What does Jow Forums think of MGTOW?

What does Jow Forums think of MGTOW?

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i'm clearly old for not knowing what this means :(

I wish they would fucking go their own way. If life was a hallway, MGTOWers would be standing right in the middle of it telling us how removed they are whilst bitching about every woman so has to squeeze passed them.

men going their own way.
imo kinda dumb

I would respect them more if they actually did what they preach. How hard is it to start some men only community? Most of them are in America so it's not like there aren't communes and similar communities.

Imagine being so shit at dating that you remove yourself from the market entirely

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I think it's problematic.

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Wholesale of a half truth.
Which fits neatly into the cult/scam category in my book.
Dont fall for it.

This. No women is a whore, and they are certainly worth risking losing half of your possessions to.

Not sure whether to pity them or laugh about them.


I think it's pretty stupid. Yeah sure, women can be weird, manipulative and shallow but so are we as men. All humans have pros and cons about their personalities. We're humans, we're not perfect.

Rather than learning how to deal with both the good and the bad of women, MGTOW's decide they'd rather not even bother trying. The funny thing is that these MGTOW's think that living by yourself, with no family, will make them happy for the rest of their lives.

And for all those MGTOW's who will slate me off for saying this, i'd like to ask you one thing: imagine being 70 years old, retired, sitting at home in front of your TV. You have no family and no children. Do you really think you'll feel happy knowing you haven't done the single, most important thing which nature has put you on the planet for? Humans are designed to pair up and reproduce strong, healthy children. It's pretty much the reason why you're alive.


I'd rather kill myself at 50, alone, than be holed up in my 70s with some nagging whore that settled for me after coming off the carousel in her mid 30s and seeing kids that probably aren't mine every so often

Then actually go your own way and stop coming back to be a miserable cunt around people who rightfully view you as retarded.

used to be one of them when i was younger and mad at everything. now im just solitary and content, treating the thought of dating like i treat politics: glad im not part and occasionally shaking my head when another family member gets burnt.
gotta love them for somehow going their own way together and not realizing the irony.

Um, no. In the life that matters (i.e. real life) I don't bother anyone with this shit. But here, it's pretty fun to make people angry about this petty shit. So fuck off

I kinda agree with most of it from experience.

There really are no pixie dream girls. They're all just as ruthless, or more ruthless, than me when it comes to life. Often more because they feel so physically insecure.

You people literally shit up every board you're on to the point where you were given your own and still can't "go your own way". It's genuinely just sad at this point.

>with some nagging whore
So you're saying, all women are 'nagging whores'?

I don't know in which world you live in, but i know plenty of women who are quite sweet, caring and friendly. The ones you're describing are the ones you obviously shouldn't be committing yourself to.

Wow, someone already said it.
Well then just agreeing here.

They say they are going they're own way but they never actually go. I'm not sure where they are trying to even go. Because they won't just, go. Lol.

Btw websites are one person.
They're here but they're everywhere.
And there's normal people here as well.

My own way is hanging out on these/those boards. You don't own any board

>And for all those MGTOW's who will slate me off for saying this, i'd like to ask you one thing: imagine being 70 years old, retired, sitting at home in front of your TV. You have no family and no children. Do you really think you'll feel happy knowing you haven't done the single, most important thing which nature has put you on the planet for? Humans are designed to pair up and reproduce strong, healthy children. It's pretty much the reason why you're alive.
You're absolutely right.

I view MGTOWs as cowards. Jump in. Life is about living. If you lose half your shit to risk being loved and cared for and vice versa, then so be it. A MGTOW is the relationship version of being afraid to go outside because you might die ad get hit by a car. Yeah, relationships won't work out. Yeah, people get divorced. But quality women also value marriage a lot (even when they don't say it by name they value cohabitation and de facto lifestyles; so you'll still lose half your shit when she splits from you). You will never change this fact. You can either die old and alone or you can take that leap. That's fucking life.

What does it say about you that you think you can't get a girl who is worth her salt, would want to bear your children and would want to care for you?

You insult yourself, dumbass.

There's women here.
I'll give you cooties.
Wooooooo watch out you aren't safe

I'm saying the only ones I'm "good enough" for are all nagging whores. So yes, there are decent women out there, no doubt. I'm just not good enough for them, and the effort required to get them isn't worth it, and so I'd rather be alone. Pretty easy to understand

There are negros here too. Whats your point?

I forgot anonymous had a gender

So you're also illiterate, I didn't say I own a board, I said you people were given one and you can't just stay there. It's funny how thing your own way means consistently interacting with and being bitter about women, it's almost as if you're going the same way as everyone else but just loudly complaining about it...

very typical of a woman to be incapable of being anonymous and hunt for any attention she can get.

Sometimes I do it as a minority too. I don't think its a woman thing.

Not her but you can't honestly accuse her of that when the MGTOW ITT is like 'WEW LOOK AT ME I'M A MGTOW AND SO SELF-RIGHTEOUS WOMEN ARE THIS AND THAT'. She's just doing the same thing back to him.

Are you imply Jow Forums is an mgtow board? Kek. Going your own way means you don't give a fuck about what's expected of you. I'm expected to stay on a containment board? Ok, I'll be sure to do that


Yes because that's why it was made, albeit before people started pridefully identifying as loveless losers under cooler names. I don't "expect" anything but it is very sad when you all sit there screaming that you're going your own way and that's why you're clogging up everywhere with your irrelevant nonsense.

It's sad that people brought this up at all. I didn't start this thread, and yet look at how much hate they receive. It's easy (you)'s for me and that's why I'm here. I would have been more than content to provide relevant advice in other threads unrelated to mgtow but I'm not passing up an opportunity to engage in "thoughtful" discussion with people

Only ugly, autistic, sad and bitter men get into it.
>t. guy who inadvertently became MGTOW

>If you lose half your shit to risk being loved and cared for and vice versa, then so be it.
Well the funny thing, that doesn't have to happen at all. There are plenty of ways in which you can have a partner and have children while keeping the risks relatively low. You can stay away from marriage, you can sign prenups, you can make sure you partner up with a woman who has a decent enough income so she could take care of herself in case of divorce. Also, simply vetting a woman's personality properly before any long term commitment will help a ton as well. Don't commit yourself to crazy, instable, dumb etc. woman. Or women with severe emotional/mental issues in general.

None of these are 100%, fullproof solutions i know that. But if you're mindful of who you're marrying (if you consider marriage in the first place), you can keep the risks manageable.

I thought you were gonna go your own way? Why haven't you gone?

Circle circle dot dot
Hope you got your cooties shot

im not a mgtow, turbothot.

ok you are so cool you don't care what others think.

post your socia media user
let's see the real you

*cooties incoming*

I'm afraid there's no cure.

>implying I have social media
I do have a Facebook, and I'll give you my first name: Darrell

I can see where some of their concerns come from, but I think they're not dealing with them in a very helpful, or effective way. I think they're on a sure course that's headed straight for a lifetime of confusion and misery. But I'm also a single guy who's always thinking about suicide, so I'm not going to sit here and hang shit on them when I'm no better.

>There are177,744people in the U.S. with the first name Darrell.

No proof this name is genuine nor a last name nor which country you are from. Truly a brave soul.

How does not caring what others thing equate to me being fine doxing myself? I am also from Pittsburgh. That should help

Pretty gay but at least they aren’t settling down with a girl who’s list of sexual partners looks like a phone book

Hijacking this bread.

Today I refused to travel an hour to another city with my wife to visit her half-brother's son's new baby girl. She's from a culture that puts a big emphasis on family and maintaining ties, which comes with a lot of obligations. Such obligations come up ever few weeks.

Today I said no and she said fine and left looking pissed off. I feel shitty but really didn't want to go see this kid. Did I fuck up?

Attached: deeblygoncerned.jpg (587x587, 47K)

>he's from a culture that doesn't place family first
The West deserves to die

Not him, but why am I supposed to drop everything because my fat retarded third cousin can't take care of his mixed race fuckspawn?

There's the Jow Forums I remember.

I agree with their diagnosis of the problem of dating, however I don't want to give up because it's difficult and hard


It's not difficult or hard, just not worth the effort and risk

Some of things they say are valid, but there are a lot of MGTOWs who are just hedonists, and their autism tends to hurt the MGTOWs that are actually smart and want to help people.

She just got back and is now terrorising me. She’s been waiting for this all day. MGTOW has a point.

Hi, Jow Forums here -
Guess it's alright

>certainly worth risking losing half of your possessions

haha thats for 8-10/10s (counting intelligence, personality etc). but must of us just can't get those. I've banged a few so I believe I know how good it is, but I wasn't good enough for a relationship, apparently. And, unhappily, i'm becoming a bit pessimistic about it now... I understand MGTOW, even though I'm still trying to get someone I love and I'm not giving up so soon.

btw, possessions are not the whole story. The relationship itself might not be great.

I'm not frequent on Jow Forums, though.

Degenerates who are just another component of modern moral rot--they don't see an issue in whoring around, they're merely asshurt by a perceived inability to participate in it. Hence the term "incel" in its original use, although that's since been rendered near meaningless by screeching tumblrites.

>they don't see an issue in whoring around
Some do, but not all of MGTOW is men fucking as many women as they can and refusing to settle down.

They're weak cowards that would rather be more bitter, than strong, and work through their problems. They never actually end up going their own way, only bitch about women all day long.

These pig memes are easily the most neckbeard memes I have seen on Jow Forums in 7 years of browsing just about every board

>guy doesn't want a relationship
OK. Do what you want. Why would I care.

>starts actively trying to convert others
Fucking retarded.

Incels pretending to be volcels

>No women is a whore
Then who have I been paying to suck my cock?

Mgtow is supposed to be any man who refuses to have serious long-term relationships with women, and I think a lot of people (including many mgtow) don’t get that you can be mgtow, and still date and fuck women. Mgtow =/= misogynist incel, although that seems to be the majority of the group.
Also if you don’t want to get married, why the fuck do you have to turn it into this “mgtow” identity? Just be okay with your life choices, don’t turn it into this cringey acronymic movement

Yeah, seems like a good idea.
Just find a corner to fizzle out in, like a dog.

I can't do it. I'm too angry. I hate you all way too much to give you that satisfaction. Holy fuck it still hurts. I'll have my woman and my own little corner of Hell, and I'll show you cock mongers what you were supposed to do with me, with my brother.

You almost made sense there, then it got weird at the end. What are you on about?

Total agreement with the stated intentions, repulsed by the actual advocates and doubtful of their sincerity.
I wonder if they are even aware of it.

>'s son
Getting increasingly removed.
>'s new baby girl
>wife's half-brother's son's daughter
I wouldn't, either. That she's pissy about it means your relationship won't last, values are too different. Dump her ASAP.

>Just be okay with your life choices, don’t turn it into this cringey acronymic movement

I don't consider myself one, but I can see the allure. The problem is that every time I listen or watch one talk about it, I can't help but think they're resentful. It gives me the impression they were scorned and didn't get over it.

If you do decide to be one just don't associate with them or call yourself one.

strong independent men that need no women

They're the male equivalent of screeching tumblerinas. Nobody likes a man who complains all day about how hard the world treats him.
