Legitimate cry for help

>work at place for a year
>no one really likes me there
>get reduced hours at work because fat fuck manager never trained me and decided to blame me for not knowing how to do my job when the supervisor found out I didn't know how to do my job.
>only work on weekends
>look for new job
>find new part time job
>meet guy at new part time job
>total chad
>great with women
>hooking up with every bachelorette in the place
>I'm seriously having a hard time understanding how a motherfucker like this even exists
>he gets fired because uh-oh, hit on the bosses daughter
>he finds full time new job at, you guessed it, my weekend job
>I get offered full time position at new job
>give two week notice weekend job
>Week 1: Chad is getting along with everyone there
>Week 2: He's fucking one of the girls who have never even talked to me
>she's worked there the longest
>She's known me the longest
>and in 2 weeks Chad not only becomes friends with everyone I wanted to be friends with but fucks the girl I had the hots for

Now I want to preface this with a disclaimer:
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

That said. I need help anons. I'm in a rage and don't know what to do about it. I legitimately want to kill this man and I understand it isn't his fault they're just living their lives and it's all "just sex" but my mind keeps going back to this dark place where I'm planning it out. I don't care that it's on me to improve myself. I just want to erase my failures and have their success be washed away. But I don't want to....and I'm not "seeking help", one word that I want to hurt someone and I'm in an asylum. I'm just so livid, I want them and their smiles to just choke on it. I don't know how to deal with this.

Attached: pls hate me chile.png (551x480, 126K)

You really are chinman, huh.

Sorry, I got nothing but 'get over it.'

Not gonna happen.

Some people just have better genes than others. Nothing you can do.

>Nothing you can do.
You're not hearing me my man. Yes there is.

>Week 1: Chad is getting along with everyone there
>Week 2: He's fucking one of the girls who have never even talked to me
>she's worked there the longest
>She's known me the longest
>and in 2 weeks Chad not only becomes friends with everyone I wanted to be friends with but fucks the girl I had the hots for

I know this feel so hard OP. So many times I've worked with people for years but as soon as the new guy starts he's chatting with them more naturally than I can ever manage, making them laugh and all that shit. I've come legitimately close to suicide a few times over this, my social incompetency knows no bounds.

Just find out where he lives and slash his tires or key his car or something. ez. Then a month later come back and vandalize more shit.

If you do it repeatedly you'll get caught.

And I already know where he lives.

Don't get too caught up in somebody else's successes like that, he just happens to be better at getting the shit that you wanted. He's doing that by making much riskier social moves than you, which eventually got him fired from his last job, but evidently won him a new one and other stuff as well.

If you care that much about it, then study what he did to make all that happen and learn from it, OP. Otherwise, focus your attention on whatever else actually matters to you.

Because I'm better than him. I want to destroy him not meekly accept his superiority. To retreat and mimic.

Mimicry is how you learn. Trying to "destroy" him because he beat you at the specific thing you wanted is just an admittance that he IS superior. Not only that, you would never get the thing you actually want again, if you're caught.

I cant say whether or not you actually COULD be superior to him given that I know neither of you, but in this specific respect, the only way youd be better is by learning to do what he does, and then do it better.

These a billion times. This man isn't your rival, he's your ideal.

He is not my ideal and he is certainly not my rival. I do not want what he has I only want her to like me more than she likes him.

You're assuming OP is capable of becoming an alpha. If everyone could do it everyone would. The core structure of your brain is pretty static throughout life and there's not much you can do to fundamentally change your personality.

>I do not want what he has I only want her to like me more than she likes him.
Not only that but I then want to crush her and leave her abandoned for ever considering him better than me in any regard. I want to wrench her heart from her chest.

>The core structure of your brain is pretty static throughout life and there's not much you can do to fundamentally change your personality.
This is about as absurd as claiming the Earth is flat. Peoples' personalities and brain structures change constantly.

you can and should strive to become the best person you can be but even if OP does this he still will never be like this chad fellow.

I don't want to be like him.

>I only want her to like me more than she likes him
Why do you need that, exactly? Because it's her specifically, because that's what he has, or because you just want to be liked by someone at all? With regard to her it probably doesn't make much difference now, so that's not why I'm asking. More important is for you to understand the main, core thing you really want. It's likely not as specific to this situation as you think.

If this point is still applicable after you've done that, then look at his success to inspire your own instead. Letting your emotion cloud your judgement will lead you to doing stupid things and hold you back.

>Why do you need that, exactly? Because it's her specifically, because that's what he has, or because you just want to be liked by someone at all?
I honestly don't know. I just know i want her and i want her to want me more than anything so i can deny her it.


Well it's how I feel dudebro. Wtf do you want? I want her to feel every bit as inadequate and ignored as i do.

If I don't see a photo of you and him, then I really can't help you, because usually by the looks of some people they are treated differently. It's probably why the chad has an outgoing personality and is cool, because everyone assumes the best in him. Plus degenerates at shit jobs want other degenerates to relate to, so their lives dont feel like they did something wrong. Like attracts like.

>If I don't see a photo of you and him
Yeah, nice try. But you or some other user would use it to try and narrow this down and SWAT my ass. Nah. But you're right. He is in much better shape than I am and takes much better care of his overall looks. That doesn't mean I think it's ok for anyone I want to sleep with him and it doesn't make me any less angry.

Youre a petty man.

Guess so. But I'm a petty man that's about to snap.

Jesus christ you're so melodramatic. This obsessive narcissism is so hard to read.