Is there a way out of the dreaded friendzone?

Is there a way out of the dreaded friendzone?

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Yeah, improve as a person.

Oh yeah i should mention, i want to escape from the literal very bestfriendzone

Ask them out.
If they reject you, stop being friends with them.

Either of these.

You have missed too many opportunities to establish yourself as a romantic partner and now she has lost the ability to view you in such a way.

Your only hope is to become WAY less available and make no secret of perusing other women romantically. And when I say 'make no secret' I don't mean literally tell your oneitis apropos of nothing, but simply do not hide it

Oof, if you've brought it up and she straight up rejected you, you need to start meeting more people. If you haven't brought it up, you need to do so veeery carefully or else she'll kneejerk react.

Either way though, probably just meet more people. Eventually you'll get options.

Well, here is how it happened, when i met her, she had a boyfriend, so i just kinda went with it, but liked her, we became really good friends.
then while she still had a boyfriend, it came up, i'm not even sure i brought it up, but well, she was in a relationship at the time so, we just kinda forgot it.
we are "best friends" or something like that, wee talk a lot, share a lot, she isn't in a relationship anymore (for a while now), she is quite vocal about it too.
I still like her, and i do meet people, and i had opportunities along the way, but never pursued, couz i liked this girl, so i never got anywhere, went on a date or two with a few other people, but nah.

>Ask them out.
>If they reject you, stop being friends with them.

>when i met her, she had a boyfriend, so i just kinda went with it
nigga u cuck?

When will you fucks realise that we friend zone guys... because we have no desire or interests in you sexually, romantically. Or we did bang because us woman just got out of a breakup and felt shitty. And you just happened to be there to give her attention. Now you get pumped and dumped and she wants to be “friends” there is no way out

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IF she’s wanted you user she would be msging you right now dripping, but she is not. Sorry user

This is literally the worst bait in the world. I can't wait for half a dozen incels to jump on it and start frothing.

Not bait user. Just telling you guys the truth. I had a guy in the friend zone for almost 6 years. Every time I was sad or needed someone he would tell me “I would never do anything like that to hurt you” it makes me sad kinda he was a super nice guy. But I just wasnt attracted to him in any way. The worst part is we can tell you guys like so much. We just don’t want to hurt your feelings so here’s the friend zone. Sucks being an attractive chick too. Every single guy friend I’ve ever had has tried to kiss me, ask me out, ect. Sorry guys we don’t owe you shit
T. Chick with no dick

>Sorry guys we don’t owe you shit
Funny how i never said anything of the sort, but you assumed it... makes ya think.

I can't fathom how a guy can end up in the friendzone.

Your only interaction with women aside from your mother should be in the context of 'Do they wanna fuck me in the immediate future?'

If the answer is no then LEAVE and forget they ever existed.

yeah, i have done that in the past, two times, and had no issues, this ain't the same

In my mind there's a pretty huge difference in "blame" between a girl who friendzone'd a guy vs. a girl who ALREADY HAD A BOYFRIEND. That's not friendzoning you, that's her being faithful to the guy.

You established a relationship with a girl with a boyfriend, thus obviously the relationship was not that romantically or sexually. Any continuation of the relationship will thus be non sexual or romantic. "Hey user, remember that time you made that funny joke and I laughed and had a good time, then went home and had ex-bf fuck me? good times :3 "

Treat her like a guy friend at this point. If she wants to hang out and you want to as well for reasons besides having your guy friend fuck you in the ass, go for it. Otherwise, find another girl.

Talking about the friends here man. It’s like they have a pretty girl as a friend so if they don’t get a chance it’s whiney cry baby “whhhha I’m in the friendzone” that’s what I mean we don’t owe you shit. You guys make us feel guilt for not fucking you guys and make up a “friend zone” to make woman seem like cunts. We’re all just people

You fuckers all know this is true.

Guys are ruined by their dicks that’s what

Sometimes I think you can get stuck despite a mutual attraction for various reasons but I agree in most cases its just people stating their annoyance that someone isn't attracted to them.

Turn the friendzone into a warzone like saint rodgers.

How about the freinds with benefits zone?

This is worse desu. Fucking and being intimate with a girl who only sees you as a warm dildo and will never love you as you love her

Nah i ain't talkin about that, i have a few friends whom i would describe as pretty or attractive but i dont care really, thing is, that this lady is different, it's not just that i like her, she does actively seek my comapny, we meet irl a bunch, and all that, one of our mutual friends described us, as "more than friends, but less than more than friends" which i feel is quite accurate.

Don't be fat and gay

You wont be in any zone if you move the fuck on already.

I'm not fat, and i'm not that gay lel

true that, but that's the entire point, that i have no desire to move on, as i mentioned before in the thread, i've been rejected plenty before, but that didnt bother me for much, i moved on from those, this ain't the same.

Yes. Grow up.

Literally. The friendzone is a phobia of teenagers. But most adult romances begin as friendships

There is no such thing as the friend zone.

There is only:
You asked them out and they said “yes.”
You asked them out and they said “No”

Anything they say that is not exactly a “yes” is a “no”.

Other than that is the bullshit limbo zone you made up for yourself in because either you’re too chickenshit to ask them out, or too dense to realize that anything other than a “yes” is a no.

Not really, but I have given two of my friends pity sex once. I only did it because I felt that hadn't had luck with other girls in a long time. But all I did was just basically bend over and let them do their thing. I didn't want to kiss them or look at them or anything because it would be weird being friends with them

Suicide is the ultimate way out of the friend zone. Even better, there will be virgins waiting for you in the afterlife when you do it according to some religions!

yes, stop being friends with them

Damn that's a bit fucked. Wouldn't want to be in their shoes if they have feelings for you. Tbf not that bad if you just wanna nut

unironically this. if you ask her out, there's only two possible options: it's either he/she sees you as a potential partner or not. the whole idea of friendzone is just used as an excuse in order to not hurt your feelings as directly as possible thinking that you, as the one who is asking him/her out, might not take the rejection properly.

p much this.The friendzone isn't a place you get out of so much as a place you put yourself in by girlfriendzoning the object of your affection (and you ARE treating her like an object when you do this).

Flirt with her friends right in front of her and move the fuck on.

Only one of them had feelings I think. At least only one told me about it. That they could never someone who understands them like me, blah blah. But that was never going to happen. I just want to be friends and chill.

No if a girl rejects you move on. Women and men aren’t friends. You wanna hang out with her when she meets and dates some hot guy? Forget her. Make your move faster / be attractive. Orbiters are below suitors and have no chance

This. Dude, you gotta see that what your doing is obsessing over this woman. You've asked her multiple times and been turned down multiple times. It doesn't matter what you infer from her actions because your mind's been warped by the obsession and it makes you read into things too much.