don't pick new ones up.

The next best method is to listen and watch how people talk and communicate in your chosen accent, and then imitate. Watch for any subtleties that are unique to that accent, like dropped letters or differently pronounced vowels. Some accents have certain sounds unique to them, like gluttal stops or plosions on consonants. If you're not familiar with any of the terms, always look them up - there's a few videos on YouTube by vocal coaches who analyze and critique actor's accents.

There's a particularly good two-part series which analyzes the small details, and what are good and bad things to do when mimicking accents. The first part is here: youtube.com/watch?v=NvDvESEXcgE

And above all, it just comes down to mimicking and practise.
>t. Lithuanian who speaks in a native British accent, can also do other English, American and Australian accents

I'm so glad I'm from an "Accent neutral" region. I'd an hero if I had to sound like an inbred hick from the American south.

Lmao, I can relate to this a lot.

I'm , and thankfully I picked up the most neutral or pleasantly-sounding accents in England. I can't imagine myself if I had a thick Scouse or Brummie accent. If I learned English later, I'd probably talk like A Friend or a stereotypical European

Read a survey saying that Australians really like the Boston accent for some reason. It was really hot to them. How strange.

Travel to the UK and just listen to people

they have these brief pauses in words

british = bri'ish

they also say 'yeah' instead of 'it's good'

"how's the tea?"
"yeah thank you"

and instead of 'uh' or 'um' they say 'ehm'

>they have these brief pauses in words

>british = bri'ish
This is not true for all accents. This is present in the Cockney and greater London area, as well as West Country accents - not so much for anything else.

>"how's the tea?"
>"yeah thank you"
Not common. You're much more likely to hear "Yeah it's good, thank you" - the "it's good" part does not normally get removed.

>and instead of 'uh' or 'um' they say 'ehm'
Only if you're more up in the North, this is not really the case for Southern accents

i'm going to test these corrections on my closest brits.

I am literally a brit. Granted, I live in South West England and I speak "posh" British, also known as Received Pronunciation so your mileage may vary depending on which part of England your closest brits are from

thanks for the lesson fancy pants

written by a seething American who can't speak with an English accent and knows nothing about them

I was being sincere, calm down

I live in Kent near gravesend kinda, and never quite got the appeal to British accents, I don't sound like I gotta partocularily interesting manner of speech to me.
I've always loved American accents, I go to New York every couple of years and every single time I think the people are lovely, open, accommodating. And the accent is endearing, although it happens a lot where people think I'm Australian.

I don't get the American-Anglo rivalry, I like living here, but I love America too.

East London dag here, been to Gravesend a couple times. Other britbongis (and foreigners) have also asked me if I'm Australian more times than I can remember, and I have no idea why. I don't think I sound even remotely Australian

New Yorker here, spent a lot of time in Kent and greater London. I like both, too. I think people are usually a little nicer in England for me because of being an outsider, but there's always the comfort of home and people more similar to yourself. British accents vary on attractiveness, but in general it's nice to hear something just different enough from your own.