Is it ok to try to get a girlfriend if your penis is 4"?

Is it ok to try to get a girlfriend if your penis is 4"?

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flaccid right?

You need to develop rock hard confidence in your dong. You will encounter women who won't do a second fuck, or maybe even laugh. But if you tough it out you will find a girl that it fits perfectly or won't care.

best you can hope for is pump and dump for life... the girl will be the one doing the dumping in this scenario though

I guess I have to accept my fate. The world is just too full.

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I don't think there's anything worse for a healthy man than to have a small penis. I'm part of the club too OP, 5" pencil dick here.

No, so please don't waste my or any other woman's time. Thank you.

Ok dude.

Cool story bro

thanks man

I know 2 guys with small penis.

1. Jokes about how small it is and has women all over him anyway and is now married and has a baby.

2. Doesn’t mention it but is still a player, not even chad material and has a long term girlfriend (who he cheats on but she’s in love with him anyway).

There’s hope for you user.

Even if you have a big dick these days good sex for a women involves licking and playing with her. Try fingering her ass while you go down in her

A lot of women cant easily cum from just penetration no matter your size

The big penis thing we have going on today is based entirely on insecurities. 100 years ago size didnt matter and at other points in history big dicks were seen as barbaric.

while were on the topic and we've stumped 4", how about 5" winnies?

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Im pretty average and agree with this statement. Times have changed, sex is far more than intercourse.

so if i find oral and anal absolutely disgusting and degrading ill never get anywhere?

>no oral
>no anal
>small dick

>never get anywhere

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kinda nasty but i guess its better than my mouth.

A prostitute just told me that a big dick is more of a fetish thing and that women don't marry their fetish. They'd rather have a smaller or average dicked guy because they don't hurt during sex

the power of hooking your fingers in someone's vagina is truly a force to not to be underestimated

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I had pretty good sex with a guy who was 4".

stop caring so much

you can have pretty good sex without having a dick at all.

lesbians e.g. do not have a dick and they are known for the best sex.

female orgasm is also something more psychologically than organically.

you can get a women wet by only rubbing her pussy but you can never get her aroused, when the psychological component is missing.

on the other hand you can get her to orgasm without even touching her.