How can I stop being horny as a female?I'm still virgin...

How can I stop being horny as a female?I'm still virgin,I get horny a lot and it makes me feel like shit every single day,I tried to masturbate but masturbation makes everything worse and makes me more hornier.

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post a pic so we can tell you if you're fuckable or not. otherwise we assume you're ugly as sin

masturbate just really, really good?
masturbating should take the horniness off period

post tits or at least body pic we will let you know if you can satisfy your desires or not

Try hormonal anticonception. It usually kills female libido without a fail.

Also if fapping makes you horny more, i think you are doing it wrong.

I masturbated for 3 months and gave up because it made me want to masturbate even more and more and more,it made everything harder
go away no pics for you only for my bf

didn't knew about the hormonal anticonception,i'd like to hear some stuff about it also I'm a little worried about it

Why dont you use googlefu yourself?

Pros: less periods, less pain period, ability to behave as slut without consequences, less acne

Cons: it costs money, makes you lose libido, make you fat, make you crazy (mood swings), kill you via blood cloths

And despite the drawbacks almost all women are on it. Makes you wonder why.

If you have a bf why the fuck are you spending so much time fucking yourself unless you are ugly as fuck

Make videos of yourself masturbating as a horny virgin and you will get lots of money.

long distance relationship,we're seeing each other rarely,last time when he wanted to fuck I just acted like a shy idiot that I'm and told him that I'm not ready,I'm pretty worried since I have no experience while he has a lot and I don't want to feel afterwards that I want to fuck more and more and more

I'd rather die by suicide because of no money than ending up to do such stuff

Try not to imagine a positive feedback in your sexual fantasies (if you imagine an indifferent person, you wouldnt get that horny. Though its a bit frustrating :)
btw the sexual arousal follows the moon cycle (periods). This obsession will soon come to pass. Get your mind off of the fantasies, its all in your head.
/ sry for mistakes, not english native

no problem about your english,mine is bad too since it isn't my native language,well i tried to stop those fantasies but even when I stop I still having troubles

It takes some time. Shifting focus of attention to other things may help.
Addictions take too much energy. GL!

>long distance relationship
There's your problem, you're both dumbasses.

There's no problem with our relationship,we've been together for 3 years and been knowing each other for 5,we have 1 year since we started to have a LDR because he had to leave for academy.

hornyness is just unused enegery.
it can be converted into sexuality but also into sports.
do some stretching everytime you feel horny.
or do yoga.

you can do it literally at home in front of your screen.
also, do you orgasm when masturbating?

don't listen to them, LDR is fine if you have an end date, it is just bad when it is a long time because women can't abstain from sex for more than 2 weeks before they start cheating left and right.

How is this an issue then? Just fuck him next time he visits, instead of acting shy

Giving yourself a superiority complex works. If you think yourself better than others than you won't want to do things that inferiors to you do (like masturbate).

Girls don't masturbate, lol.

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don’t do this. it made me even hornier

tits or gtfo there is no way this whole thread is not just fat neckbeard anons larping as females and human beings

I guess that i will,but i don't know what to await from sex and how i will feel afterwards like i don't want to make my situation even worse by wanting to fuck more
thanks i'm trying to
well i were too worried to try
you forgot to say that i live into my mom's basement

Had the exact same problem. Do nofap and don't think about sex.

2 months already since I stopped to masturbate because I saw it made even worse also with thinking about sex I'm trying to but sometimes I just fail.

Just focus on other shit you need/want to do, and get off every now and then. Masturbation is crucial as unless you're whoring yourself out to every John in your neighborhood, having sex every time you're feeling randy is impossible. When your bf comes by, FUCK LIKE RABBITS, then go back to your regularly scheduled programming. If you're worried about awkwardness, don't be. Just have some confidence/fake confidence, and don't worry about doing things wrong too much. Just be honest about what you want and have fun. Life's an experience.

Don't feel bad about being horny, just get yourself off every now and then. Balance is key.