GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

Stuck in the past.

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I can't do it anymore guys
It's so lonely and painful
Just a punchline

Its been a while since we talked

you were the only girl i ever liked

i hope you're feeling better with your anxiety

i wish i could just tell you how pretty you are

italy is so far away...

I need some advice guys
I had a really close friend (female) who I have expressed interest in before but was cool with being just friends after she rejected me.
However, she suddenly cut me out of her life and ignores me, even though we have classes together.

It really hurts seeing her nearly everyday and we both avoid each other. She's a precious friend to me. It's been a couple months since we talked and she leaves the school in a month and I'll never see her again.

Should I go talk to her?

I'm hopeless. Everytime I try to read a book or an essay I either forget about it or procrastinate till it's irrelevant and I need to do something else. That's it. Maybe I should see it as something I need to do.

I am free at last, he is gone for good.

The girl who breaks all the rules, the one tripfriend. I can’t stop thinking about her. Everyday I see her post, and think about her the rest of the day.
I know I’m not going to care a month from now, but still. It would be nice if things got serious between us for just a moment, so we can see where we stands.
Whenever she posts I just think “OMG I LOVE THIS SO MUCH I CAN’T GET ENOUGH”. It’s amazing. I don’t know how to get her attention, though. What are the things that I have to do and say to have a chance? Am I good enough for this person?

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Just work on your dick sucking skills. Its what every triptranny wants.

What makes you think she is a tranny?

Anyone claiming to be a woman on Jow Forums with no proof+timestamp are trolls or trannies(or both). It is law.

She has posted for like 5 years, and has nearly 10,000 posts. Her posting style hasn’t really changed over the years either. I think that would be a lot if she were just doing some character.


You underestimate tripfags. Do you even know what tripfags were like on /a/ in 2007? There were several that didn't even get a full nights sleep because they were so dedicated to being present 24/7. Some still post to this day.

I feel like in spiraling down again. I want off this ride. One small change and I spiral up, one small change and I spiral down. I must keep fighting. The only place in aiming is a schizophrenic, bitter, lonely, and self hating hell. I can find true peace if I make good today. Service to the principles of piety, discipline, and not being a ficking degenerate.

Thank you for saving my little sister's life.
I went to visit your house when you had it open for tours. My girlfriend dragged me there. Didn't know it was you. Didn't know who you were. Apparently somebody famous. If I had known you were the doctor who did the operation that saved my sister, I would have thanked you personally.
It was you who operated on Sarah, too, right? Small world. You operated on Ruth's sister, too. You helped both our sisters. It's a small world. Smaller town. I never knew. I think that's why she wanted to visit.
It's a shame you've retired. I would have been so, so honored to learn from you, and I wish I could have seen you work.
I don't know if you'll ever know this, but you're a hero to me. You gave me a sister. Somebody I loved deeply had a sister, too, and you helped her. You helped every woman in my life who was close to me in some way.
What you did helped inspire me to become a doctor. When I was younger, I used to fantasize that I was a grown-up surgeon doing that operation on my sister. I had no idea it was you I was standing in for in those daydreams. It was some faceless dude.
What are the odds that you touched this many people in my life, and I never even met you?
Thank you, Doctor.

I gotta fix my lifestyle, I live really unhealthily and unproductively and a/immorally. One day I'll be so leet

He fucks someone tonight.

You probably fuck someone every other week, not to mention you likely fuck him over x^D

So what you’re saying is there is a chance she isn’t a girl? I imagine she’s at least somewhat attractive. But that might explain why she doesn’t respond to my affection that much.

Today someone said that my husband is very handsome but i‘m ugly and he‘s way out of my league.
Can someone please kill me?

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Yet he chose to be with you, so enjoy it. You probably bring something to the table that you don't suspect.
Also, there is a possibility it was just said out of jealousy.

Why are there capital letters but not capital numbers? That's really weird. Numbers should follow ortographic rules.


I wish I had never fallen in love with her.

The guy I'm in love with told me he's on a mission to save the white race and made me read Brenton Tarrant's manifesto.


Meh. Jealous bitches. Can't live with them, can't beat the shit out of em. Let it roll off your back and know you got a good guy.

You didn't think this through. The more you claim the more you pay.

If his mission extends to anything beyond having lots of white babies... be very careful

Yes, babygirl.
Inform him he’s a LARPer and if he wasn’t a onions boy, he would marry you and raise 4 fat children.
I want a full elaboration. Please vent to me, cowboy.

I see how happy you are to see me. I see how you lust over me when we are close. I like how you try to approach to me to get at least a kiss when we can't be together. I know you want me, physically.

But sadly I also know that's all you see in me (or want from me)...

This post does not come from a place of need or desire.
I have been all alone, family excluded, for the previous decade.
No real friends, birthdays alone, virgin.
And I learned to live with it. To me, it is normal in a way.
I used to cope with it by using drugs, but now I dont even need that.
I found myself in looking for "knowledge of life" and pursuing artistic hobbies for the sake of it.
But there is some longing in me.
I am still a virgin at 22, but never had a high desire for sex alone, more for the whole experience of love, which just did not happen in my life.
Some opportunities as in one-night-stands presented themselves, but I was not interested, and still am not.
The attractive girls is my only real "pull" to talking to people, otherwise I am completely withdrawn.
And I grew tired. I am tired of nice rejections, I am tired of feeling like invading the space of women, I am tired of feeling constantly unwelcome.
I do not "fear" rejection, I just dislike the nasty feeling afterwards.
I feel tired of bruteforcing through feminism and when I pull back and "wait" - I become invisible.
Realising that sex is just that, an activity, which is not even worth the effort, since I am very sensitive to any negative, I simply stopped pursuing it.
With friends, it is even worse. I just dont see a point in having them - why? I work alone. I have fun by myself. I prefer looking around and get lost in my own thoughts rather than entertain someone or listen to them complain.
I dont hate people, or feel any negativity towards, rather, I feel condescending compassion.
But most people are hostile towards me, for a reason unknown. And for my part, I simply dont care to convince them otherwise. It just feels kind of sad, considering this is probably my last reincarnation.
But maybe its the way it should have been?

I've got a date on Sunday with a girl I first dated years ago, and who I've wanted to get back with for the past year.

This is after about two weeks of flirting around about dating and actually making dates for events happening in 3-6 weeks, but not anytime soon.

Then after talking about different things we could do, she said she might have time this weekend. In my experience with her previously, this is a commitment to go out in every sense but in name.

I'm thrilled. I've not actually been on a date with anyone in over a year. Let alone this girl, who has had a strange special place in my heart for a long time now.

Please god led me kiss her a little.

I want to die

I want to die so much

but I promised I wouldn't talk about it so im not talking about it because you told me that no one who ever talked about suicide actually did it. Its been so many years since I promised.

I hurt. I hurt so much. Your sexual advances towards me hurt me. makes me want to die. but you won't stop.

I can't stop thinking about dying. and you. Everyday for years. I told you to stop talking to me like a pervert.

I want to die and no one knows it anymore, and because no one knows it it makes me want to die. No one knows how much I cry silently and by myself so no one can see.

I don't want to burden anyone with all of my problems. I am sorry for even typing this, for being an attention-seeker. but I couldn't help it anymore.

time to lay down and rest

My mom and I laughed so hard when we got to the part about "gifts". That's your cost of gifts to yo self every month. You is the cheapest bastard we know unless it's for yourself. Thanks for the laughs.

I want to stop caring so much again. I was coping better back then; now I'm stressing the fuck out al the time because I really want this to work out.

Doesn't help I'm left with no one to talk to because my only remaining friend is ignoring me for no discernible reason.

I almost feel bad for you because I know you only did what you were told to do but like you're going to so regret it miserably in the near future.

Who is making sexual advances towards you? Are you being abused or something?

Oh no. user... That trip is a tranny. It was doxxed long ago, doesn't even pass.

Stop shilling yourself you ugly fucking freak.

I'll be honest, I don't feel great after today....
the sooner I can get me brain to realise you're not interested the better.

But I don't know what's wrong with me? It's been so long already, and I still. urgh.

I'm too tired of trying with you. I don't feel myself cool anymore. I give up.

he's the best, the bestest. i've always been the one that lifted other people - but he lifts me. finally. i love it, i love him, keep it up babe.

It runs in the family huh?lying to the government? When will you learn?

It runs in the government huh?lying to the families? When will you learn?

Christ if ur going to larp at least make it sensible green eggs.

It’s supposed to be give and take but you only take. Tell me you love me, lie to me.

I can't wait. Oh I can't wait. This makes me so happy. You keep shooting yourself in the foot because of stupid advice from stupid people.

It's exhausting being "perfect." The perfect son, employee, boyfriend. Great in bed and basically everything else. Even my girlfriend's friends joke that I'm oddly perfect. It's so much pressure and I feel like I'm playing a role. I find myself getting increasingly depressed lately and I'm sure this has something to do with it. I really need to get back into meditation and spiritual stuff at least a little. It's really the only time I've been really happy. I don't want to be tired anymore.

You have no idea how much you hurt me, do you?

I don't care.

What’s my initial if you care so little?

I give it 10/10, would larp again.

Are you talking to Donald, cuz he's in Jow Forums

I fucking hate the way I look. I look like a disgusting acne ridden overweight fuck and it's tearing me up inside

Oh shit I just realized why you did that. You really think the judge will give you what you're asking for. Shit gonna get real when the ruling comes down. I'd feel bad for you but you're prob gonna have a psychotic episode again.

I wonder how many women he fucks on a regular basis.

I need to get away, but I'm so fucking broke.

I wish I could tell you about my life, my recent conversations and my theories about those conversations. My life is always about trying to show you all that through whatever form I can.

It hurts to let myself feel for you again.

Do something about it. I know you can do it.

I love thinking about you

Just surviving, yesterday came to the brink of a psychotic episode, but it has abated for now.

Making it through the week.

My speculation, is only speculation about you. I try to imagine what it is to be you all the time. Sometimes I look for your deep-seated motives. I look for the best in you even though I'm probably a fool for doing so. I don't want to know about anything but the core of you.

I wonder the same...

women really don't care. they'll take what they can get and just leave you in the dust. they don't fucking care. they talk about how they are more empathetic creatures, driven more by love than lust. no, they are fucking robots. it's all a numbers game to them.

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It's obvious you don't understand women at all.

Damn, man. This shit is terrible and happened to me recently. Ghosting is such a mind-fuck and it’s rude as shit. It’s gotta be terrible having to see her regularly, too.

People — can’t we just get along? Like, okay so it didn’t work out but that doesn’t mean you have to entirely cancel. But then again I realize that I’ve got abandonment issues so’s I’m fucked no matter what.

How do you know that?

Personally, I can't handle seeing someone I love with other women. It rips my heart out so I can't be mature about it.

I feel ya, hon.

I have been overweight for most of my life until a year ago. I lost a bunch of weight and kept it off until a month ago. I ate a ton, and need to lose the weight again to feel good about myself. I use eating to cope with stress, and I get stressed about how overweight I am. I don't know how to break this cycle

I talked to her, and she acted like she was never really mad at me in the first place. I don't know if I should feel disappointed or relieved.
Anyway, I hope we actually made up this time and she's just not saying it.

Why not just tell?

>asked my ex-gf if she'd be up for eating some ice cream on saturday
>she replied "hey user :) i have to ask: what's the background here? i don't want to give you false impressions if i accept...

i answered with
>the background is , it's going to be hot and ice cream cools you down a bit

she just answered
>okay under the premise that we go and eat some ice cream purely amicable so that we aren't a awkward ex couple we can do that

meaning... she wouldn't have done it if i had said otherwise?
other anons told me she might want to have sex, i can't seem to see that

Proof??? I’m skeptical :^0

She's not, she's a fucking "bi" 15 year old who lives with her drunk dad and has more mental issues than the gotham jail.

Who cares? If it's my ex, I feel sorry for them. He's just a dildo with a pulse.

You actually helped me out tremendously. It hurts you but helps me out. I love whoever is helping you lie about this because little do you know I get more.

Would've been better off saying minimum wage.

You always get more. it's your selfish nature.

Again, how do you figure this? The trip has posting history that dates back to 2014, and it doesn’t look like the postin history of an 11 year old.
Unless this person has posted any personal info, how do you know anything?

Oh my god Im so relieved
I started a thing with a coworker but she was dry af when texting, realized I made a mistake and stopped texting
Saw her today and we were just like before with no mention of what happened

Im never hitting on coworkers again

It's fine, I know you don't love me. I love you anyway.

You sound bitter

I hate myself and I wish I could perish from existence. That's it really.

Why does it always seem like whether she gets mad or i get frustrated with her, I’m the one who puts in the effort to fix the relationship? How are we supposed to grow if she walls herself in and ignores me if I ever fuck up? Why am I always trying to keep how I feel a secret from her because I know she will either brush it off or find a way to make me feel like it’s nothing compared to her problems?

How do you know they aren't a man? No, posting style isn't proof. There is a higher chance of them having a fick than being a woman since they post on Jow Forums so much.

I really, honestly wish I had stayed in my last relationship, issues and all as there were with it. I know it's just my frustration with this current thing not working out as planned that's getting in the way of things, but really, maybe I'm not so sure. She was cute and a decent human being, and she cared about me more than anyone has before or since.

I wish I could bring myself to at least try and reach out again, but I'm afraid it would only lead to shattering my hopes even further. I should hope shes moved on by now, but I cant help but feel like she was my one chance at this kind of thing, at times.

Unable to stand for anything, you'll lose everything. After 5 years this is goodbye.

I'm not worried about what you think of me, it doesn't make any difference to me. It used to but it no longer does.

Good for you. Have a cookie.

No thanks, your cookie is toxic.

You're a huge coward.

He was very clear to me. There's nothing more between us (besides a friendship).

About to just say fuck it all and take a huge risk
I'm tired of how I'm living and I'll end up killing myself if I do or if I don't so might as well have some fun

Welcome to heartbreak.

I am willing to bet that if they put up with 5 years of bullshit from someone, and decided to dip out when those 5 years were fruitless, they are making the right decision.

How do they hurt you?

I want things to work out for you, I know you love me, and I love you too; but please talk to me. Stop sulking and talk, you’re not helping yourself by sitting in your room on Instagram all day. Not only that, but I miss you, you don’t talk to anyone anymore, I know you’re depressed, I know you just want to let loose and do stupid shit to escape the pain; I know you’re hurting. I just wish you’d talk. I’m hurting too, and if you’re reading this, don’t be disappointed, but I may or may not have skipped my meds, I’m not paranoid of them, I just forgot. It’s not like that last medication. Anyway, I’m off topic, I love you baby.