Legit 9/10. Why am I dirt poor and now incel?

>Be me
>Handsome as fuck
>Can't get a job because I taught >English in China too long
>Banged tons of Chinese students
>Got blacklisted and deported
>Broke af
>Girls only want richfags
>What do?

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don't be a shitty human like fucking your students, deal with it. Try living clean now ya dumb dumb

Banging students pretty common in China dude. That's like your entire social circle.

yeah, na - get off

Go teach >english somewhere else?
Central europe is lacking worker. I bet >english teachers are also in demand.

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Kek you look like shit assuming thats you.

Just be white theory strikes again.

>Im 9/10 cus i can fuck gooks
>Not because you were exotic in china
Kys greasy incel fag

Lol yeah wood teach anywhere but if you Google my name there's a file which lists my fake degree, DUI arrests and jail time and some embarrassing photos of me in public.

Kinda fucked cuz. Fml

agreed it's 100% because exotic

get wrecked for messing up your own life.

Maybe you should seek help for why you're in this shit situation.

>DUI arrests

You should probably start here. Stop drinking with the aim of total abstinence. It's clearly not doing your life any good.

theres literally nothing wrong with fucking students if he isnt a school or uni teacher

Kys sexpat loser

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For fucking up this many times you brought this upon yourself. Work a shitty retail job or something.

Mate, you're barely scraping 7/10.
Get a fucking grip you arrogant shitheel.

if you're talking about the dude in OP picture, that's barely a 5/10 for a white guy

Man, I must look like shit then.

You're not handsome. I'm definitely better looking and even I'm not handsome in the sense your thinking of. In any white country you probably fall into average or a bit above due to obesity being common but you really cant call yourself a 9/10 because you can fuck Asian girls.

Just lol at the Jow Forums spergs calling me ugly. Kys fgts u just mad I fucked high school student hotties on the regular.

Brb. Might be broke but better looking than u guys

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Dude, you're not that good looking. It's partly the jaw and crazy eyes, but mostly it's the obvious lack of proper hygiene that can be seen even from your photos.

bugman begone

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Lol 70% of the people there already speak English. Maybe OP should have developed useful skills instead of literally just being able to speak the language of his home country and then fucking up even that. Also he's a 6/10 max. I can only recommend seeing if one of your hobbies allow for career opportunities and otherwise learn coding for a bit.
If you can speak and write Mandarin that could be a useful skill for international companies.

Hahahaha just because you banged ugly asian chicks doesn't mean shit. Your face is fucked bro you're like a 5/10 goblin


Dont come into this thread

It's because you're retarded

Sup you bert ass mother fucker.

Look like a penis with hair on top.

I wouldn't trust you to work at a coffee shop with out going full pedophile.

Attached: 2602101-2463857318-bert-.jpg (300x400, 32K)

You can not be serious.

Nice double chin, faggot

yeah right...

You don't even have a single photo of the chinese "goods".

fuckin liar.

You look like an ugly mark Zuckerberg

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I dont think you understand what
>lack of workers
mean. Germany needs 400k new workers every year just to sustain their current economy. They will hire literally anybody at this point.

Chinese people are terrible at judging the attractiveness of foreigners. You're actually kind of strange looking motherfucker

Lol sorry not sorry for rising to proof bait. Suck it Jow Forums fgts and worship me.

Thx 4 the non advice and only giving me jealousy nerd rage

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agreed. and thats enough of an answer to his problem.

Damn man I hope you are larping someone. If not, chill out and spend some time with your parents for a while and then go out job searching.

Those contraptions must be where he cooks the infants he consumes.

Lol they knew you were ugly as fuck, they just hoped you would marry one of them and drag them out of bugland.

Enjoy living with your parents and working at CVS/Riteaid you Bert lookin mother fucker.

Holy fuck are you delusional.

Even fat bitches would cringe at you.

Fun fact, most guys on adv look like you or better. You a fuckin freak and dont even know it.

Why the fuck were you banging your students? It’s easy as hell to find pussy in China, or Asia in general, from places that doesn’t include your student population

Bert thought he was 2cool4scool

I know this is troll but just incase it's not.

>I fucked high school student hotties
No shit. Being american is enough to get you laid in most of asia. I have a buddy who is 80lbs overweight and looks like the pilsbury dough boy, he slayed pussy in japan. You're not good looking. You're not ugly either, just very average. The previous 5/10 rating was white. I don't know a single girl who would even glance in your general direction. I'm sure you can get laid if you're confident/funny but if your personality was bad you'd be screwed.

Now tell me I took the bait or whatever. It's fine, just wanted to make absolutely sure that you're not real because if you are, your cockyness is severely misplaced. I'd be sad as fuck if I looked like you with your abnormally long face completely lacking in masculine features, and strangely wide chin.

You obviously know what you are doing wrong. Face reality, fix your life up, and stop being a retarded faggot. You obliviously need to learn discipline, learn to control your emotions, and stop thinking you are some main character. Be humble, and learn humility.

Idk guys, the internet says hea beautiful

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>>Got blacklisted and deported
this doesnt actually happen
this thread was obviously made by a seething incel


So what I'm getting from this thread is that basically you're pretending to be this guy so you can spread the word about him being a sexpat dirtbag teacher that fucks students?
Decent effort I guess, but could've been done way better.

This. OP, post timestamped pics, otherwise I'm just going to assume this is a thinly-veiled personal army attempt.

What an enormous faggot.

Sorry but you're a 4 with the 'aliens' hair.
Probably why you could only pull students.

Mate you are ugly as sin you look like a fucking alien. I'm an 8/10 and look like this so in what universe could you be a 9

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whoa....please be in Seattle.


Emmm, as a Chinese girl, I have to Say u R fucking ugly. Only some stupid girls will like u

You even look like Zuckerberg.
Lost cause

>fucks fat/ugly damaged goods chinks
>thinks it's because he's attractive

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Holy shit! I would be a baller in the Ukraine.

Dude, those eyelashes are beautiful

Go teach English and bang chicks in some other country.
But stay the fuck away from Japan you white cunt.

What a sexy twink faggot.
That mustache just screams girly powerbottom.

you're a sexpat predator who took advantage of girls in developing countries. put you in a non white worship nation and your true value as a loser shows. they should throw you in jail

No self respecting woman wants a conceited shithead that calls himself a 9/10

>Be this guy
>Thinks he's a irresistible 9/10 chad because he preys on naive high school virgins
>Forced out of a country most likely due to rape charges
>Absolutely oblivious
>Posts fuggo face on Jow Forums to complain about the repercussions
>Gets roasted


Gay. Gay and ugly.nice receding hairline, faggot.

>Confirmed britcunt

You look like an unkempt Mark Zuckerberg

Where do I get a gf like this please respond


You need to lift and stop dressing like such a fucking dork. 5/10

Your head is shaped like upside down egg.

>Legit 9/10
>said be me because you might have thought I was telling someone else's story
>shit haircut
>scruffy look, can't iron clothing properly, Jesus fucking wept look at your collar in any picture, you look like a teenager wearing yesterday's clothes
>weird shaped face
>better flex with your bicep completely contracted to show anything resembling arm muscle
>taught a language in another country because I couldn't teach anything at home
>fucked Chinese students who couldn't hack their own social hierarchy and fucked the first white guy who showed any interest in them, got blacklisted and deported
>have no money because I taught in a dirt poor country
>girls don't want a guy who preyed on students and has no relevant social skills beyond fucking people desperate to learn more English outside the classroom

You're delusional.

Bet she's expensive. How much per night?

You're not a 8 either. You have a long ass Dark Souls nose, a weak jaw and weird eyebrows. The fuckboy haircut might fool some drunk chicks but that's it.


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If you're not OP, would be interested to see your pic

I'm hideous, probably a 2 or 3/10 probably

Whatever you say bro, I look a thousand times better than OP who thinks he's a 9 and has completely unwarranted levels of narcissism

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>weak jawline

Is that you in the pic? If it is then Jesus Christ nips have no standards

You look better in that pic, still not sold on the eyebrow/eye combo. Still good looking.

Just because your students suck your dick to get good grades doesn’t mean you’re attractive man. Get a grip

What's weird about my eyebrows? Should I trim them a bit? Thanks for the honesty

>implying that zuck isn’t already unnatural looking

That’s not the internet that’s a poorly designed bot with no concept of actual attractiveness

It would be passable if you two have a good face but both of you look like shit and the only difference is that you look autistic
Start on something small work on a retail or something. Rebuild your life. Where are your parents?

moar chinese sluts pls

>can't get a job because I taught >English in China too long

fellas I look at least 10x better than this guy but no girls approach me..

Just lol at saying I'm autistic. Whatever senpai. I have the notches on my bedposts to make the incels rage here.

Family can't help me. I'm already living at my dad's lake house and borrowing from them but it's been a long time since my Visa wasn't renewed and my fake degree / shitty character leaks exposed. Nobody will give me a job anywhere because of what happens when u type my name on Google. Some keyboard warrior faggot posted it on docdroid for the world to see.

I maintain 9/10 btw. At least in China.

pls say sike

Nice body on the girl, ugly chink face tho

Change your name legally kouhai

where the fuck do i find guys like you

Your eyebrows look fine bro, dunno what he's on about

Beta levels of melanin. Maybe a 7 if u weren't covered in moles like a melanoma fgt

this guy reeks of jealousy


You fuckin delusional faggot. Is that seamen on your upper lip?

Screams the powerbottom.

Teach English in Africa, you’ll get pussy in no time

Lmao so some complete and utter beta incest-spawn hijacked my thread with his fugly, mole covered body and confused "what just went in my ass"/plz give moar compliments face - so I'm dipping out.

Brb no fucks given.

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Europe, most American men are mixed with too many things and are therefore ugly as sin. I am Austrian. I am average looking in Europe, most Austrian men are good looking and the farther north you go almost every man looks like a male model in comparison to American genetics

You look like you'd be a great barista for Starbucks.
They need poorfags like you to sniff the farts of the elitist that need validation in the form of humiliating you for not making their coffee right.

Do Starbucks do background checks? Not even good for that if they do senpai