Last night I was told by a girl that I liked that she does not, has not, and will never give a shit about you...

Last night I was told by a girl that I liked that she does not, has not, and will never give a shit about you. This is the last straw. In 12 days I will be a virgin at 21. I have one more year of college after this. I'm so sick and tired of not having a girlfriend. I deserve pussy. I do not deserve to be alone.

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>I deserve pussy. I do not deserve to be alone.
Oh god, another school shooter coming.

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Not an argument

Wasn't arguing with you. I was forecasting.

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Not with that attitude you don’t

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Yes I do.

Whine more. There are tons of girls, many willing to fuck most anything with a dong. How are you fucking this up?

I'm at the point where I am announcing to everybody I meet how much I need pussy. I don't know.

He's probably a retard who waits to "develop feelings" before he ever makes a move on a girl. Little does he know most girls his age don't want relationships, and when some dude they hardly know approaches them talking about "liking" them they nope the fuck out of there. If he were to just casually attempt to fuck them he'd succeed.

That's literally all I'm doing though

Then find a prostitute you delusional fuckass. No girl wants to date guy who’s super fucking needy so either pay up or re-evaluate yourself as to why you don’t have a gf. Maybe the chick you’re talking about is just a bitch, maybe its something about you, I don’t know. But I do know that the way you are presenting this comes across as the latter and its a pathetic attempt at hoping some other black-pill queerbos validate your retarded stance

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I'm at uni, why the fuck would I waste my seed in a prostitute

And also this same night I had a mental breakdown and panic attack and I thought some really tall chick was trying to hug me, but when I hugged her back she was like "Uhhh let's go inside" and I got really scared and started to cry and walked home repeating "I'm sorry I'm sorry" to myself and hoping someone would listen and comfort me but nobody did

Jesus fuck, don't do that. Desperation is the single largest turn off there is. You may as just wave a huge sign around that says 'No Girls Allowed'
Fuck, son, play it cool.
Go inside where?

It was at a party. I was crying outside and guess she wanted me to go cry inside

You have to pull yourself out of this self pitying bramble you're stuck in. It's not helping you.

I have a big dick and I'm very attractive, I just don't get any pussy. I don't know what's wrong with me anymore. I have a great personality, just way too sensitive

Then don’t put so much emphasis on wanting to stick your dick in another woman if you don’t want that impression. Like I said, you can either look inwards and find out if theres anything that YOU might be doing wrong or just blame the world and keep putting off women by being pathetic. Women can sense it that kind of animosity and they don’t like it so you aren’t doing yourself any favours by acting like they owe you a dick sucking

Post pics and we'll be the judge of that, pussyboi.

Go for it OP, the bitches had it coming

You reek of desperation. No one cares about the size of your dong if they never get to see it because you're a weirdo.

I don't actually care about women but my instincts need me to procreate so I guess I have to do this whole song and dance

>Women can sense
A woman couldn't sense a brick coming into contact with her head, lmao.
Fucking retard.

I'm 30 and in your position.
Fuck off. You don't know yet. None of you 20-somethings know shit.
You come here and act like there's something so special about you.
I'm tired of it.
I fucking wish that there could only be people my age on this fucking

You don't know shit about anything.

I'm 33 and laughing at your comment. The bitter is real.

I see an incel degenerate.

kys retard. You are the scum of society, your brain is wired wrong

22 yo virgin here
It's okay user

Wow you make me so wet when you post on Jow Forums and call people niggers
Please breed with me, young fertile male

This is the most autistic shit I've read all week.

Cry more nigger roastie

I can smell your stinky pissflaps from here, whore

On your fucking knees and choke on my dick bitch bastard yeah swallow that cum bitch!!!!

>I deserve pussy. I do not deserve to be alone.
You talk about what you deserve.

What do you bring to the table?

Don't people not deserve to not be alone though? Not saying anyone should be forced to be his partner but no one deservers loneliness.

As opposed to wasting your seed in a sock or tissue or your crusty beard...

Seriously, if you just want sex and don't want to fuck around with relationships, then see a prostitute. Not one off the street - go to a "massage parlour". Prostitution is the oldest trade to exist and there's no shame in seeing a prostitute. Shit, some are really fucking hot, and you usually get a massage or body rub before blowing your load in her. It's incredibly relaxing.

Try using rubmaps or leolist to find one near you.

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>There are tons of girls, many willing to fuck most anything with a dong.
Where do I find these girls? Asking for a friend.

You deserve whatever you get. If you fail to acquire pussy, it's your doing. Shut the fuck up, and go take some by force if necessary.

>let's laugh at genetic dead ends
And this is why I feel more sympathetic to the school shooters than to their "victims"

I like how even in nature everyone stops and stares when two different races are in a relationship together

They're two different species and one is raping the other.
It's not comparable to a black dude dating a white girl, it's comparable to you getting fucked by a dog.

Kek too easy

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But I have a penis and am white

>he doesn't view interracial as beastiality
I question the validity of your statement

>stop liking what I don't like

I don't know how you city people can bitch. I live in a small town this is real hard mode. Planning to move to a city so I can actually have a chance.

Someone needs to teach these kids that they don't have to get caught or kill themselves everytime

You are volcel. You have the power here.

Volcel is a meme. Only Christfags are volcel.

Oh this shit again. You're not that fucking old even though you feel like you are. You still have plenty of time to get a gf and get your life in order, it's not the end of the world.

>22 your not that old
>23 your not that old
>24 your not that old
>30 oh fuck you are old now what did you fucking do?

>get your life in order,
He never said anything about his life being in shambles, pussy slave

Yeah time moves forward, that doesn’t negate the fact that you’re young now. 20 is young adult, 30 is the first time anyone would consider you a full adult, so you’re still young in that sense.

>Yeah time moves forward,
Why can't it slow down? It's moving too fast for me.

not gay so no thanks

A glass house isn't a great personality, and girls couldn't give less of a fuck about dick size (learn female genital anatomy, mate)
No, but they can detect male virginity with frightening accuracy, and if you are skeptical of that then you are a turbovirgin

No matter what anyone says, being a KHV at 20/21/22 is NOT normal.

If women were as good at detecting virginity as they were at finding men, I guess I wouldn't be swiping through like 50 single mothers on tinder asking "where are all the good men!!!" everyday lmao
neck yourself.

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>I deserve pussy
Spoken like a true robot

Being straight must suck lol

How does that make any logical sense you dumb victim of poor genetics?

You don’t deserve shit just focus on more important shit and maybe lower your standards