
>be me
>attend school
>guy steals my phone during recess
>after days of reviewing camera footage, find out who it was
>turns out, he's in a gang
>afraid to confront him
>too scared of getting my ass kicked and crying in front of everyone

Is getting my ass beat my a group of assholes as bad as I think it is?

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Snitches get stitches. If you report him, you're not just getting your ass beat, you're probably getting seriously fucked up if not killed.


Lolwut? Is this a middle school gang or what

Catch him off guard and seriously fuck him up bad in front of everyone. how old are you op

Hs bro, from what I've heard, he lives in the ghetto

>the ghetto

Yep. You're getting stabbed, shot or seriously fucked up.

I'm 5'9, he's at least 6'3

What kind of phone has you stressed like this lul

What about my self respect? Why should I let him walk all over me like that? I'll just be a coward like most people on this board if I just let him be

>Catch him off guard and seriously fuck him up bad in front of everyone

Even if he succeeds he'll be public enemy number one for this guy, his brother and his associates. OP would be getting cornered somewhere and beaten into a coma, or possibly murdered.

I don't care about the phone

Funny part is, everytime there's a school fight, guys get their gangs involved, nobody wants to fight one on one

Just report him and tell your parents and if need be, call the cops for theft. Little asshole needs to learn some life lessons NOW before he keeps doing it his whole life.

Yeah, be prepared to get some body checks from him in the future - but that's why one works out and watches youtube videos about self defense and street-fighting techniques to defend yourself. These are good skills for a person to have if they ever plan on building an empire of their own one day.

>Just report him and tell your parents and if need be, call the cops for theft

We will be seeing OP's name in the news as the latest gang murder then.

Thanks user

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We're all going to die someday. I just don't wanna live life in fear of bullies, it's not worth it

Actually don't do this. Nothing happens to thieves in high school from my experience. Especially if hes under 18.

OP you are SOL, you can't beat him 1on1, you can't beat him with friends since he has gang, you can't tell on him. Hopefully you had a lock on your phone so you can at least report it stolen and remotely make it inoperable

Dude, pick your fucking battles. Holy shit

Kek, he's actually 20, he failed the 10th grade twice

Just call that guy out for being an asshole

Latinos are good at dealing with this shit

Well the school probably wants him gone then, but how do you have footage?

I went to the principal's office and allowed me access to the computer. He knows about this shit too but he also seems scared of him given that nothing has fucking changed

He'll just tell me to gtfo out his face and slap me, no good user

What the fuck, if the school have evidence of a crime they would immediately suspend or expel or get the police involved. Why would you make up such a stupid story

My school is ranked as 8th best in my city out of thousands, now tell me, why would they wanna ruin the reputation

Bare in mind, I live in a third world country, now imagine how much more fucked that is

Stab him OP.

How old are you?

"Gangs" in HS means nothing. He's a loser. Imagine what he will be doing when everyone else is in college and he's still a retard.

Report him to the police and use your underage powers to fuck him up without going to jail.

Wtf am I talking about though, if you were that tough to begin with you wouldn't even be in this situation

You say you don't care about the phone. Then, why, the, fuck, do you care? You are posting here. Seems to me you care a lot.