I think my little brother is an incel...

I think my little brother is an incel. He is 18 now and through the entirety of his his highschool time he never had a girlfriend or a friend who was a girl. Everyone keeps asking him when he'll get a girlfriend, but he mostly dodges the question. It's weird because he is well built, has good hygiene, and a handsome face. The only thing I can think of is that his penis might be below average ( I remember when we were kids). He's been to a psychiatrist for porn addiction so he probably isn't very confident about himself sexually. Is there any way to help? He didn't attend his graduation either.

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He's a kid. Just don't let him become a neet and he will be fine. Force him to get a job or study.

But it's not normal for a young male to NOT interact with girls. I already had a girlfriend for 5 years when I was his age.

Just leave him alone. I hate how the verb you people use is "help." You don't help anything by pressuring him to get a girl, by telling him to "just ask her out" or "just become normal."
Fuck you people. But if you genuinely want to help, try hanging out with him in public. Go to a zoo or an amusement part. Slowly get out of him why he's disinterested. After that, help him get a date or two by asking girls if they'd go on a date with your brother. Once he sees that they are people like him, he will be less afraid if it's fear holding him back.
There's always a chance he simply doesn't want to put up with real women too. If that's the case, leave him alone, or you'll make him resent you as well as them

Maybe he's a faggot

If he is insecure about his Benis there are actually stretching excercises that have been proven to increase length and girth. It just takes a lot of discipline, patience, and determination. Fuck reddit in general but there is educational content when you look in the right places. There is a subreddit specifically for PE (penis enlargement) which gives all the tools your brother needs to feel more confident in himself. I got from 5.5 length' 5'girth to 6.3' length 5.9' girth in 7 months with a lot of patience and determination. God speed user I wish the best for your brother.

Subreddit is actually r/ajelqforyou

>it's not NORMAL
Do you know where you are?

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It's normal now


>I already was a chad when I was his age

His penis is 4 inches, I don't know if it would matter. But it's not like girls ONLY care about your penis, they care about two is attached to that penis. I just want him to realize that.

I was an emo looking middle schooler with long hair who constantly wore hoodies. I got a girlfriend who was into anime. It's not that hard!

>he thinks chad = jock
You have to go back

Ive had thots, mega thots, and church girls all tell me the same thing. Size does matter. After the average size 5-5.5' you can satisfy most woman if you just use your tool right. 4' is pretty small and might affect him his whole life. Think of it as your body, through pressure and discipline you can turn out pretty fucking amazing. Goes the same for the mind body and Benis.

I didnt had a girlfriend til 23 but I smashed around 15 girls before. So maybe he isnt sn incel.

But he never leaves the house. I don't even think he has friends.

>But if you genuinely want to help, try hanging out with him in public.
Otherwise, go kill yourself, OP.

Where should we go?

I literally listed two great places I'd hang out with my brother; a zoo or an amusement park. If you have neither, a mall, or a park, or a grocery trip, or anywhere really.

Ouch...That sucks especially if you have a good face. Shit I'm 6'' bpl and it still looks fucking small.

Dude 18 is just too soon for some guys. Leave it. Don’t be nosey

Too soon for what? I don't think he legitimately had a conversation with any of the girls he went to school with, how is he supposed to have relationships with women if he doesn't even know how to talk with them?

Maybe he's secretly gay and banging dudes on the down low.

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>yfw you realize OP is talking about himself

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