Mom forces me to get out to socialize

>mom forces me to get out to socialize
>she's a dumb idiot that thinks if I just get out of the house people will like me
>don't know what to say
>when I say what I want to say people laugh at me and make me feel horrible
>everyone mocks my interests and makes me feel horrible
>their interests are boring and just not something I'm interested in and it hurts to pretend to like them just for the sake of fitting in
>give up
>hole myself in the house again
>mom berates me making me feel even worse
>fast forward 20 years later this is me: poor, no friends, no useful skills, dead end job with shitty pay, depression, no future

How do I kill myself without pain? I live in the EU I don't have a gun.

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>wahhb people judge me for my interests
>They have such stupid boring interests that I can't pretend to be interested in!

what job do you do?

Call center drone

I never mocked other people for their interests

You just mocked your own mother.

Also carbon monoxide poisoning. See you tomorrow when you chicken out.

>Call center drone
Jesus fuck user. I did that for a year and was utterly misrable. I got written up three times for not showing up or calling and they still kept me until I quit.

Quit that job and get something else. Hell even an overnight Walmart stocker would be better.

>she's a dumb idiot
Yeah, normal people don't call their mothers like this. You are pathetic fuck. At least respect the woman who want good for you from bottom of her heart. She doesn't deserve to be treated bad...

user calling her a dumb idiot for thinking those kids could like me is stating facts and being kind about it too, I don't want to think she did it on purpose just to hurt me knowing her stupid dumb ideas about me would only hurt me

If she wanted good for me she wouldn't have thrown me to the bullies and would have cared for my feelings when I told her those kids hurt me and I don't want to be near them.

You had a bad childhood.
Make your future better.
Try volunteering, you will meet kind people.

How old are you? Not here to make fun

fuck off your mom tried to make you a normal person it was not her fault youre a neet with weird hobbies.
you instead of learning to play the normie game you were set on your loserish ways and tried to convert them instead of adapting. you are experiencing a failure to adapt if you were an animal you would be dead by now.
im also dont have any friends but by choice i cut everyone out of my life after i got tired of dealing with their bullshit and backstabbing. sure they were fun for going out and drinking but thats all.
but the difference is that i forced myself to socialice, to put on a mask that everyone would like but after 5 years i got tired of it and i rather be alone that with parasites.
also i dont get it why not socializing made you end up with a shit job. thats your own fault.
ps fuck you for being weak the least you could have done was getting a decent job.

>all these anons caring about the way OP feels about his mom
>on an anonymous message board
>despite all the fucked up shit on this board, Jow Forums genuinely cares for their mothers and would beat the shit out of OP for disrespecting his
y-you guys...

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So what are you interested in? How old are you? Where are you located? Doesn't have to be exact, a state or city will do.

Parents not caring about how their kid feels/what their kid wants end up just traumatizing the kid. Mothers like that don't deserve any respect.
My own mother is a piece of shit that should get raped dead.

Your mom is right though

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>destroys her child's self-esteem and future
Pick one.

I'm sorry this happened to you, op. It's such a shame what civilization has come to. There's nothing to fight for anymore and people everywhere are collapsing under the weight of nothingness. I understand your desire to kill yourself, and I wish I could offer you an opportunity to live with me for free, somewhere where we could build something with other similar people. But I can, and so the loss of you is probably better. No one should suffer existence if it is actually suffering for them.
As someone mentioned, car exhaust is good. If you can get purer quality helium you can do an exist bag. You could also jump off a building/out of a plane. Little risk for pain, but high fear while falling I imagine.
Just don't fail. That'll make life worse than it is now

OP would be even more withdrawn if not for his mother. If you don't go outside your idea of what is "normal" and how people act becomes twisted, like many of the posters on Jow Forums.

OP is withdrawn because of his mother, who forced him to interact with people who hurt him and who didn't care about him, destroying his self-esteem and emotionally traumatizing him. Textbook bully abuse, both from other kids and from his mother who didn't care about him.
She's the reason why her kid is a failure. She should get beaten up for that.

She forced him to try going outside to learn how to talk to others and get some friends. Of course they weren't going to care about him, they weren't his friends, OP's mom hoped he would be successful at one point. It's not OP's mom's fault he only decided to talk to kids that didn't share his interests and asshole kids. OP was probably already withdrawn before this, if he already had a healthy social life there would be no reason for his mom to send him to talk to people. His mom gave an effort to try to give him a happier life, and because of OP's incompetence her efforts were wasted.
Do you think forcing a kid to do homework when they don't want to is abuse?

>She forced him to try going outside to learn how to talk to others and get some friends
>Of course they weren't going to care about him, they weren't his friends
So she forced him to talk to people who, you also admit, didn't give a shit about him and treated him bad, people who were not going to be his friends. Make friends with people not interested in being your friend. Is she a retard?

>OP's mom hoped he would be successful at one point
Hope doesn't do shit in the real world. That's like throwing someone who can't swim in a deep pool and hope they won't drown. Retard, your hope killed your kid, congrats.

>It's not OP's mom's fault he only decided to talk to kids that didn't share his interests and asshole kids
Maybe those were the only kids around. When I was a kid myself the only friends I made where over the internet because I was the only kid I knew who liked anime and manga in my reach. I only met other people into the same anime and manga I liked over the internet. Of course those didn't count as real friendships to my parents. I'm sure OP's cunt mom is the same.

It's his mother's fault for forcing him to talk to other people when the only other people around were assholes who couldn't understand him.

>His mom gave an effort to try to give him a happier life
>by letting him get bullied and abused
With happiness like that, who needs misery?

>because of OP's incompetence
Blame a kid for not knowing what to do when nobody bothered to explain him how to shut out assholes and that sometime online friendships are the only option you have, yeah. Nice victim blaming, I bet you were a bully yourself.

>Do you think forcing a kid to do homework when they don't want to is abuse?
If you're going to mistreat the kid for not knowing how to do homework on a subject that was never explained to him first, yeah, that's abuse and you deserve to get your ass in jail for it.

I was molested, I was abused physically and emotionally, I was bullied, I had very few clothes, few cheap toys and no books. My mother used to piss my dad's money away on her hobbies (and later a cult) and also took the money relatives gave me. Every now and then I'd stay up at night to make sure she wouldn't make good on her threats to set my dad on fire. I've lived Bushworld's "we're gonna die" segment and I tried to bargain for both our lives in exchange for a nursery rhyme. THIS is a bad childhood and others have had it even worse.
OP doesn't know abuse. He is throwing a spoiled brat tantrum because his mother won't accomodate his fee fees anymore.

When I told my dad about the bullies, all he did was tell me to beat them up. I did and not only fid itwork but it also made me tougher. Haven't you ever heard about tough love?

You're an asshole who cannot empathize with others and thinks only your problems matter. You're disgusting. Please stay away from people because everyone you interact with you're going to ruin their life too.

>When I told my dad about the bullies, all he did was tell me to beat them up.

That's nice. I had to deal with bullies too. Know what happened if I tried to retaliate? I got treated harsher and got punished for it too. Fuck off you and your retarded ideas of tough "love", kill yourself for good.

Oh dear. It's like life isn't an anime where the untouchable protagonist curbstomps all the evildoers with one hit each. Of course they're going to fucking hit you, moron. The point is to hurt them more than they hurt you. This is a fight and you've clearly never been in one.

>You're an asshole who cannot empathize with others and thinks only your problems matter.
Said the user who was reminded there are people who have had it much worse and he responds by shitting on them and continuing to play the most prosecuted victim ever.

>Please stay away from people because everyone you interact with you're going to ruin their life too.
Joke's on you. I've stopped a man from commiting suicide and helped him get back on his feet.

I have been in a fight, I was 1 against 5, and it didn't matter if I hurt them, I was punished for standing up for myself anyway so it didn't matter and they kept bullying me after. The world isn't like in your made up fantasies, retard.

You haven't had much worse than anyone here, so stop the pity party. You're the one that is belittling other people's trauma for no reason other than to be a bullying shit. Shut up and fuck off.

You are whiny and self centered. Your suffering is no big deal and your bullies were right.

Man fuck what others think trust me be yourself own your flaws people can't make fun of what u can already point out yourself with a little wit ofcource make your enemies laugh and they will accept you but if I enjoy alone time and being by yourself that's not a bad thing at all but it is important to build some ability to function in public. Been where u are dude as u get older you care less and it becomes eaiser.

See: you are a piece of crap that hurts innocents and supports innocents being hurt.

Are you OP?

No. But I know his situation because I've been through the same myself. I will never forgive my parents for it and knowing they suffer because their only daughter hates them only makes me want to make them suffer more.

What did your bullies do to you.

Tormented me with mockery and mean words that cut deep every day of school. Sent me into depression at 12. Ruined my childhood and most of my teenage years too.

>OP has seemingly gotten shit on entire life
>Jow Forums thread were he asks for help shit on him too
Never change, Jow Forums

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That's all?!

OP is a faggot.

You've already proved you have no empathy, fuck off.

Well tall buildings usually work, you will get a hell of an adrenaline rush to so... theres that

This. Normies never actually care for anyone beyond other normies. They have empathy, alright, but not for anyone unlike them

I bet the human turd thinks he deserves empathy even though he's not willing to give any himself.

His mother should have sacrificed him to her cult. At least he would have done good somewhat.

>they made vibrations in the air I didn't want to receive
Lmao fuck you they were probably right

You've already been told to fuck off, so fuck off.

This isn't tumblr, if you want people to tell you how eveything isn't your fault, go there. This is actually one of the only threads that hasn't resorted to calling OP an incel which actually makes the advice he's received different than what he would have gotten elsewhere.

>hurrr my advice is different because nobody brings up something OP doesn't even talk about
Are you legitimately retarded?

Hey, you don't need to defend your loathing of the different. I do the same for normies, which is why the school shooter is always right and it's a shame they never take out the whole school
>doesn't get called an incel
>never once mentions sex in any way, shape, or form
>be happy you're so lucky XD
Get ready for an insult

OP don't kill yourself.
Grit your teeth, save up, try to learn new skills in your free time. Cut all contact with your mother.

If you contact her, only do it to throw back all the pain she caused back at her. Accuse her, demean her, insult her, make her feel like shit. Then don't contact her anymore, cut her out of her life. She's struggling and needs help? Tough shit, she can starve for all you care. She deserves to suffer for what she did and you'll feel better for it.

t. Incel

>everyone who says something I don't like is an incel

Only someone as mentally fucked up as an incel could type that drivel out.
Fuck off back to Jow Forums

Imagine there is this guy.
He ties the end of a long rope around his neck.
He ties the other end of this long rope to a tree.
This rope is long.
He gets into his car, turns the engine over, and puts it into gear.
He puts his foot on the gas pedal, and pushes it all the way to the floor panel.
You shouldn’t kill yourself and there is a suicide hotline number stickied on to this board somewhere.

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Thank you based anons for offering advice and helping OP with his problems. Wait...

I'm a woman, more than that, I'm what you'd call a roastie because I have regular sex, retard. I'm definitely not an incel.

Fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of.

A likely story, kek. They get more desperate for attention every day

Believe what you want.
OP follow my advice.

Neither of first two posts in my reply contained any advice. The one suggested his mother should have killed him, and the other simply said he should be happy he wasn't called an incel.
None of that sounds like advice

Well, it is true that whores are going to be as mentally fucked as self-identified incels

I guess you're right. Either way, op, avoid that advice

No, OP, follow that advice.

No, op, don't follow that advice.

Honestly, you exited the equation, so I don’t see how you are to judge in tjay respect. I’d like to talk to you at some point, but it’s not going to be some point soon. We’re all going to have to wait, but by all means, go ahead anyway. You’re the last one I remember.

They're saying OP should be happy with what advice he got because he doesn't deserve anything else because he's a piece of shit. We don't know if this is true, but really the only thing this thread is discussing now is wheter or not OP should kill himself. And, of course, the eternal roastie/incel battle has reached this thread too now.

Do you love to travel?

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>he's a piece of shit
For... being bullied? He should kill himself, the save himself from suffering the evil of this world

Yes OP, follow that advice. It will make your life better. I speak from experience.

No, op, don't follow that advice. It will make your life worse. I speak from experience

Shut the fuck up. That has nothing to do with what I was saying at all. Nice reading comprehension. This is why you’re an incel. You’re all room temperature IQ fucking retard asswipe momma’s boys litte pussy bitch faggots.


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There's two sides to every story. We don't know if OP deserved what he got or not. It doesn't really matter, since the last dozen replies haven't tried to fix OP's problem in any way.

So his mother should have kilt him. Cool, cool. Very cool

You have no experience of what OP's life is like. You've already proved it with your lack of empathy for him, your dismissal of his problems as if they aren't important when they are.

Follow the advice, OP. Make the cunt suffer. She deserves it.

You might be forgetting that OP didn’t even ask for any advice other than “omg how do i kys myself??? Dx” which answered pretty clearly. This is a vent thread.

Saying that is the same as saying that he should do what his mother never had the balls to do. Finish what she started. It shouldn't be that hard to understand.

>OP shouldn't kill himself
kek, alright mate