I'm obsessed over my boyfriend

I'm obsessed over my boyfriend.
It makes me fucking mentally unstable. How do I tone it down?

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Could you please elaborate?

Well, better than being obsessed with a side chick who dumped you, because you are married and now you have to live with a person you don't love, knowing that your true love is out there. Errr, hypothetically speaking

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He's literally my dream man in every way. I'm terrified about losing him and so fucking insecure: even if I think I'm a pretty fucking fine person in a vacuum, our relationship makes me feel all sorts of insecure. I starve myself to be thinner than his ex girlfriend. I hate my body because I'm not as pretty as her. I found out he had a female friend in high school who was into one of his hobbies that I wasn't particularly into and I read up so much about it just to have a chat with him about it.
I read our chats. I think about him all the time. I have photos of him everywhere. I can't stop talking about him to friends and family. I want to spend all my time with him.
And we've been together for 3 years.

He's very in love with me and he never gave me one reason to doubt our relationship at all. He's romantic, he said he wants to marry me, we're moving in together soon.

does he have celebrity looks? how tall?

He's 5'10. He's very good looking.

>he's very good looking
chad strikes again

Well I sincerely hope you were a virgin for him. It would be the greatest gift you could give him.

This one is easy: learn how to cook and cook him his favorite meals. Remember: he wont be able to leave you if you will fatten him up.

In the meantime when you cant work on his weight, do something else to occupy your time. Vidia? Sport?

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He's not some tanned super muscular hyper masculine beach boy with the jawline of a greek god. He's just really my type, I think he looks perfect. My friends say he's a 7/10 maybe.

I cook all his meals since we got together basically.
We both eat pretty healthy tho.

I have hobbies and interests, I have a pretty full life. I just can't get him out of my head. Even when I'm with my friends I check my phone a thousand times to see if he texted me, if I'm busy doing something I love and he texts me I drop everything and go spend time with him.

Ah to be young again. Enjoy while it lasts. At this point you are just humble bragging. Fuck his brains out.

Test out how many times per day he can go down. Average man shouldnt have problems to perform at least 3 times per day :-)

Consider opening up the relationship a little.. let him fuck other girls, you get with guys etc. This will fix the obsession

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I'd honestly kill myself if he cheated on me. And can't imagine fucking another guy.

We fuck whenever he wants.

I really don't want to feel like this, it's unhealthy. I am happy with our relationship, but the way I feel is fucking me over. I feel horrible about myself.

It will pass with time. Sooner or later you will get from this phase and start noticing his flaws like not putting toilet set down or cluttering the home with leftover socks.

In the meantime you have to endure.

You need to start working on yourself. You lack self confidence and your bf is destroying whatever it is that's left of it, with no fault of his own obv, if you keep this up you're definitely gonna ruin the whole thing. your codependency on this relationship and your bf to feel better about yourself has only gotten you this far and now it's backfiring, i'm sorry but you really need to start being okay with the idea of being alone, make career changes, do some fulfilling work and don't solely focus on your relationship. otherwise it's gonna end really bad for you if ur relationship goes south.
so kindly get your shit together. you are the most important person in your life. work on that.

I've been with him for 3 years and it is just getting worse.
I notice his flaws, I know he has them. I just don't care?

I don't know what to do.
I'm the best of my class in a field I fucking love, I have friends, I have hobbies. I look great and have a good personality. I didn't feel like I was missing anything before I met him.
I got so insecure over time.

I don't really see the issue here. The only problem is you look to him approval when he obviously loves you the way you are, you don't need to change that.

Why are you so upset from feeling this way? What is it about being so in love with your partner that's bad? If you give him sex whenever and learn about his hobbies he's not ever gonna cheat.

Because it is unhealthy.
I'm starving myself. I was already healthy, but I lost 20 lbs to get underweight like his last gf.
I obsessed over the fact that he had this friend who was into this hobby of his. I read up so much about it. I don't even enjoy the hobby, I did it just to keep him around. He hasn't even talked to her in 6 years.
I can't stop talking about him. I can't stop thinking about him. I drop anything the second he shows up. I can't bring myself to tell him no ever, and he doesn't take advantage of it but I don't want to feel like this.
I feel really weak, vulnerable and fucking crazy. It's not who I want to be and it's not the person he fell in love with either.
I feel like if he left me I'd legit kill myself. And I had so much to live for before we met, and now I feel like he's all my life. I don't want to be this. He didn't fall in love with this.

Has he ever expressed concern over your changes? Or have you mentioned your obsession?

He has noticed the weight. I told him I'm just stressed with school and not eating much.
He was happy about the hobby thing.

I don't think he noticed how fucking much I'm losing my mind over it. He's not the most perceptive asshole ever.

Maybe you should, you know, talk to him about your feelings and problems? Isn't that kind of the point of being with him, someone you love and can go to?

I'm terrified of scaring him off and losing him if I tell him I'm fucking crazy. I can't find a good way of saying "I'm losing my mind because I love you too much what do".

Well if he loves you he wouldn't leave. Honestly dude you need therapy, this is a deep seeded issue that goes beyond help on here.

I'll look into it. Thank you user.