ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post, check the FAQ.
Keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.
If you can't handle upsetting replies (or the FAQ) don't ask. You will be bullied out of this thread if you act salty.

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. There is no "magic moment" (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
>How do I my penis?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
>Why are terrible? . .
Fuck off

> is only for hookups, don't go there for real people!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Make one yourself! Try these macros:

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women what kind of fetishes would lead you to break up with your man? For the sake of argument assume he's okay with not indulging in them with you.

Has anyone got any experience with a normie partner? I'm supremely fucked in the head and whilst my new boyfriend has some idea (been friends for a long time), he's clearly got no idea about mental health stuff himself. Do I tell him about this stuff? If so, how do I do so without sounding like either a whiny baby or a complete psycho?

Well if he's okay to not indulge them with me, then pretty much paedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia etc. would be the only ones. Lots of fetishes are very gross to me but it's hardly break up material that someone gets off to shit or inflation or lizard women.

Damn, guys. Plastic surgery is no joke.


I am on two dating sites, I matched with a girl on one like 6 months ago and messaged her but she ignored me. She just matched me on another site again, should I message her again? Why would she ignore me and then like me again.

Nope, not break up material. I definitely wouldn't actually partake in that kink but it's not disturbing or physically disgusting so it would be more of a curiosity than anything.

You need to fix that picture op. The top arm should be blue and bottom arm should be pink.
This is bugging me to no end.

Girls on datting app are bombarded with messages and match with every other guy, so it is likely she didn't even see your message the first time. You should try and message her again.

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oh thanks that's good to hear. I wouldn't want a gf to partake because I think it's unhealthy for a relationship but at the same time I don't like hiding things either.


Bumping my post in the last thread as it's dying off

But no I just meant literally switch the colors and it would be ok.

Hush. Know your place.

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My place is holding your leash woman.

I mean, I'm not all women, but I can't see a reason at all that someone would be repulsed by that if you were open about not wanting to do it.

Be assed, I'm not an artist. Enjoy the flip.

> Can't Ms paint switch colors.
You did more work flipping it than it would talk to change colors.
Don't be stupid user.

You haven't been to L O N D O N lately, have you?

To not take things completely off-topic - @ dude anons, if your significant other would send you a text at work with clear instructions when, in which position, at what place and in what state of clothing she will find you once she gets home, would it turn you on? Or would it take your mind off work too much?

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What would be a good Tinder icebreaker that girls will actually respond to ?
I've tried many different things but rarely get responses.

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I'm on my phone bub, no mspaint here. You wanna do it, go nuts.

of course not, different women have different tolerances but your response makes me think it's probably not quite as bad as I worry it may be.

How the fuck do I salvage this?

For context we already met up and slept together and this would be the second date

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Jesus fuck what is wrong with European "men"

Your fetish is essentially two consenting adults enjoying sex, one of them just happens to be your girlfriend. It's genuinely pretty mild until you start expecting her to participate, don't stress about it.

>Sex on the first date
You both are sluts. Fuck outta here.

Not just Europe.

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well it doesn't sound so bad when you put it that way. Thanks

:( why are you slut shaming me

I like her

China was already second rate shitstains so that doesn't surprise me but I used to have respect for Europe until recently decades.
Because you and your slut is what is ruining America.


Why is that when I casual conversation with you, you need to find a way to interject your husband, boyfriend, fiancee, etc into the conversation at all costs literally within minutes of me introducing myself? I understand you want to make it clear to me that you are not available or taken but it's incredibly fucking obnoxious and it makes it look like your entire self worth is based on that relationship.

Maybe I'm interpreting it wrong, but why do you do this?

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Pfft, both Europe and China have yet to sink to American levels.

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Girls have very little personality of their own, so in conversation they are quick to mention their significant other that they leach personality from. Their identity is tied to him.

The difference is that america's degeneracy is an exception to the rule. Where as elsewhere, it's the norm.

Well I’m not looking for some incels opinion, I’m asking for a female user

Pls help anonettes

To discourage the dude from going full retard who will not accept any response but their number. Sucks when you're not one of those guys and yeah, it is pretty... clumsy, to say the least. But it's effective.

Please. I pull more pussy than you ever would.

Can't speak for any other women but the only time I bring up my boyfriend is if it's relevant (where I would say "my friend") or if the dude is giving off signals saying that he's hoping the conversation is going somewhere. If you think you're not giving off signals then you're clearly just talking to women smitten with their partners so they want to talk about him.

Salvage what exactly? She's yet to respond

>pic related

Sorry dude, I don't sense any bit of interest from her side. Hinting at not having any time soon for another meeting (= never wanting to see you again), giving short answers without any incentive on her part to keep the conversation going... sorry bro, 0% chance.

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I honestly can't see how you've fucked up, are you sure she's not just been busy?

Or they'll bring up guy friends. Unless they have a lot going for them, women are rarely interesting on their own

Sure user

If you’re such an Uber chad, how do you get so much pussy

The only men I've ever met with this opinion have never been interesting enough to women to get a genuine response, just saying.


Favorite type of lingerie in general?
I am dark haired and fair skinned (mostly white-looking hapa).
inb4 naked, yeah I know, but still, I'd like to make small perfect efforts.


It's ez when you are not boring and have standards.


Garterbelts and/or fishnets

Piggy backing this; if your girlfriend turned up to just chill at yours and was wearing nice lingerie underneath just in case, would that be hot or weird?

>women are uninteresting because men are uninteresting

Nah, women are uninteresting to you because you are uninteresting to them. I'm not retarded enough to try and blame an entire gender for an issue.

Here’s context before the first picture

She went to an interview to get a job and she said she’d wanna hang out, she just needs to see if she gets the job and what her hours will be if she did

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Still doubting you “pull more pussy than I ever would”

Yeah so this still looks to me like there's nothing to salvage cuts she's just been busy. Send a message tomorrow night if you've still not heard anything but otherwise it seems fine to me.

Anything that involves one of us or both of us having sex with others. Plus shit like rape, necrophilia, pedophilia, bestiality, etc.

I just got out of my first relationship with a girl and man I miss the sex. She wasn't my first, but damn she was a freak. Any sexual perversion I had or wanted her to do she was OK with. She was always very hyper sexual but and was cheating on me with at least two guys, one of which was her ex throughout our entire relationship. She was manipulative and a POS, I always had my suspicions but could never confirm anything until after we broke up.
I'm left wondering if I'll ever find a girl who's loyal but a freak too.

Also, I still have a bunch of kinky sex tapes we made, but Idk what to do with them. I'm still upset about her cheating and stuff, but I don't really have any feelings for her as I had stopped loving long before we broke up. I've thought about deleting them, but hey they're my videos too.


What can I do to flirt with a girl so I have a closer relationship with her before I ask her out ? Last week we were hanging out with friends singing karaoke, and when she came to put on a song she leaned her body and pressed it against me, and in that instant I thought about poking her in the belly as a joke, but I was afraid that I would seem weird as fuck and I'm too retarded to know if it's weird. So basically, how do I flirt ? What moves can I do that aren't creepy and can establish some kind of complicity ?

I just don’t want to over text. I can sometimes be clingy and I really would rather talk to her in person

It wouldn’t be too much to keep texting her even though she hasn’t responded twice?

Still not seeing much of a chance. Too dismissive, and her responses obviously got smaller. But who knows, maybe she'll recruit you as an orbiter.

Invite her and only her to a restaurant, fancy bar etc. Socialize, have a good time, a bit of booze in a relaxed and fancy place helps boost confidence for both of you.

In my experience, it's always easier when you two are alone like on a date. Just try and hold her hand when alone, if she lets you, then try to lean in for a kiss when you guys are facing each other and talking.

Wouldn't that be a date ? I'd like to have a closer relationship with her before that. Also I dont drink so I'll probably stick to coffee when that time comes

Unfortunately she's busy bud, she's got a life before you and if you want this to work, she'll have a life during your relationship too so you're gonna have to get used to it. I personally would have no problem with "spam texts" but that's super subjective

Why? Asking her on a date doesn't ruin friendships. If she says yes, good for you. If she says no, then oh well.
If you guys do go on a date and decide to just be friends then there's no harm.
You're overthinking it man

I see my boyfriend every week-end, except for this one. We've been together for almost 4 months and this is the first time we don't see each other.
He's in an absolutely bad mood and didn't do shit at all today, locked himself at home playing video games all day instead of doing quite important things. I am pretty sure it's because I am not there with him, right?
What can I do to make him feel better from far away? I called him, played a bit of online game with him, nothing seems to make him feel better. I don't want him to feel like shit tomorrow again.

I don’t have a problem with her having a life/job. I’m busy myself. I just don’t want to overdo it and keep texting her if she’s not interested yaknow?

I think im just being impatient and overthinking things

I don’t think orbiters usually fuck the people they’re orbiting

I often go to restaurants with male friends. It's more common than you think as long as you split bills and something not overly fancy if you don't want to show too many signals.

It's true that being alone is better, but I don't think I'm at that level yet. The only times I'm alone with her is when we leave college together, and we only have like 10 mins of talking before going our separate ways. I did hold her hand once when there was ice on the ground, but that's about it. We're just friends and I don't want to go too fast, which is why I'd like to flirt a bit before

Him not being able to function without you is a big red flag. Tell him to get his shit together, otherwise he'll off himself when you two break up

I WISH girls would do this so I would know who is single.

I literally met a girl 4 days ago and hung out with her and we even kissed. We decided to just be friends, but it's not as hard as you think man.

>oh lol I see how this was misunderstood
>I was referring more to those situations where someone would say that regarding a potential relationship i.e. they'd need more time (to know someone) before getting together and so on
gotcha. still yes then because moving too fast is indeed a legit thing. consider, for perspective:
>yay it's our 1 month anniversary this weekend!! my ring size is 6, ok? oh and guess what i stopped taking my birth control pills last tuesday :D hey so when do i get to meet your parents? do you have family in town or...?
now if the dude faced with that ^ were to respond with an uncertain & noncommittal "it's too soon", would that be a lame excuse or a valid reaction to feeling pressured into moving too far too quickly?

There's a girl I like. Mutual friends confirmed she likes me. We've been on one outing (not sure if I would call it a date, but one on one coffee). Got another one soon to the movies. I admit I was being cocky, so when she said "sounds like a date", I said something dumb that basically implied I do want to date her. She implied she wants me to say it in person. I'm not a complete social retard so I can do it if I get some advice. What do I say? Should I buy a gift? Other tips?

I think women who usually insist that they are in a relationship DO NOT want to make friends with guys in general.
I used to be a tomboy when I was a kid so I was always very comfortable around guys as I have always been into video games, some sports, hiking etc. "more male stuff" if you get it. In my case, I never mention my boyfriend unless I have to ("oh yeah, my boyfriend is really into cars, he may help you out with that", that sort of thing). It's actually sometimes quite troublesome because when you get too comfortable around some men you barely know, they immediately think you are interested.

What do you wish your girlfriend did that she doesn't or doesn't do very often? Responses of sexual acts or existing are a given and therefore not required.

You can't be an orbiter if you got pussy out of it, you buzzword spouting faggot

I’ve never thought movies are good first dates (or second dates in your case)

I love going to movies, but they’re not a good place to socialize

Literally just "hey are you ready for the date ;)" when you meet her at the cinema would be enough

Eh I mean I'm and it sounds like we're very similar in personality and history and social groups, so I'm not sure your assessment is correct tbf

I do bring my boyfriend up every time a man talks to me about something that isn't strictly work related. If you're trying to build some level of personal relationship with me, I want you to know that I'm taken so you can decide whether or not you want to get to know me based on what you know.
I've been on the other end of the stick when I was single, and chatted guys up who didn't mention their girlfriend/wife for weeks/months even if I clearly flirted and it's fucking annoying. I just don't want to waste anyone's time.
It's not a matter of self worth or anything, I am my own person despite my relationship. I just think that a man who approaches me and tries to get to know me has other meaning.
It's the same reason why on all social media I have photos with my boyfriend as my profile picture.

I know that, but it came up spontaneously. We've known each other for a year as friends so it's not like we're strangers.

I'm not like that, I want to know a girl well before going further. About that girl tho, how did you get to the point of kissing ? What did you do to imply that you were interested ? I was thinking about telling my friend (who knows her since high school) to ask her about what she thinks of me so I can know what are my chances, but wouldn't that be a stupid thing to do ?

Texted me (or talked to me) first.
99% of the time, people (not just girls) will only talk to me if I approach them first. That's why I get really excited when someone greets me before I greet them.
I'm probably paranoid, but it makes me feel like people don't actually care about me, that they're just being nice to me because they feel obligated to.
For girls, I think gender roles play into this. It's supposed to be "unnatural." The man is always supposed to take initiative, but it's exhausting to always have to be the first one to speak.

men: why do you scratch your balls and then smell your hand?

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Animals inherently have some kind of attachment to natural bodily smells, even if they stink.
That's why people like to sniff their own body parts


How do I ask a friend if they still want to be friends?
My friend has been talking with me less and less, often waiting a long time to reply or not replying at all, though they say they still want to talk, and don't mind talking with me. What do I do?

Balls sometimes have to be scratched, like any other part of your body where you may get an itch. As for the smelling part I'm not quite sure, balls sweat have an unusual smell and I guess it makes us curious ? Also, it's a good indicator that you need a good wash if it starts to smell too strong down there.

It just feels good dude

Question for other guys.

When did you realize the girl you were pining over didn't give a fuck about you? For me it was two days ago.

>Get job interview
>Excited as fuck
>Tell girl I got an interview and it's thanks to her help with my resume
>Just says "That's great"

Didn't ask what kind of job, or how it went or anything, basically told me "I don't care". At that point the spell was broken. Disappointing, but ah well.

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It's a test

>Don't have to shower
>Might have to shower

That's good, there's no better teacher than pain. Today's lesson : never obsess over a woman.

How did she help your resume and not know what kind of jobs you were applying for?

Girls are absolutely ruthless. Sometimes I wish I had a girlfriend just so girls will be friends with me because I feel girls will never want to be friends with a single guy, even if he's not interested.

We all know this, but that's not how our brains work. It will happen again, and again, and again.

It was general purpose help, nothing specific

I have a decent amount of girl friends, not all of them are ruthless.

>I have a decent amount of girl friends, not all of them are ruthless.
I do to, but there are far, FAR more girls that have treated me like shit compared to guys.

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